Alright... This weather is getting OC... outta control. I mean I really don't want to complain about it... but man is it cold. And, I know its been colder. But it just doesn't seem to want to stop. So... to think warm thoughts, I've been sifting trough old pictures, where it was summer. Just to remind myself that it does get warm here.
STATE OF THE UNION - Yeah... didn't see it. I know wierd. And I really do enjoy the SOTU... the pomp and circumstance that comes with it... but this year I was just... meh. I mean... its all leaked out before. Whoever the President is... the opposite party is just going to disagree with everything... and yes, I agree with the Rs on all the talking points... but it just gets a little old after while. I opted to read a few SOTU tweets during dinner... and karaoke instead. Actually, I think it would be better if Congress would karaoke their debates and such. How epic would that be? Anyways... didn't watch it. I don't need to sit and watch POTUS tell me how bad it is... or know that our country is going in the wrong direction... Because, I watch the news and read this thing called the internets. I'd rather spend time replacing him and the Majority Party in power of Congress... but that's just me...
None today... why? First, you people are unispiring today (smirk). Second... you have to read this instead. Because this is THE MUST READ article from the Oatmeal... How to Suck at Facebook, read it all right here. If you have a Facebook account, this article will change your life.
LO SIENTO - Alright... I was recently reminded that I did not give a shout out for some quick IT help from a loyal QCI-der. So here it is. Chad Barth, you are the coolest. Barthy was quick with some IT help... like super fast. So #horriblejoboutofme on not mentioning this and #goodjoboutofyou for being a super hero Barth. Epic.
ANNOUNCEMENTS AND STUFF - OK. Working on a few things that may blow your mind.... alright... probably not... but cool stuff is on the way. I know, I know... I always say this then its short lived. Remember... like the mullet, greatness takes time. So stay tuned.
AND FINALLY... How about some Fine Young Cannibals? OK, good.
Wow... apparently I have struck a chord with you peeps yesterday. Getting emails and tex mexes from you about some really horrible ties. It would appear that there is an epidemic of horrible ties out there. I would list out the names of people mentioned... but decided not to.
Also... this blog has clearly taken hold of its female audience. Ladies, #goodjoboutofyou. Who knew you gals actually think I have a fashion sense... or at least you think I know better... wierd, yet cool at the same time.
It's a funny thing with the demographics who read this. And yes I actually do keep track. When the ladies email about the stuff I write about... they all are well thought notes and comments. When the fellas send me stuff... Usually, "Dude... 69" or "Macho Man? Oh yeah!"
But now... as of yesterday's fashion advice... I may have broken my rule of keeping expectations low now... yikes.
Another thing in the ole QCI Mail Bag lately. We're getting new readers. All with very kind comments about this blog. Thanks!
Like I always say... Like a good grunge band, I love myself some feedback. Keep sending your thoughts and I may post it here.
Speaking of grunge... this goes out to Dr. Hove... per a phone call the other night... he's learning this song... awesomeness...
How's it going QCI-ders? If you are sick of Winter raise your hand. Yeah... this is not epic at all. But we live here... so deal with it... Now today's really horrible update is gonna throw you off a bit. Some may say... that I have no right at all to have this opinion or even say it out loud... They are probably right... but today's FB Status got us to this point... so we are gonna go right to it...
"So and so... If I see another cartoon tie in this building I think I'm going to jump over the banister."
Urgh... I've talked about this before... and believe it or not... This maybe one of my biggest pet peeves in politics... and or in formal wear... Horrible crappy ties...
FASHION ADVICE FROM G$? - Yikes... Like I said... for those who know me pretty well... know... I'm absolutely not a fashionista... I mean... My wardrobe consists of... my work clothes... t-shirts... um... pretty much anything that has Chiefs or an arrowhead on it... obligatory Hawkeye Bowl shirts... Jerseys... Random Stanhope State gear... sneakers... Nantucket Red pants... too many baseball caps... super worn out/chewed up sweatshirts... oh... and a million campaign shirts... but I've been trying to cleanse myself of those lately... one can't have so many Ganske for Senate shirts... right? So yeah... I'm the last one in the World to say... yeah... that looks bad... BUT... Politics... work... formal events and parties... going to church... and/or anything involving a suit, jacket and tie scenerio... requires that most of the time... you gotta be formal... look professional... (Or in my case, hit the car wash and get hosed down)... get a little cleaned up... look nice.... So at these events... at the Capitol... meetings... whatever... it comes down to this... you're gonna need to wear a tie.
Fellas... we get it easy. The ladies are spending all sorts of cash to look great... but dudes? Yeah... it doesn't cost much for us to look good... just a decent tie... for real. But... one bad decision... and you can fail instantly. Now this maybe my only real snobby personal opinion I have... so fellas, listen up... I'll explain...
