HUHUHU HUGE WEEK QUICK HITS - Election Day Edition - In Iowa... Chris Reed announced he is running for Congress in the 2nd... We gots a couple heated Mayor races in Waukee and Cedar Rapids... oh and the Council races are burning in the City of 5 Smells as well... Oh and get this... the Youth Vote in civic elections... doesn't exist... Did you know Pope Benny is Catholic? Out East... A bunch of QCI-ders are working in VA/NJ... hearing good stuff out of there... stay thristy on those.
QCI-ders... It's BAAAA-AAAACK!!!! The Smack Down... If you're having trouble following tomorrow's post... here's a tutorial here... and last years event. Its epic... here's some winning takes that got racked last year... We hope they comeback for year two...
Beast of Burden said...
Hmm the real question before us right now before is the race for chairman. Two requirements no crazies (that means no tin foil hats and talk about Obama's birth certifcate) and people who can reach across the entire state. To the central commitee in regards to the crazies in the party, take the advice I gave a buddy about a crazy girlfirend "Son, you need to lock that shit down pronto." War the Barnstormers. G$ rack me!
Rack him, again. BTW... Beast of Burden references will get you racked everytime.
The Otter said...
Hi, this Tim Matheson, star of movies and television. I am here to offer some advice to the Central Committee of the Iowa GOP. You need a leader who can deliver a speech like I did in Animal House, here it is for inspiration. " The issue here is not whether we broke a few rules, or took a few liberties with our female party guests; we did. But you can't hold a whole fraternity responsible for the behavior of a few sick, perverted individuals. For if you do, then shouldn't we blame the whole fraternity system? And if the whole fraternity system is guilty, then isn't this an indictment of our educational institutions in general? I put it to you, Greg! Isn't this an indictment of our entire American society? Well, you can do what you want to us, but we're not going to sit here and listen to you bad-mouth the United States of America! Gentlemen!" I'm out! War John Belushi, Fletch, the West Wing, Jack Daniels, the TKE house at Drake, and soriority girls! Rack me! G$
Love it... Rack him again... Also... random movie bits... perfect for the Smack Down...
Gordon Lightfoot said...
Hey, it's me Gordon Lightfoot checking in from Canada, the place where bacon is really ham and we put maple syrup in our coffee. I wanted to make a suggestion for the Iowa Republican Party, I am willing to offer the state party, the use of the Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald as the new theme song for the party, royalty free. That about sums the situation in the your state's party, eh? I'm out. War Captain Kirk, Neil Young, and that skinny broad who sang the song in Titanic. And of course beavers. Rack me G$
That's a great song. Oh and don't forget junior high humor... Epic. Rack him again.
And the HUHUHU HUGE TAKE from the 2008 QCI SMACK DOWN... drum roll...
BB said...
The professional errrr perpetual errrr gubernatorial candidate BVP makes a great sacrificial lamb but in no way is a serious contender to beat Culver and if you think so that is the definition of insanity. Its like watching the Chiefs.... or any of those ass clowns in that haphazard excuse for a division. You might be interested to see how good they can do but realize if you even make mention of them winning the Super Bowl you are going to get laughed at (and not be taken seriously). Why can’t anyone get this guy to run for state house/senate/any other local office because I would like to see him do something constructive other than campaign.
The Chairman would be the best place to start the re-tooling of the 72 hour... errrr 72 day... errrr 7.2 month program. Couple that with a great gubernatorial candidate who is well funded and poses a serious threat to Governor Dauber and the Repubs are back in business. There is no better place to look than those responsible for making tailgating in the spring/summer possible again GO STORMERS!!!
And as for this presidential crap... we are in Iowa so I guess the perpetual campaign marches onward (and I'm not talkin BVP this time) look for sleeper My man Mitch and DOOOOOO NOOOOOOT FOOOOORGEEEEET NEWTEEEEE! Rack ME G I'm OOOOOUUUUUUUUTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!
Jaw still dropped... Political smack, Chiefs smack and 7.2 reference!?!?!
Tomorrow is going to be epic... Stay thirsty friends.... This is G$... and... GOOD NIGHT NOW!