It's baaaaack... header and all... Alright... a little Governor themed CC today... Plus... it's Wedenesday... Which means it's... Upon Further Review Wednesday...
Always random and always awesome tho...
NO POSSESION OF THE BALL - Going for a quick booth review check on this play from Team BVP. So I get it that Team BVP is hitting TEB on the Ben Nelson thing. It's a good hit... where it fails is how it was played. We should blame TEB for Obama-care? Upon further review the reciever did not have possesion of the ball, the pass is incomplete. Unfortunately, won't be able to replay the down on this one. TEB is the reason for Obama-care? You had a perfect play. A great hit... and its incomplete.
JUDGE OFF THE ACTIVE ROSTER? I really thought this was crazy... and far fetched... but rumors are intenisifying. So for another booth review... from our off field official... Upon further review... this thing is happening. We're hearing all sorts of stuff on this. And... wouldn't be too far off for an anouncement soon... on either or... you know... if the Governor ever plans to have a press conference. But we won't hold our breath... better chance of catching me in West Des Moines... yeah... I said it.
QCI PROGRAMMING NOTE - Yups... we'll be open for Turkey Day... as we for the 2nd year in a row will be live blogging Thanksgiving. Think of it as our small little efffort to help you get away from your realitives... awkward conversations... and of course the horrible takes from the world's crappiest blog... plus... it will almost like you are spending the holiday in God's Country, Iowa.... how epic is that? I know!
"So and so... Can't decide if its good or bad karma to serve papers to an ob/gyn between deliveries..."
Um... so you got that going for you... yikes.
WHO WILL BE THE NEW COACH AT NOTRE DAME? Charlie's on his way out... so who's it gonna be? I smell a QCI Pool... hmmmmm...
AND FINALLY... Since we are headed up to God's Country, Iowa... thought we'd crank a little something you can always hear in the background once you make it to the Hamilton County line... crank it... and talk to you tomorrow for some Live Turkey Horrible Updates.