TIE FAIL - Per the FB status... Dudes... knock it off with the crazy ties. No more cartoons... the Space Jam movie marketing team called... they want their tie back. And yes... I love me some USA... but you do not need to wear the tie where the 4th of July threw up on it... You're not Don King... it works for him... not you... c'mon son. Yes... I know you are showing your personality... what you dig... what team you root for... but you'll end up like a fool... its as bad as your pants on the ground. Oh... and I also loves me some Rush Limbaugh... totally do... but don't buy his ties... unless you do not want to be taken seriously... they are a disaster... DECENT, SHARP TIE - Alright, you cannot go wrong with a solid color tie or one with stripes... yeah a power tie... or conservative tie... whatever you wanna call it... And there's really no excuse... Too expensive? Hell nah... you can score great ones for like $10-$15 at TJ Maxx or Marshalls... and most outlet malls... Brooks Brothers in Williamsburg... Awesome ties... designer names... on the cheap... and it'll look like you half way know what you're doing... good to go. WHAT DO I GET? Alright... the tricky part... Now... what color? Style? A loyal reader said this, "My motto with ties: 2 to 3 color, repeating pattern or stripes." But... If you get stuck with that... and still can't figure it out... this is when you call the ladies. They have some wierd Jedi mind thinger when it comes to how we look good and such... so if you are struggling... holler at your girls... seriously... it never fails. And they will also tell you this... put the "Who Wants to be a Millionare Regis" tie/shirt combo... where you found it... reruns on television... not you... Only exception there is... unless you work in "waste management"... and if you don't... leave that look where you found that... on the Sopranos. BUT I WANT TO BE FUN! Yeah... so you're a huge fan of your team... love cars... you go fishing every weekend... and you want to be fun while showing your personality with your tie. Awesome. Totally hear ya. This is a good thing. So... how can we do that without looking like a disaster? I have the solution for you... welcome to the gold standard.... Vineyard Vines. This is where you go. You can show all of the character you want... and not look like a fool. For real... check it out fellas... no need to go anywhere else for unique... fun... ties. These are the best ones I know. Fun and busy, but not crazy or tacky... But if that gets too expensive for you... there are other similar shops out there... a little cheaper. EXCEPTION TO THE RULE - Alright... I have one exception on horrible ties... Christmas. Your safe... but only wear them during the Advent calendar.... or FAIL... I mean... Christmas is the only time for all things cheesy... see also... Ugly Chirstmas Sweaters... but that's it... no where else can you wear a hideous tie. SHIRTS, ACCESSORIES... Yeah... now if you're gonna be a fancy boy about it... pink elephant cuff links and all that jazz... I got nothing for ya... I'm from Iowa... and a small town... the only uses I have for French Cuffs is for tuxes... But that's just how I roll... plus... if you score POTUS ones... solid, cool. But then again... see picture above... I'm no fancy boy... But if you'll notice... its a solid green tie... matches the jacket... and its the Tommy Boy look... so it actually looks better than... the random dude who thought the Sponge Bob Square Pants tie was a good idea...
So there you have it. I hope this horrible advice helps. Seriously... this comes from a little time spent on the campaign trail... and my only snobby opinion I have... the only thing that may make me country club-ish... but thats it. Hmmm... maybe... but I also subscribe to the idea of... "Save the suits for when your dead" theory... And basically to me... going preppy is dressed up. I blame my time spent with Southerners and peeps from the East Coast... what's a deer lick from the midwest to do... right?
Alright fellas... go get cleaned up... score a decent tie... and crank this tune. Thank you and stay thirsty...
Bueno bueno bueno... QCI-ders... Jefe... would you say we have plethora of things to chirp about? "Si, si G-Dinero... you have a plethora." Jefe... what is a plethora?
There's a whole bunch of stuff from the weekend... and we have a horrible run down of events. Per usual. But that's how you like it... horrible.
CAUCUSES AND CANDIDATES - Yups... was a pretty good one... but here's a run down of scoop I noticed. Maybe I'm the last to hear about this but... Brenna Findley had nomination papers to run for Attorney General. If the name is familiar, she is Congressman Steve King's Chief of Staff. Also... there is a 6th candidate running in the 3rd Congressional District. His name is... Scott Patrick. Says he has 800 signatures to be on the ballot. I wonder what the others have... Anyways... The only campaigns who had a presence at my Caucus site were... Mark Rees, Terry Branstad, Chuck Grassley and Jim Gibbons himself stopped by.
NEW PARTY SITE - Launched last week. Looks sharp and I totally dig how all of the social media stuff is synced. Simple and easy to navigate. Good stuff. is where you find it on the interwebs.
CONAN FINALE - You all catch this? Man it was awesome... and sad at the same time. From Neil Young... to Will Ferrall... great send off. Looking forward to having him back in the Fall... So good.
TITLE GAME SUNDAY - Man... after a few blow outs during the playoffs... nice to have some awesome games yesterday. Wow. Now... I had no dog in the fight... but if the Chiefs... and sometimes IF is a stretch... were ever in a situation like that NFC Championship Game yesterday... I'd be in the ICU... with a priest on stand by... On second thought... I should just keep fantasizing that Chiefs can actually make the playoffs... first things first. I know the Colts are favored... but I'm predicting a hell of a game. Plus... this will be the first time in a while that both teams will be playing outside.
I'M FLIP FLOPPING - Yeah... gonna keep the QCI FB STATUS OF THE DAY in the regular posts. Have a cool header thinger made... but just thinking that it maybe a little much. So... who knows... I may actually do it... but... I cannot make up my mind... what do you think? Use the comment section...
"So and so... excuse me, alpha-bits cereal, but these letters are all wonky and effed up. how do you expect kids to learn to spell from this mess?!"
Hmmmm... that's how I learned to spell... oh wait...
