LOOKIE LOOKIE – So in case you’re living under a rock… the DMR has a new poll out. This is some good momentum. For real… we saw this thing retweeted more than a couple of dozen times… This is huhuhuhu huge!
BOAL TO TEB - This is a bigger pick up than the average bear QCI-ders… Former State Rep. Carmine Boal has signed up with Team TEB. “Why is this key G$?” Glad you asked. This is big because… not only does she have good conservative street cred… but 2 other things… 1) She was a part of the Team Huckamania Leadership in Iowa… so the whole “so goes Team Huck, so goes Team BVP” theory, not so much… 2) When Carmine gets involved in a campaign… look out, good things happen… stay tuned there.
HEART ATTACK ERRRR HEARTBREAK HAWKS – We’re still feeling like a beaten puppy after that one… I will just stop now before I type the 33 new cuss words I created during that game. Still have a pretty huge opening in my chest... urgh...
CHIEEEEEEEFS! Oh hell yes! You know what makes us feel better? The frigging Chiefs won! Even more sweeter? They beat the Raidas…. Yes it was ugly… but what does ugly mean? Say it all together QCI-ders… “Ugly still means you have a date to the prom.” So… we got that going for us.
EPIC BOOK UPDATE – OK… sorry to be all "sell out" on you… but at the advising of my agents and promotional team… I have been told to keep details on the upcoming soon to be dead last on the New York Times Bestseller List… I’m Sorry, I’m Sorry That I’m Awesome… off of QCI... But… I have been given the OK to tweet about it… so you may stay tuned there… look for requests, ideas and the whole process of creating the most horrible book of all time. Epic. Yeah... sorry for being a sell out... but face it... We're sell outs like Metallica... we sell out every time... holler! Stay thirsty on this one.
THAT BLASTED BARNES II – So late last night… we’re watching Sound Off… And all we hear and see is this stupid… very misled bit that Harrison Barnes was seriously considering ISU and/or ISU was a contenda… If you think or thought this… you can start to hit yourself in the head with a tack hammer… Also... how many stolen top Iowa made recruits does it make for ole Roy Williams? Hmmm...
COOL BLOG(s) ALERT – One of our favorite Celeb bloggers and former Iowa City drinking pal, Super Liz Crokin, is starting a new political blog? What!?! Super Liz, this mean no more Celeb hunting or being called a Parasite by John Cusak? Say it ain’t so! For all things celeb, check out These Boots Are Made For Stalking… and stay tuned to LizCrokin.com for more epic updates. Sup-er! Liz! Who's up for table dancing at the U Bar?
LJ TO CINCY? You heard it here first. The Cincinnati Bengals will not make the Super Bowl. If they sign LJ, this will seal their fate.
COOL EVENT ALERT – QCI Tweet Up – Awe yeah… you likes to tweet? You likes the QCI (or at least humor us)? Then… let’s get together… PLUS! Yous gets to play one of the MOST EPIC games in history. Nah… ever. Deets to come. So tweet tweet bitches! Oh… and follow my horrible crappy updates at @grantyoung72. Treat yo tweeter good nah. Details to come... Stay thirsty on this one too...
AND FINALLY… Holy smokes! How did we miss this cover? This is beyond epic… I don’t care what is going on in your office… what you’re doing online at home… or if you’re about to download some naughty naughty time… do yourself a favor (and everyone within listening distance)… stop what you’re doing… and crank the shiznit out of this!!!!! DO IT NOW!!!!