Presented by Young’s Storage Center
Is today a tough climb? YES. Is it completely impossible? NO. Let’s sort a few things out here…. In a completely random way of course.
- Democrats are again canabolizing their turn out... we saw the same thing in 2004. Don’t be shakin’ up by this Early Voting crap. They are targeting 3 of 4 and 4 of 4 Dem voters… I know a lot of hard core Dems who are voting early who would have voted today anyway.
- Team Obama’s focus is different than the GOP’s 72 Hour Program. The otherside is working the urban areas heavily… (not only here in Iowa, everywhere) while the 72 Hour focuses on everywhere.
- Upset Central – I’m not seeing very much evidence that Obama votes equal down ticket Dem votes as well. Remember, Iowans are ticket splitters. This is where the upsets can take place down ticket.
- More from Upset Central – Dems are so motivated at the Presidential level that they are going to miss the down ticket stuff. Listen, remember how fired up our side was about getting rid of Clinton/Gore in 2000? Yea… try to match that intensity and multiply that by 50.
- That’s why millions of dollars have been spent in state house races. Both parties and interest groups. And the GOP has ditched the cookie cutters… can’t wait to see the results!
- That being said, this is not 2006. The anti-Republican wave may be out there… but not as stiff of a wind as it was last cycle. This is why Latham is running strong.
- As cheesy as this sounds, never count John McCain out…
Maybe I’m way off on some of this. I guess I’m still a pitcher half full guy. You got thoughts on this? Use and abuse the comment section today.
YOU CAN STOP EMAILING ME NOW… I know how and where to vote… and who to vote for. Stop sending this crap… nah, just kidding, keep up the good work!
ELECTION DAY FREE SHIT – There’s a lot of it… hook a brother up.
NFL AND THE ELECTION – Will this be the year the Redskins win or loss predict the election?
“So and so is… channeling the spirt of the Miracle on Ice, Super Bowl III, Douglas KOs Tyson and even "Hickory High" basketball team for tomorrow.”
Maybe a little Kansas City Royals in game 6 and 7 of the 1985 World Series too? We’ll need it.
AND FINALLY… here’s a quick shout out to all of the weary warriors out there doing the hard work of freedom today…. This song is for you… crank it.