ROBOTS READ QCI - It's the wierd and random things that keep me entertained when writing this big waste of time. Check out Friday's post... the comment section... I mean, I know it is either spammers or someone over seas... just learning this thing we call English... But my first thought was... robots are reading it. Random robots are hanging out and chatting up about QCI.... I bet it would go down like this...
*super cheesy 70s robot voice*
Robot dude 1: HAVE YOU READ Q C I?
Robot dude 1: YES, THAT WOULD BE. EPIC.
*super cheesy robot noises*
So welcome Robots! I will try to aDd more photos.
AND FINALLY... Hmmm... since we have all of the robots reading here... how about a good tune to do "the Robot"... the dance... not actually doing robots.... you sickos... Anyways... Crank your freaking speakers and enjoy the awesome...
Urgh... yeah... me and this ice crap have been totally fighting. I know I'm pretty clumbsy by nature... but, I was starting to think someone is messing with me... with freaking ice all over... but not anymore. I own the effing ice now... After some cuts and a ton of bruises... I decided to fight back... and slap... nah... freaking take this ice behind the woodshed. Yups... busted out my high school baseball metal cleats yesterday... here's how it goes down...
So... went to my closet... grabbed the cleats... man... they are still in great shape! As I started to put them on... The one part of my brain... the somewhat brighterpart... starts telling me... "Yeah, nice one. You think this is smart? Dude... you're gonna break something. This is one of your ideas that always look great on paper... then it's an epic fail. You're gonna break your freaking neck. Or die." But the other side of my brain... the side that came up with the idea... I call... the awesome side of my brain... is like, "Dude, eff it. It's go time." Then the brighter side says... "Sweet... here comes more brain damage. G$, you know its my side that gets hit the worst... when you do stuff like this. FML"
I replied to both sides of my brain... as I channeled my inner Samuel L. Jackson... via Snakes on the Plane... "Enough is enough! I have had it with this m..... ....... ice on this m..... ....... sidewalk! Brain, let's do this!"
Somewhat smarter side goes, "Awe crap..." Then the awesome side goes, "HELL YESSSS!!!!"
And it was on.
So I laced up my cleats... took a deep breath... opened my door... and started up my icy stairs...
*click clack... click clack...*
So far.... so good... then down the other stairs
*click clack... click clack...*
Yeah... this is when the awesome side of my brain cranks the Rocky theme....
Then I observe the rest of the peeps in the 'hood... getting their cars out... taking walks... All going in super duper slowmo...
Freaking full speed. Doing cart wheels... old football drills... coming to complete stops... Doing the Humpty Dance... all on one inch iced sidewalks... and not freaking falling... at all. Complete domination. Then... I laughed in the face of the ice. "Hahahahaha! Who sucks? You suck ice!" Even cranky squirrel who lives in the tree by my window... walked up to the ice and said, "p0wn3d."
Then I go, "Now make me a sandwich, Ice!" And the ice was all like, "Yessir."
Um, you didn't know that some random things talk in Sherman Hill? Totally do.
After ten tuna sandwiches later... in celebration of my ice domination... I declared sweet sweet victory... It was effing epic. I swear to God I heard "We Are The Champions" whistling throught the trees on 16th Street last night. Not gonna lie... did a few victory laps... it was so awesome. Alright... Enough about of my bouts with ice and dealing with what others may call... "being slow"... let's get to other stuff...
CAUCUS TOMORROW - QCI-ders... make sure you hit your Caucus... you could be deciding an election in a few races... Starts at 1pm... to find where your Caucus is... click here.
SCOTUS AND MONEY - As we chirped a little bit about yesterday, The Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS), called the ban on corporate contributions... unconstitutional... yeah... total game changer. But I'm gonna wait and see. Yes, this is a victory for free speech... but I don't think the opponents of this are gonna... give up so easy.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY SHOUT OUTS - Yeah... two of my favorite people are partying today... big ups to loyal QCI-der and my best pal Chad Sealine... what are you now, 56? (smirk). If this were back in the day... totally would score you a Mello Yello at Harlans after school. Epic. Also, my little niece Ainsley turns 3 today! She is so awesome... She freaking called me the other night... per her report, "Uncle Grant. It's cold in Missouri. You coming to my birthday? We will have chocolate cake!" Someone alert the Kearney, MO authorities... the Youngs are coming down to party.
AND FINALLY... In honor of Ice Domination... how about our favorite version of the song, Domination... by those fellas from Pantera... What stinks like a whata whata? Crank it. Stay thirsty...
Oh you didn't know Zubaz is making a huge comeback? Of course it is... but where was this cruiser when I had a mullet? That would have been off the chain.
So... man this freaking ice sucks... yeah... totally biffed it 5 times yesterday... I'm sure I put on a little show for the peeps in the Sherman Hill... Haven't been this banged up in a while... be careful out there.
At least we still have some power tho... But looking at the trees up in the SH... not sure how long that will last.
IT'S GEORGE BUSH'S FAULT - Alright... you never gonna find me as one of those guys who get all red in the face... angry... and scream responses to everything President Obama says. It's just not how I roll... and it gets very old fast... but I gotta admit... Being the former "Bushie" that I am... I just couldn't resist this one... so... the reason/excuse for the Dem loss in Massachusetts? Is George W. Bush, per the current POTUS. Really? This one still works? Seriously? This one really doesn't get me all hot and bothered... just makes me SMH... LATE NIGHT TV WAR - So I'm kind of a late night tv junkie... but I also consider me a NBC guy... And of course I'm on Team CoCo... So... last night... I tried to objectively watch both shows... and see which one was better. I admit... I think Leno is funny... but in an Older Uncle way... and I find Conan funny... as in hangin' with my buddies cracking jokes back in forth kind of way... but... then it hit me... Tell me why they are getting rid of Conan again? And also... when you give writing teams free reign... as it seems they all have now... look at how great these shows get.
