So… I was keeping this on the down low… but since only about 5 people read this (Hi Grandma!)… I thought I would share that I am writing a book. It’s gonna be called… “I’m Sorry, I’m Sorry That I’m Awesome”… When will it come out? Hmmmm… Not sure… maybe when I need to make a convenient visit somewhere to get some earned media… oh… that’s not how it works? For real… you’ll want to buy it. It will be epic. I promise to put a ton of pictures in it so that you people reading in Story City will enjoy too! How awesome is that! I love books with pictures! Maybe even coloring pages! I know… pretty freaking cool.
Plus… I’m totally doing this. I’m not joking. And you county parties… and State Party? Yeah… no dice for you. This is me time… 24/7 me… so yeah, stick it… why would I want to help you out? Sure you may have chances to win back majorities in the House… possibly Senate… But how many books does that sell me? None. None at all. Chance to take back Terrace Hill? Well… maybe I’ll kinda help with that… hmmm… nah… I gots books to sell.
Again… what’s in it for me? Seriously? (hugest smirk of all time)
Anyways… since this is the “in” thing to do now… you know, write a book… sell it… get on all the TV shows… Maybe host SNL… or get a cool funny spoof… that’s why you write them… right? Well… since everyone is pushing books… Let’s chirp about it.
OMG OMG SARAH PALIN IS COMING! OMG! Here’s the deets… might be harder to get tickets to a Rolling Stones concert… And yes… I can’t believe I typed that. *scream like a little girl* OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG!
HUCK-A-BOOKS – The Huckster made stops for his new book. BTW, dude sure does write a lot. Anyhoop… says that the trips and or schedule have nothing to do with 2012… riiiiight… *wink wink*… *nudge nudge*… (ginormous smirk) Yeah… and BREAKING NEWS… I love West Des Moines… Loves me some West DeMo… Yeah… its great… I do everything there… yeah… Its my favorite… WRONG.
So yeah… who’s gonna buy my book when it comes out? It will be awesome… Epic. I mean… probably the worst book ever… I mean.. worst for you… kids will be trying to read it behind adults backs… Yeah that awesome… and I told you… PICTURES!!! Lots and lots and lots of pictures!!!!! It will be epic…
Plus, have no fear… on my book tour… You can totally buy as many as you want…. And I’ll sign em all… I’ll even personalize them… hell… you want a stick figure drawing on it… I’ll do it… of course… this will all cost you extra…
More news to come on my epic book...
Until then… Stay thirsty friends... and crank this…