EVENTS – Speeches and showing up… now, we’re prolly gonna get some sort of debates and forums… Some by the newsies… some by County Parties which will spark more straw polls… “Me next! Me next!” mentalities of every county party to follow… Ect. Ect. Ect… So the rubber chicken circuit will be booming…
But key large events? Well, there’ll be the Spring Dinner at RPI… Precinct Caucuses… County Conventions… and the Districts… from now on… these events will have to show the flex in the muscle in these campaigns… which segways perfectly to the QCI Crappy Keys of the Game. Organization.
ORGANIZATION – Spin me until you’re blue in the face about who gave the best talk… best on the issues… Spin to me that a sub par speech just cost you the primary… come on now… you believe that? Hell nah… foot soldiers, chairs, precinct captains… city captains… yeah. You don’t got ‘em… Good luck to you sirs.
Issues yes are important. Absolutely. No doubt. Yes, Pope Benny is still Catholic… got it. But… Organization, Organization and uh… Organization is going to get this bad boy. “G$, why are so sold on this?” Well a few things… First, we predicted here… that this thing is gonna go to a convention. If you don’t think so… you have to at least give me that it’ll get damn close… thus… Organization becomes more important than a bad speech. Second, (and this is for the people in Story City reading) that’s how you cash in the votes… meaning identify, motivate then turn out. Third... this will be a part of the healing process once we get a nominee… Everyone in Iowa has a 2nd and 3rd choice. The smart campaigns will keep track… once the win… follow up and reach out. Fourthly... not the smartest guy in the world or most successful but I dabbled at this... just a little....
“G$, you moron… [insert issue that’s most important to you] is the most important factor! That’s how you will win!” Oh yeah… I hear you… (smirk) whoever supports the Monday after the Super Bowl as a National (or State) Holiday… that may sell it to me… but how will they know it is an issue for me? Oh yeah… having the peeps (volunteers) who found me and reminded me that Candidate X supports Super Monday…
THIS IS WHEN STAFFERS AND PEOPLE MATTER – I have always said, staffers don’t win or lose elections… candidates do… but this is where all these people start to earn their money… Working the counties… getting out there… making so many phone calls that they hear these conversations in their sleep… its hard ass work and usually taken for granted… and usually not given much credit… but this is when it happens…
WHAT TO WATCH – Releases on who’s signing up. Yeah… I know the ones on issues and such… nah the key we will be watching here at the HQ… are who is getting on board. This stuff matters more in most cases… I’m not talking about who signs on as staff or consultants (still a big deal but we’ll talk about that another time)… Activists… non paid activists… they are giving something worth more… their time and their street cred.
We know most of these peeps… and we’re anxious to see who signs where… Think of it as the NFL Draft… There’s a lot of first rounders out there… be on the look out.
But hey… that’s our horrible opinion… we’re probably way off…
More horrible updates to come… Stay thirsty friends…