"So and so... While driving yesterday I saw a banana peel in the road and instinctively swerved to avoid. Thanks mario kart."
That one was sent from a very loyal QCI-der... which now opens up to a new thing here at QCI... we will now take any suggestions you may have... and make it a seperate post. And we will also open it up to Tweets as well... so send you suggestions everyday to: Prizes may be handed out... and we will always keep these anonymous... to protect the innocent. Of course there's gonna be a cool header and stuff... duh. Freaking epic.
BREAKING - Holy crap! Supreme Court says the ban on corporate contributions is unconstitutional? Wow... My head just exploded.
AND FINALLY... Speaking of my head just exploding... You know... nothing puts you in a great mood like... some freaking Wilson Pickett... He is just straight up one of the masters... and I have always loved his version of Hey Jude... but he did this song with Tom Jones too? Whoah... Do you're soul a favor and take in this song... and feel free to belt out a Pickett-esque scream... it just feels that good... You soul will be like, "Dude, Wilson Pickett.. and Tom Jones?!! That's epic."
Totally forgot to chirp about this yesterday. Can't believe it was that long ago.
Bret Feddern from the Bleacher Report had a great write up. Must read of the day.
For you QCI-ders... especially you peeps of the early '90s... and love basketball... and from Iowa... Check out this video... unless you don't want to cry... then don't watch it...
Sudden urge to crank a little somethin' something from a fella named Robert Van Winkle... hmmm... wonder why? Oh.... because freaking everything is caked in freaking ice!
Holy smokes QCI-ders... I hope you are being very safe today. For real... just read some dude cracked his noggin doing a header in Sioux City... twice!
But is ice gonna stop us from being awesome? Hell nah... so let's kick it one time, boyeeee....
ABOUT LAST NIGHT - Wow... to channel my inner nWo's Scott Hall... "Score one for the good guys." Big win in Massachusetts. I'll be honest... I didn't think we'd get it... ya know? I mean... we have a bunch of these races all the time... in heavy D areas... and come short. But not last night. Solid win. And a margin big enough not to steal...
THERE'S NO CONCLUSION WE CAN TAKE FROM THIS - Or at least that's what the media and the Germans want you to believe. So... for you folks not on the Twitters... you may have missed my little Twitter Tirade as the polls closed last night. Reporter types were saying that we can not make any real conclusions about this race... because there was not exits. Really?!!!! Trying to keep my blood pressure in check... so I'll just stop there.
"So and so... just did the "electric slide" down my driveway. in my car. straight into a drift. spilling hot coffee all over my khakis. who says ice storms suck?"
Oh the humanity...
QUICK HITS - Man there's all sorts of stuff happening. This may become a standard format for a while... kick it! We now know where everyone is on cash. Christopher Rants, the last one to hear from raised 87,000. Meanwhile... Rod Roberts started to hit the Radio... and we noticed he has upped his internet ads... Our boy Insane Shane Vander Hart is feeling the wrath of Team BVP and Iowa Family Policy Center... Not one but two op eds out defending their endorsement of Bob Vander Plaats... Bob Rees gots him a Campaign Manager... Dave Funk's twitter account is uber active... Paul Pate has decided not to run for SOS... Congressman Steve King was up in Massachusetts for a couple of days... Branstad tour still going today... while the IDP tour got iced up... The Republican Party of Iowa was super quick to get fundraising appeals on the web with Scott Brown... And all sorts of candidates are invoking Scott Brown things... which brings us to this...
YES, BIG WIN BUT... Sure peeps are doing a happy dance today. And yes... we all should. But a few things things... we can't let up now... this is just the beginning. If you all want to party like its 1994... we need to keep pushing... and be able to unite when we get done with our primaries... I'm effing serious... I know I have said this before... but be for your guy. Have at it. Then support who wins... I don't have a candidate yet... but whoever is the nominee... in any of these things... I'll support 'em.
Also... while were at it... Can peeps out there actually just... BE FOR your candidate instead of BEING AGAINST someone else all the freaking time? It's getting really freaking old from all sides of the primary... And EVERY campaign out there has peeps who are guilty of this... Sure... legit fact checks and issues are fine... but don't send me this shit about something and something is wrong... or evil... because so and so supports it or what ever the eff you are selling me... Tell me why you're for your candidate... got it? Thanks... Awe crap... I know Grandma... I gotta work on my language...
AND FINALLY... We have ice storm... I crank Vanilla Ice... So... Yo let's get out of here... word to your mother... ERRR but since Vanilla is anti embed videos... Enjoy Jim Carey with this spoof... I tried to have that haircut once... not gonna lie...
Alright... I gotta knock out my New Year's Resolutions... I know... 3 weeks later... but I think I'm still in the buffer zone... So I'll knock these out at the end of the post... because there's some stuff going down... If you are a political junkie... today is a day where you are going on a complete all day bender.
