Yups... We've stuffed our faces... napped... now its all clear to put up Christmas stuff over at 525 Edwards Street... So what do I do? Go hide in my Pop's den! Alright... Time to do an obligatory "what am I thankful for" post... some are given answers... some very random... come on peeps, I'm trying to get out of decorating! Let's see how fast it takes me to get to at least 100 things amongst the millions of things I am thankful for... In no particular order...
1. My family
2. My friends
3. Decent health... key word on the decent
4. A-Team reruns at 8pm on week nights
5. Growing up in a small town
6. Still not forgetting that I'm from a small town
7. The people who take the time to waste their time reading this
8. Being awesome
9. Metallica
10. Working for a GREAT team
11. Getting to work with great co-workers
12. Mentors... you know who you are
13. Learning something new everyday
14. Diet Mountain Dew...
15. Having cool Grandmas... and awesome Grandpas
16. Having a million cousins... and all of them awesome
17. Having a sense of humor... or at least being amused easily...
18. Rooting for the Heart Attack Hawkeyes
19. Speaking of heart attacks... thankful I didn't get one after eating an Emmenecker...
20. Physically having a ginormous head... but mentally being able to keep myself grounded
21. Epic garage sessions
22. Being raised on KIOA...
23. Gas station coffee
24. Pretty much any pork product in general
25. Remembering good times
26. Creating good times
27. Having cool and hilarious aunts and uncles
28. Being a Republican
29. Being Catholic
30. Being able to see a little good in everyone
31. Liking just about everyone I meet
32. Drag racing
33. Having some cold beverages with my favorite people
34. The Kansas City Chiefs
35. Andy freaking Studebaker
36. Getting to meet some of my heroes at least once
37. For being able to draw
38. For general creativeness
39. Seeing old friends for the first time in a long time... and picking up like we just saw each other yesterday
40. For "always posting"
41. Knowing way too much random knowledge
42. Knowing there's always more to learn!
43. Haters... yes, I'm thankful for haters... they will empower you
44. Dreamers
45. Great tunes and the people who create them
46. The game of football
47. 2nd Chances
48. 3rd Chances
49. 4th Chances
50. Never ever, ever, ever giving up
51. Knowing what its like to be an under dog
52. Good conversations with complete strangers
53. Brightening someone elses day
54. Never really growing up...
55. Being able to grow an awesome mullet
56. Frosty malts
57. This great country we live in
58. Keeping expectations low
59. The two party system (2 parties every night!)
60. Surprises
61. Best friends
62. The small things
63. Laughing
64. Crying
65. Wearing your heart on your sleeve
66. People who run for office
67. The people who help people who run for office
68. Freedom
69. Veterans and anyone who wears the uniform
70. Junior high humor
71. That somethings never change
72. That somethings do change
73. Being able to rock a karaoke machine on an instant
74. For talented people
75. For being inspired by others
76. For random acts of awesomeness
77. Trying new things
78. Being able to throw left and right handed
79. God's Country, Iowa and everyone who lives there
80. Being Midwest in general
81. Helping others achieve their goals
82. Good days
83. Bad days... make you remember why good days are good
84. That everyone always has a chance
85. That notion of "That's why you play the game."
86. Being in situations where no one give you a chance in hell
87. Hotdogs... with ketchup and mustard
88. Iowa sweet corn on the cob... with salt and butter
89. Being able to laugh at yourself
90. Having great teachers
91. Cheeseburgers
92. Differences and being different
93. Agreeing to disagree
94. Books about random subjects I enjoy
95. Great bosses
96. Farmers
97. Worthy opponents
98. A hat that fits...
99. Understanding
100. And not totally understanding a thing at all...
Wow... that didn't take that long at all... could go on for a while... I know... very random type of list... but that's how I roll... more Turkey Lurkey posts in a while... I think I just got roped into hanging lights... Yikes! Until then... stay thirsty friends...