2:30pm ...Who's next? Here's the deets from the TIR.

It's been a fun week QCI-ders, but the real fun ends with Separation Saturday. We have some schedule changes happening that were late breaking at the HQ. We'll explain here in a sec.
Anyways were getting a little excited to bring the madness to you. We hope you dig what we have instore for the next 36 hours or so. "Is it Epic G$?" Oh... you guys are picking up on the lingo! #goodjoboutofyou... NOICE!
GAMEDAY POST III - POSTPONED - Yeah yeah... we know... just like when you're anxiously waiting to get the new hip cell phone... waiting for an upcoming album but the front man goes into rehab... or waiting for that one buddy before you hit the bars because he takes more time getting ready than most women... there's a little delay. Why you ask? Well... our writing team here at QCI HQ had a switch in direction early evening at our regular meeting. The thought was... we have some good stuff for the weekend... it will be live... why try to blow the whole thing at once? Plus... the team got working on other stuff immediately after our live stuff took shape... we'll explain in a bit. But anyway... delay it is.. don't worry... It will be worth the wait.
Oh yeah... per request from loyal QCI-ders... we busted out the ole LIVE banner for tomorrow. So, get this... QCI will be there to have you covered on everything... I mean stuff you didn't even want to know... yups. We're that awesome. So... to help you out... we wanted to map a few things out for you for tomorrow... this will enhance your Fantasy Football for Dorks experience.
TWEET TWEET SUCKAS - Yups... you're gonna want to have the Twitter handy... that's where you'll get the most live stuff. As it happened... http://twitter.com/grantyoung72 or simply follow the right hand side of the World's Crappiest Blog by hitting refresh. Our Crappy live feed will be burning up. So you're gonna want to be hooked up.
TWEET TWEET SUCKAS - Yups... you're gonna want to have the Twitter handy... that's where you'll get the most live stuff. As it happened... http://twitter.com/grantyoung72 or simply follow the right hand side of the World's Crappiest Blog by hitting refresh. Our Crappy live feed will be burning up. So you're gonna want to be hooked up.
TIE CONTEST - Yeah... We said before... for some reason these political events, peeps have some interesting ties. Especially the "4th of July Puked on my tie" ties... we'll have ballots at our on location set up in Bloggers row... if you're at the event, stop and pick one up. If you're watching at home on C-SPAN... email us at grantyoung72@hotmail.com with your nominations.
OPEN INVITATION TO QCI-ders- That's right... you're invited to stop and say hey! Give your take... be a part of the experience. I mean... Candidates and elected officials aren't just the peeps we are interested about... we want to hear from you and we'll make you famous to the 5 people who read this blog. (hi Grandma!) And... as always you get to buy us a beer! How cool is that!
INVITATION TO CAMPAIGNS, ELECTEDS AND OTHER IMPORTANT PEEPS - Hello guys and gals. Feel free to stop by. Like I said, you'll be able to reach out to the 5 people who read this... my Grandma is still undecided. This could lock her vote!
But our fun project of the night is...
QCI'S CHEESE BALL QUESTION BUCKET - "What the hell are you talking about G$?" Our writers came up with this yesterday. While the other blogs will get our inner Joker going by saying, "Why so serious?" We of course want to have a little fun... but give peeps a good take on what's happening... so we came up with "QCI'S CHEESE BALL QUESTION BUCKET". Basically... its a bucket with tons of questions that we might have asked during our 7.2 Question Interview days... harmless, fun and inightful questions.
"How does this work?" Glad you asked. Basically... our writers have came up with hundreds of questions. Candidates, electeds and everyone in between can draw 3... pick the one they want to answer... then... well...answer the question, and we post. Pretty simple.
"What are the questions?" Random... random but safe (no worries there)... subjects? Wide spread... from pop, to issues, to the Hawks/Clones... to what are you listening to... stuff we cover here... Basicallly if you are a human... you'll be fine.
Do you have a question? Email me at grantyoung72@hotmail.com and we'll add it to the bucket.
This will be awesome.
So yeah... that's it... plus we'll give you the play by play and stuff we're hearing through out the night. Until then.... stay tuned here... and as always... stay thirsty friends... oh and crank this tune... the official tune for QCI HQ on Blogger Row...
"How does this work?" Glad you asked. Basically... our writers have came up with hundreds of questions. Candidates, electeds and everyone in between can draw 3... pick the one they want to answer... then... well...answer the question, and we post. Pretty simple.
"What are the questions?" Random... random but safe (no worries there)... subjects? Wide spread... from pop, to issues, to the Hawks/Clones... to what are you listening to... stuff we cover here... Basicallly if you are a human... you'll be fine.
Do you have a question? Email me at grantyoung72@hotmail.com and we'll add it to the bucket.
This will be awesome.
So yeah... that's it... plus we'll give you the play by play and stuff we're hearing through out the night. Until then.... stay tuned here... and as always... stay thirsty friends... oh and crank this tune... the official tune for QCI HQ on Blogger Row...