BOSWELL'S PETITIONS? Holy smokes QCI-ders... today's must read. Click here. Two bucks a signature for Leonard Boswell's petition drive?! Really?! This is uber bad for Team GMLB. Not only does it say something about your volunteer/organization base... but money for signatures? Any one want to make some ACORN references? Yeah... good news for the good guys.
QUICK HITS - Haven't done one of these in a while... so we'll do the speed version... Terry Branstad kicks off his campaign today. Kind of digging the RV... Same time Mike Kiernan and the IDP Funky Bunch start bracketing... Think there's a little sweating over on Fleur Drive? This is the most activity I've seen out of them in a while... Yesterday... Rod Roberts reports he's done well on fundraising... Has some cash in the bank and will be hitting the radio waves soon... Then today Bob Vander Plaats shows his dineros... thats a big burn rate folks... I don't care what you say... almost as bad as Chet Culver's burn rate... So while all of this drama is going down... We have Massachusetts Senate Race... with some promising numbers... As a loyal QCI-der told me... Scott Brown has to get at least 5% or they'll steal it... OK... then I think that is it... but more drama may be hitting... again.... stil can't believe the Boswell thing... That's actually really crazy... is there a full moon or something? Also... the most important day of this Primary is Saturday... The Caucuses... this is where the election could be won... Who will show up? How many petitions will make it to their their right counties? How many will actually be signed? Will my planks pass? More on that this week...
"So and so... death in the family. not one casserole? Seriously?"
Had to chuckle on that one... And I think my cousins would too...
MY NEW YEARS RESOLUTIONS - Alright... here's mine... really freaking late... I hope can do these... it would be epic... in no particular order:
HEALTH - After a couple of real reminders over the past few months... My body is subtly is telling me I'm not 20 anymore. I really freaking hate hospitals... doctors (not the peeps themselves... just going)... being sore... needles... uh, pain... and all that crap... oh and death... death doesn't really sound that cool... so I gotta work on this. I'm gonna join a league or something... that will be one part of this. Oh... no more salt. No crazy marathons or anything... need to eat better and be a little more active. Arcade basketball isn't going to cut it. THE ARTS - I really go in spurts with this. But... painting, drawing and building stuff really puts me in a zen like place... Super relaxed... And some days I actually make something fun... Sorry... confessions of a former art geek... so... I really want to be more consistant with my creative time... and make time for it... because... it's freaking awesome... So... I will make 3 works a week for the rest of the year... sounds hard... but not when its fun... maybe I'll post some stuff I'm working on... LEARN - There's been some instances over the past couple of years... where I will just say... "Uh... don't know how to do that." But for this year... I'm going to turn it into, "Uh... I don't know how to do that... so show me how to do it." Like wierd projects... techie things... and other stuff... just going to learn more. EPIC BOOK - Finish this thing. It's a ton of fun. But I need to keep focused. Will have more updates on it soon. All I know is, when finished... it'll be something I'll be proud of... no matter how many bad reviews it gets... or if only my two Grandmas buy it... no I won't charge my Grandmas... but they maybe the only ones who read it... kind of like this blog. BE A BETTER FRIEND, SON, BROTHER, UNCLE ET ALL - Alright... not to say I'm a complete freaking asshole... In the least egotistical way to say it... I wouldn't consider me that... But, over the past 2 years... there have been times... where I know I could have been more in tune with my peeps... It's a wierd resolution to have... and a longer ass story than I really want to get into... but... just being a better friend is on the list. CONTINUE EPIC AWESOMENESS - This year... with this blog... and everything else I do... Continue the awesome... So yeah... be prepaired for more Epic. Freaking. Awesomeness.
Alright... some really lame ass resolutions... oh and sorry for the language... OK... add that too. Watch the mouth... and create new fake cuss words... So I don't get yelled at by my Grandma's... wait... should the mullet come back? Urgh... these resolution things are goats... but... I have made them... So its on like Donkey King... enter some awesome Catholic guilt... and this should be fun... Until then... crank the Foo... and stay thirsty...
Hey QCI-ders... what's up with weekends... ending? *sadface*
A lot of things going on. And we could totally start of with some witty and clever way to kick today's post off... but as Jack Bauer would remind us, "WE DON'T HAVE TIME!"
OK! We'll just get to it...
BUMMER, BLOGGER THINGER - So I missed it. Was completely pumped... then had a small emergency. So I couldn't go. But I did get some liner notes. A meeting for bloggers in the LBC was led by our main man Rep. Erik Helland... from district 69... (smirk) Talking legislative stuff and had some caucus staff there to go in depth about issues.... mainly the budget. Look for the Iowa Rightosphere to be more involved in the reporting and coverage on what's going on in the dome... Nice work peeps... I promise I'll be at the next one. PLAYOFFS - Some freaking boring games this weekend. So who is going to the Super Bowl? Uh... not sure yet. While everyone will say I'm wrong... I could flip a coin on this... so maybe Friday we'll do my picks. THIRD PARTIES - So... per the Iowa Independent this morning... let the 3rd Party talk begin with Bob Vander Plaats. Which I gotta say, is very disappointing to hear. We haven't even had debates... and we are already talking about this. MARRIAGE FALL OUT- If you look around the neighborhood. Peeps are still chirping about the IFPC and BVP. Insane Shane has a good read... as well as C-Raig. Consensus is... not sure if its good to be all in. We shall see, I guess.
"So and so... All I really want is to make my dream come true. My status as the QCI FB status of the day."
