
Anotha update... yeah,

What up what up what up.... here's what's up.

- Chuck Grassley hitting the mic. He's talking town hall meetings... still great at what he does. He's lighting them up. #goodjoboutofyou

- SIDE NOTE... this blogging thing is tough... but hella fun.

- Get this... Beers still $5 at the fairgounds... well... its at the State Fair... We did see 2 mullets on our way in. They were pretty epic.

- The other bloggers in bloggers row... are starting to learn the Junior High humor and my very short attention span... yeah... I'm that guy.

- #goodjoboutofyou to a loyal QCI who dropped off some cigs... can't believe we left ours at home... #badjoboutofme... actually... #horriblejoboutofme

More. To Come. Epic.

Stay thirsty friends...