EDITORS NOTE: The following is a collaboration of thoughts from three anonymous loyal readers of QCI.
Ginormous thanks to the three writers. Seriously you rock.
The following is the transcript of the back and forth. Enjoy the great, but long post.

HERBSTREIT: It’s an electric atmosphere, Chris. All of the hard work. The new faces. The Grizzled grassroots veterans. It’s going to be fun to watch the results tomorrow night. Coach, what do you think?
CORSO: Fellas, it all comes down to this! We have some great races going on… Let’s get to the predictions!

Crowd: Boooo!!!! Hiss!!!!
HERBSTREIT: I hate to ruin this show on the first race, but let’s face it. Here’s my question, what’s the over under on the winner of this primary raising $150,000 for the general? Eichorn 55, Rathje 25 and Reed 20.
Crowd Chanting: No More Harkin! (clap clap, clap clap clap) No More Harkin….
FOWLER: Ouch Kirk… Coach, your thoughts?

Crowd: YEA!!!!! No More Harkin! (clap clap, clap clap clap) No More Harkin….
FOWLER: Interesting picks. I agree with both of you… either Eichorn or Reed, and a steep hill against Harkin. Our next race to preview, the 2nd District GOP Congressional. It’s been intense and fun to watch. The candidates, Miller-Meeks, Teahen… oh and yes Harder. Kirk, where do you see this landing?
Crowd: YEAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!! 3-M! 3-M! 3-M….
FOWLER: So 3M is the consensus here. Good to see you two agree, even in a primary. Let’s shift gears here a little. The 3rd District Dem Congressional… Congressman Leonard Boswell and for State Rep and Guv candidate, Ed Fallon. Sparks have been flying and mud a slinging. Who do we like here?
HERBSTREIT: Sparks may have been flying… but that’s it. The Dem establishment saves GMLB… again. Boswell 59 and Fallon 41… my question is how much campaign money did Fallon hold back to ensure he still has a salary post June 3rd?

FOWLER: Coach, nothing surprises us anymore. Now… Our final pick of the day… The Race of the Day… On to the Granddaddy of all of the GOP State House races. We go to the northwest part of Polk County. In a house district that makes ole G$ giggle when you say it. House District 69…
Crowd: (going freaking nuts) YEAAAAAH!!!!! 69! 69! 69! 69! 69! (now going into frenzy)
FOWLER: Looks like the race people here on the set have showed up to see. Erik Helland and Al Lorenzen. Young guy running against a basketball star. It’s been getting very heated as of late. Helland is calling himself the REAL Republican in the race… he may have a point… but those blue and green signs are everywhere , especially in the swing area of Johnston. I have heard reports of Lorenzen signs in Ankeny? Kirk what’s your gut?
HERBSTREIT: Chris, this is truly the Granddaddy of the State House races tomorrow. I’m going to sum it up with this… The Walt Tomenga Organization versus the Muscatine Mafia ... to paraphrase Sean Connery from the "Untouchables", “it’s like bringing a knife to a gunfight.” The Vanilla Gorilla should stick to sports.

FOWLER: Ouch Kirk! Ladies and gentlemen, the king of the snarky Mr. Kirk Herbstreit!
Crowd: (even louder) 69!! 69!! 69!! 69!!!
HERBSTREIT: Snarky or not Chris… it’s fundamentals, that’s how you win. Now, I’m going to step away here and let the ole Coach do his thing. Coach, you have a box under the desk here… who is going to win and who’s head do you have in there?
Crowd: (damn near rioting right now) 69!!!! 69!!!! 69!!!! 69!!!!
FOWLER: You just don’t mess with tradition, take it away Coach…
CORSO: House District 69 is THE most exciting races of the day! It will be won by the narrowest of margins 51%! Less than a 2% of the vote will win! Can I get a Recount! A lot of interesting facets to this race but in the end the good people of House District 69… ha ha… 69...
HERBSTREIT: You just couldn’t do it without a chuckle, huh Coach?
CORSO: No I can’t my friend. This is G$’s blog! Shout out G! The good people of HD 69 will go with the legit Republican and have great representation for many years to come. The winner will become a real power player atop Capitol Hill.
(Lee Corso slaps the desk, then grabs mascot head from underneath)
Crowd: (even louder) 69!! 69!! 69!! 69!!!
HERBSTREIT: Snarky or not Chris… it’s fundamentals, that’s how you win. Now, I’m going to step away here and let the ole Coach do his thing. Coach, you have a box under the desk here… who is going to win and who’s head do you have in there?
Crowd: (damn near rioting right now) 69!!!! 69!!!! 69!!!! 69!!!!
FOWLER: You just don’t mess with tradition, take it away Coach…
CORSO: House District 69 is THE most exciting races of the day! It will be won by the narrowest of margins 51%! Less than a 2% of the vote will win! Can I get a Recount! A lot of interesting facets to this race but in the end the good people of House District 69… ha ha… 69...
HERBSTREIT: You just couldn’t do it without a chuckle, huh Coach?

(Lee Corso slaps the desk, then grabs mascot head from underneath)

Crowd: (absolutely f’ing insane) YEAAAAAH!!!!! ERIK HELLAND!!! 69!!!! ERIK HELLAND!!!! 69!!!!!!!
FOWLER: That’s it from here. The results are up to you now. Check in after the polls close! Don’t forget to vote!
FOWLER: That’s it from here. The results are up to you now. Check in after the polls close! Don’t forget to vote!