You see! We make dreams come ture here. So there you go.
24 - How freaking awesome is it? Yes. Freaking awesome. NEW YEARS RESOLUTIONS - Yeah... starting to get out of the buffer zone with this. I will post my New Year's Resolutions tomorrow... Yes I know there are like three weeks late... Um... kind of woul dbe very G$-like if they were on time now... would they? OK... this will be an interesting post. Stay thirsty on this one. DEMS AND MONEY - Interesting... starting to see webs ads bought on local Iowa newspaper sites... Paid for by the Iowa Democratic Party.... Between the Culver Campaign and the IDP... that's starting to be one hell of a burn rate. GOLDEN GLOBES - I was watching 24... but I think I saw the most brilliant Tweet during that broadcast, "Just a minute Haiti, we'll be right back to you. We're giving prizes to all of our rich people right now." FINKLE AND EICHHORN, EICHHORN AND FINKLE - A little late on this... But George Eichorn scored some good endorsements last week. Very impressive list. This thing is getting very interesting in the SOS Primary. Man, this primary season is so much fun.
AND FINALLY... I always love a good cover... but once in a while you come across GREAT covers... Dipping into the old Young-Hove DJ Service Archives... with this awesome song with Bobby Womack... So just sit back... relax... crank this... and let the soul take control... So freaking epic... Stay thirsty friends.
What up, what up... what it is, what is up QCI-ders! Man... after a ton of stuff yesterday... Is there really more to chat about? Of course there is.
Damn man... still have that Ke$ha in my head. Kind of getting annoying... (ok not really) anyone have any ideas how to get a song out of your head? Even tho it might be awesome? SMH...
MONEY, MONEY, MONEY - So yesterday was show your cards day. Lot's of talk about fundraising. We chirpped a lot about this all ready. But to me... the interesting bit... later in the day was the Tweets coming out of Team Lug (aka Culver/Dem peeps). While TEB had a hell of 2 months... the Culver peeps were quick to note they have million more in the bank. Which for them... this is probably the best news they have had in a while. But, upon further review... I wouldn't exactly be doing a happy dance. The Lug has been in basic campaign mode since he was sworn in... and after 3 plus years... this is it? Also... Culver was the first to spend serious money in this campaign... on TV... and his numbers sank... more. Another thing is when you compare numbers and such... the picture isn't so good. So while they are putting the best face they can... behind the scenes... they can't be taking Junior Senior Dance Breaks... I'm just sayin'... At least I wouldn't be if I were wearing their Chuck Taylors... FROM THE QCI MAIL ROOM - Whoah... you people are insane! So getting some fan letters lately... thanks for the lurve. It was pointed out by a couple of you... per the "Seal Talk" yesterday... that there's a nickname for homeboy Ray Ray Zirklebach... Teen Wolf? Ok, that's awesome. Which ques me to one of my favorite lines from the movie... "You get to hold the Jello!" Oh Styles Stilinksi... you are a genius.
"So and so... To the person who stole the head off of my snowman; I have a skill set that includes over 100 testicle-based attacks. I expect the eyes, nose, mouth, pipe, hat and scarf back. ASAP."
It wasn't me! It wasn't me!!!
TEAM CONAN - If you've been following my very horrible crappy Twitter updates... you know that I am firmly with Team Conan... Interesting enough... Conan probably feels like the other quarterbacks who don't wear #4 and play for the Minnesota Vikings... I'm just sayin. COOL BLOGGER THINGER - So... I've been invited to hit this thing tomorrow morning. Yes... I do get up before Noon on the weekends... I'll maybe post an update over the weekend... and possibly Tweet the deets. So if you weren't already... follow me up... oh and since I'm getting really freaking good at shameless self promotion... fan me up on Facebook. Awesome. TALKING ABOUT REAL WRATH OF GOD STUFF YOUR HONOR - OK... so catching that they are having just a few issues up in the State House this morning... Mics not working... Voting machines not working... Two month expired Coke Zero... Cold fried foods... Human sacrifice! Dogs and cats living together! MASS HYSTERIA!!! Call me Archbishop Mike, because I'm thinking this could be a sign from God.... but I wouldn't quote me on that...
AND FINALLY... Um... Yeah... que some random scene from Ghostbusters... because we are givers...
Brotha, brotha, brotha, brotha, brotha, brotha, brotha, brotha, brothahhh!!!! Got a ton of stuff to get to QCI-ders...
Some of this is a little stale... but I thought... it's still worth doing a run down... tons of campaign stuff...
Let's get to the madness... oh yeah!!!
3RD DISTRICT BUZZ - Man... This one is turning into a good one. So... Brad Zaun had a holiday party in Beaverdale. Very well attended... I would say the who's who of Polk County GOP activists were out in force. Not sure if all are on board, but solid showing. But then again... who's gonna pass on free Christopher's? Then you have Jim Gibbons who announced jaw dropping fundraising numbers. Um... that's a pretty freaking impressive number... Remember, there are limits in Fed races.... But... money is nice... but you need peeps to do the work... Mark Rees has been having meetings around the DeMo. Rumored he's gonna put some of his own cash in to start the campaign. And he likes to Tweet. Dave Funk enlisted Rhodes the Tea Guy to run his shop... and has uped their Twitter presence... and has a huge press list... No word from Bertroche yet... but I'm sure we will hear something... Yeah... lots of action. Right now... I would say its a Gibbons/Zaun race. But I want to hear what peeps outside of Polk County are saying... or if they have seen these 5 guys show up yet... Money is a big deal... but so is an organization... especially when a race like this could go to convention... Stay thirsty on this one for sure...
