GET A KICK ASS AGENT – Yeah… gonna need an awesome agent… Like better than Ari Gold. Basically… hook me up with a huge deal… then… (and this is key)… once we sell a gazillion copies… hit the speaking circuit… then we’ll find some sucker political organization to pay me $100,000 to show up and speak… then what will I do… oh hell yes… sell more freaking books. I’m a freaking genius! How awesome is this? So… if you are interested, I’m taking applications now… so if you know some peeps… hit me up. Also, we’re creating a list of morons who would actually pay $100,000 for a speaker… so send those suggestions too! You guys are awesome.
GET A REALLY GOOD EDITOR – Yeah… I totally suck at spelling and grammar… Like I’m really freaking bad. Yeah… if I had a gun to my head and was told to write a paragraph… with no mistakes… spell things right and use the correct words… BANGBANG. Down goes G$... So since my sister April is basically the QCI Spelling/Grammar monitor…. She gets the gig. Yeah… she’s always on my case on that stuff. But she said it’s gonna cost me… so you can blame her for why the book will cost too much… you’ll still buy it though…
OH YEAH… WRITE THE FREAKING THING – So… I actually started putting pen to paper… burning up the keyboard… Epic. For real… But since you all are loyal readers… I’ll give you a sneaky sneak preview of what I’m planning to include in the book:
- 72 Chapters of awesomeness… 3 of them will be chapters of coloring pages… so really 69 chapters… hahaha… 69…
- Collectible stickers and sticker pages. EVERYONE LOVES STICKERS! I’m a genius… I know. It’s like peeps will buy this… just for the cool stickers.
- Format? Random… Dude this thing is turning more into a cool workbook for being awesome… and other random things… Epic. This book will change your life.
So yeah… that’s the update on the book… Thanks for all of your ideas and kind things to say… this thing is gonna be awesome… and you all get to come along for a ride. Got ideas? Tex mex me, email it, Facebooker or Tweet Tweet, bitches… Send it my way.
Totally have more stuff coming… our horrible takes and thoughts that you enjoy reading like you like enjoy watching train wrecks… epic.
Stay thirsty friends… And have yourself a helping of the Darkness… Enjoy…