Hey QCI-ders... a little post for you today... if you are even around. I'll update it with random thoughts, answers to your hate mail and other things... so treat this like Drudge... (ok... being Drudge for a day is a stretch) but you may want to hit the refresh button a couple of times today.
Updated - 9:25pmWE'RE GOIN' UPTOWN - So yea... a little stop at Mischelle's is in order... word is part of the Young clan are up there. Hardy Burger anyone?
BOISE - Caught the end of the Boise State game... undefeated 3 out of the 5 last seasons... bringing legend to the Statue of Liberty move. Nice work.
Updated - 5:17pmSPEAKING OF HOLIDAY SHOPPING - A loyal QCI-der passed along a link to some hilarious shirts he sells. Check out
http://www.rizzotees.com/. Thanks Rizzo. Also... as a special discount for QCI-ders... use this code:
C6FC9NRD... you'll get 10% off. "You mean reading G$'s crappy blog can get you discounts?" Um, hell yes it does. I'm kind of partial to the Fair Trade shirt...
QCI FARM REPORT - Hey... they're still tilling up here. Missed a few loyal QCI-ders out and about town.... because they are still in the field. Per my cousin Kempton... they should be wrapped up with the tilling over at Young & Sons Farms tonight... just in time for a good garage session.
Updated - 4:20pm ... haha, 420
DUDES... TUNE OF THE DAY - Man I love digging through old mix tapesin the basement. Here's a great live version of Hummer... by the Smashing Pumpkins. Great band. Wonder if Ma threw that t-shirt out... and if it still fits.