BOBBY V GETS IFPC - So during opening week of Session... the Iowa Family Policy Center (IFPC) has been organizing their big marriage rally and... had a very good turn out... But news out of this wasn't the issue on Marriage... the buzz was that they endorsed Bob Vander Plaats. Which is good for BVP... very good actually... Free press... in front of definate primary voters... good for him... But I'm not sure what this means for the Social Conservative movement. I mean... even the standard bearer for the Iowa SoCo Movement, the Iowa Christian Alliance (ICA), rarely... rarely endorses candidates... stays neutral for the most part... not to say it holds back members from endorsing... but for the health of the ICA... they stay out... usually... But organizations can do what they want... it's a free country... but longterm... not sure it was good for the IFPC... or the movement... Because the next cycle there's a primary... depending on the outcome of this election, of course... The weight and buzz of such endorsements could mean a lot less... One thing for sure is... they are all in now... Speaking of all in... Breaking from the QCI Live Wire... Word is that Mike Huckabee is coming back next month for BVP...
TEAM TEB'S WEEK - While the media was talking about BVP... and his good week. General thought is... Man, bad week for Terry Branstad. From a former org guy... I would say far from it. The dude just realeased an impressive list of County Leadership... In every single county... The first one of the race to do so... I mean... the other guys have been out there... and no list? Really?? The Branstad Camp is just fine... and they are building an organization... A serious one... plus... new website... big upcoming tour... I think they are just getting started... and have clearly shaken off the early stumbling out of the gate... The next interesting number will be fundraising... Oh wait... Breaking News from the QCI Live Wire... $1.5 million? Holy balls. Ok... Yeah... that Terry Branstad fella is doing alright... wow.
SPEAKING OF MONEY - Hot off of the QCI Live Wire... Our main man Bill Northey has done a hell of a job on the dineros... Says he's got $260,000 plus in the bank... So... With 9 or so months left in the race... And zero precincts reporting... QCI is projecting and calling the winner race for Secretary of Ag... Bill Northey. Yup... I said it.
Wow... the QCI Live Wire is getting a little warm today...
CHANGE OF THE SEAL - So yeah... we posted our Legislative Agenda the other day... Remember when we talked about wastes of time? Enter Ray Zirkelbach. Yups... he and his peeps got a problem with the grammar on the State Seal. Wants to change it... and says quote: "...and people will say, ‘Don’t they have better things to do in Des Moines?'" Yes... yes they do... but if you are so interested in changing it... let's really go for the gusto on this Representative Zirkelbach... Let's change it from "THE GREAT SEAL OF THE STATE OF IOWA"... To... "THE REALLY FREAKING AWESOME SEAL OF THE EPIC STATE OF IOWA"... Then... You will win me over... and making the day after the Super Bowl a state holiday... that would be epic... And incidentaly... cheaper than changing the seal... And while were at it... Change the soldier dude... like you want... And replace it with Macho Man Randy Savage... Why the Macho Man? Because that makes more sense than changing the frigging seal.
AND FINALLY... Got tons of more to come... and finally my New Year's resolutions... and a couple of single subject posts and stories... But to end this post... Enter my girl Ke$ha... *hearts*... I cannot get this freaking song out of my head.... so don't judge me... just crank it... so you can have it stuck too...
If you humor me here a bit... as I seem to have been reflecting on milestones, numbers and other special moments that had made this thing of the interwebs, truely the World's Crappiest Blog... a lot lately... Because... Today is kind of not really a special day. OK... it is... It's epic.
Three years ago, I published my first post... and its all gone down hill since. When I started this waste of time, I wasn't really sure what direction we were going with it. But... but we have basically come up with this as the credo of this "blog":
Work hard, have fun, make history. Keep expectations low. Support the two party system, two parties every night!
Are we getting there? Hmmm... maybe... not. Anyways... It turns out... my unbelievable short attention span hasn't stopped me to getting to year three... kind of an accomplishment on its own... if you ask me. Alright... enough with the self deprecating humor.... today is a day to celebrate!
We sure have had some fun here... made new jokes, talked a lot of shop... many of you are becoming closet Chiefs fans... we've (kind of) made breaking news... we've explored and adapted junior high toilet humor on how it relates to current events... started (sort of) cultural phenomenons... (No I'm serious on that one. I swear I saw someone fist bump someone else and say #goodjoboutofyou during the Condition of State coverage... epic) We made mullets acceptable... again. Lots of Earth shattering stuff... I know.
But my hope is, that I'm giving you all a little bit of an escape. A little time to be... not so serious. I know we cover a lot of political stuff here. And yes... politics is a serious game. But... being serious all the time is no way to live your life. I think we kind of proved that here.
I've said it before and I will say it a million times... Thank you for reading... and coming back. Nothing is more humbling than having someone say, "G$, you blog is frigging insane." Or getting emails from peeps with their questions, comments and of course... their insults. It's pretty awesome... and its stuff like that... that get me all fired up to do another post.
