Sup QCI-ders... welcome to HuHuHu Huge Week... a build up to what will and should be an interesting week of scoop and fun. Lots of stuff happening to build up to Seperation Saturday... the RPI Fall Event... so the World's Crappiest Blog is hooking you up with the goods... and the awesomeness. Each day, we'll get random... but we also have a schedule of really crappy stuff to keep you geared up for Seperation Saturday ERR the RPI Event...
HUHUHU HUGE QUICK HIT - Per a release posted here from this morning and the TIR who broke it first... Tim Albrecht aka The Beanwalker... is going over to Team TEB. Talk about a game changing pick up. Who are the next pick ups and names to be added to the others in the race? Expect some releases this week to slow the TEB momentum.
HUHUHU HUGE WEEK SCHED - Yups... we havea plan.. "Does this mean you will actually proof read your posts before you put them up G$?" Bite me :)... yea yeah we shall try... All we're sayin here with the sched is... you're gonna want to check back here alot... and drop a few comments or two. Here's what's coming up on HUHUHU HUGE WEEK...
TUESDAY - 2009 QCI SMACK OFF PREVIEW - That's right... the Smack off is back! After a scuccessful Smack Off last year.. We thought, why the hell not for HUHUHU HUGE WEEK? Tuesday, we'll preview the topics and relive some of the best smacks from last year...
WEDNESDAY - 2009 QCI SMACK OFF - Have a take and don't suck. Same Rules as last year... It will be game on and really bring the good stuff. As always... Junior High Humor encouraged... Who'll have the HUHUHU HUGE Take of the Day? We'll see who gets racked.
THURSDAY - UPON FURTHER REVIEW DAY - We'll recap the smack... catch up on scoop and updates... then preview yet another epic QCI tradition for Friday... that's right...
FRIDAY - QCI GAMEDAY POST III - Uh huh... the most read posts here... Remember this one? Oh and this one? Yeah... the Gameday post... it will be previews and takes from our writing staff here at QCI. Subject... bet you can guess... but we'll wait to see what our writers come up with... will there be a mascot head? Better check it out on Friday.
SEPERATION SATURDAY LIVE - QCI will be all over that day... from live Tweets... posts and everything in between. We'll also be live from the Fairgrounds on blogger row.... and... you can buy us a beer! How cool is that? Just straight awesom.
So that's is QCI-ders... be ready... and stay thirsty friends... oh and crank this...