3RD DISTRICT HEATS UP - Haven't talked much about this yet... but looks like we're getting some good candidates to take on GMLB. A good full slate of peeps from different backgrounds... We're calling it right now...the 3rd will be a bell weather. This primary will huge effects on the rest of the candidates on the ticket... I'm talking Governor too. Huge turn outs in this district may decide a few other races... stay tuned on this one.
OH NOES... WE STINK AGAIN - Oh the humanity QCI-ders... The lovable Kansas City Chiefs didn't take one on the chin... um... they were blind sided... (of which, you gotta see that flick)... You heard it here first... the Chiefs will sign a center this week. It's how they roll...
PICKING A NEW POPE ERRR NEW COACH AT NOTRE DAME - You're gonna wanna be watching the sky above South Bend... once they send him packing... the frenzy (per our pal Chris Faulkner) will turn into a huge media circus on who the new coach will be at Notre Dame... Remember... white smoke means we got a new Pope... ERRR Coach at ND.
SPEAKING OF CHARLIE - Word on the street is that 6 plus NFL teams have already called Weis to be their offensive coordinator... Including the Chiefs as rumor has it... Which totally makes sense if you know the family tree... The Parcells family tree that is... who is Scott Pioli married to again? 10 points if you know the answer.
"So and so... just so there are no surprises, my cranberry sauce is a red, gelatinous clump about yay-high, and shaped like a can."
That sounds pretty standard to me...
FACEBOOK AND OLD HOME WEEKEND - Man... got to see a bunch of peeps I hadn't seen in a longtime this weekend... And got to see a ton of loyal QCI-ders and Facebook stalkers... ERRR friends :) Thanks for reading... and it was great catching up with all of you. Now... if we can get you all on Twitter! That would be hella awesome! *smirk* Nah, but for real... it was an awesome time... and seeing a lot of you this weekend totally was the reason why it was such an epic week... #goodjoboutofyou
EPIC BOOK UPDATE - Alright... got the OK from my agent and PR peeps to talk a little more about my upcoming book, I'm Sorry... I'm Sorry That I Am Awesome. Writing this book has been fun so far... learning more about this than I thought... The subjects and stuff is turning to be completely random. Which... for some reason is really working... much to my agent's surprise. So we are happy with the direction of the over all project... it just takes a long time to get everything in... I mean... I wanna get it right... and hopefully... we'll get there... then you all can buy like a couple hundred copies a piece. How awesome would that be? Pretty freaking awesome. So to answer the question that is really on the minds of QCI-ders... Yes. This book thing is for real. And will be ready for your review in the Summer 2010.
TIGER TIGER WOODS Y'ALL - For real... call me Ricky Ricardo... because it sounds like Tiger has some essplainin to do. Yikes...
PARTY CRASHERS - Alright... huge thumbs up to all of my former DC peeps who Tex Mexed me when you heard about this... yeah... we were known to crash a party or two ourselves back in the day... Kind of funny actually... and sad at the same time... someone pass me some purple stuff! And... mix up some of that yellow stuff too while we're at it...
AND FINALLY... Let's get this week off to an awesome start... crank this up! Stay thirsty friends...