Now on to the future of QCI... I think its a bit more brighter than the dim high beams on the hoopty. So... yeah... I'm not going anywhere... and neither is this blog. We will continue to get all random on you... plus... be on the look out for new epic stories... thoughts... and things that you will make you personally ask.... for the 10 minutes... you just wasted... back...
So here's to year 3... and many more... thanks again for reading and your support. You are all crazy... just crazy good.
Stay thirsty, G$
PS - We're getting more active with our Facebook Fan Page... so hook that up here...
PPS - So since its a day to celebrate... how about a little dancing?
PPPS - OK, cool. Stop what your doing. Crank the following tune... and join me in a little dancing break in honor of QCI. Don't ask... just do it fools!!!
Hey there QCI-ders! Or for many of my loyal readers... welcome back to the Circus. Good to see some peeps in town.
So... I guess this is the obligatory, "Hey the legislature is back in town" post.... because... that's all that peeps are talking about... and for most QCI-ders... that's what's on their mind. So... I already said, I'm not smart enough to do a preview of this thinger. I mean... there are 100s of more peeps that could give you a better break down...
So I'm not gonna try one... kind of like my approach to the game of golf... I just don't want to slow everyone down on the course... so... I'll meet you at a bowling alley or something.
But... since all of the cool kids put out some sort of an agenda for each year... I thought I would get together with my crew here at QCI HQ and put together an agenda... Sure... I'll probably have some really stupid laws I want passed... and of course all for my benefit... whoah... I sound like a lobbyist... so yeah... keep a 2x4 handy to hit me in the head... because... If I say something that sounds remotely like that... smack me in the face.
Alright... here's our 2010 Agenda... in no particular order of importance... because... all of these are important... duh... because it just is... OK... 2x4 please...
BUDGET - Um, figure it out. Seriously. I mean... I've said it for years... and I'll say it again... If we can park a golf cart on Mars and I can watch any NFL game on my phone... we can figure this out... GET DONE FAST - Yeah... um, because it seems the longer you peeps are in town... the more damage you do... so... yeah... do the work and leave. I mean this in the nicest way, of course. SUPER BOWL MONDAY - Yeah... make it a state holiday... just for that week... make Monday your Friday... since you all leave Thrusday. For real. You think that's a waste of taxpayers' time? Uh... do I need to list the other wastes of time that goes on up there? Yeah... a day isn't gonna kill you. NEED MORE CASH? Then get some scrapers out and get that gold off of the Dome... haven't you seen these commercials? Sell your gold! Yeah... you can even sell it somewhere off of SE 14th Street... oh... and if the dome must be gold, hit the Home Depot... get some spray cans... same effect... I know you peeps are handy... when you all are pouting in meetings waiting for the other side to budge... you can either scrape or paint... think of it as new cash in the coffers... and team building... um, but I'd wait until we get temps in the 40s... because I care. NON ESSENTIALS - So... if you're gonna cut non essential parts of the budget... get rid of them. For good. I mean... if I can figure it out... you can too. If families across Iowa are cutting stuff... should the State?
COMMON SENSE - Get some.
OK... that's all I got. I know lame. And probably really stupid... Like I said... peeps more smart than me could have done a whole thing... make fancy graphics... professional booklets... score you free food over the noon hour... have thousands of phone calls made to you... hand out cheesy trinkets... spiffy t-shirts... run attack ads with super creepy music... have a ginormous rally on the west steps... yeah... Or... I could have made required reading of my book, "I'm Sorry... I'm Sorry That I'm Awesome"... a law... or the mullet as the official state haircut... but... Hmmm... Maybe you can legislate awesome.
So yeah... until then... stay thirsty... and enjoy some Mitch Ryder and the Detroit Wheels...
Who's ready for a playoff system? Alright... I won't start with that already... but for real we do.
OK... I've had it with this weather. It's total goats. I mean... It doesn't even seem like its the weekend... it's that freaking cold. Enough to be like... yeah... gonna enjoy some time off... oh wait... I have been stuck at home...
But enough of bitching about the weather... let's try to warm things up with the randomnous you deserve.
ALRIGHT THIS IS HILARIOUS - So as many of you know... I'm writing a book... it already has a title... it's called: "I'm Sorry, I'm Sorry I'm Awesome." And I've been posting a little bit on the progress on it. So... I posted an update on December 2nd... and found this picture of a cover of this book about being awesome... turns out... its freaking real! And!!! Two of my lost loyalist readers hooked me up with it for Chirstmas. Today's pic is me checking it out... although... I kind of disagree with the premise of the book... I'll get to that in a sec. Anyways... how studious do I look in my glasses? I mean... they are just props... I have perfect vision... everyone knows that... AWESOME TAKES PRACTICE? OK... Not sure I agree that being awesome take practice... I mean... You can practice awesome... right? Yes. I mean... everyone has awesome in them... its if they are using the awesome. QCI LEGISLATIVE SESSION PREVIEW - OK... I'll wait a minute for you to stop laughing... You done? OK... Yeah... I'm freaking way not smart enough to preview this year's session. All I know is... that it makes people crazy... and sometimes not crazy good. But wait a minute... We could have an agenda... right? YES!!!!! Eureka!!! YES!!! We will have a QCI Legislative Agenda... then maybe attempt to pass it! OK... maybe not... but its ok to dream, right? And... don't you worry... these are all major priorities. Stay thirsty on that one.
"So and so... I don't know what color, I can't see your Mom's floor from here."
OK... nothing like a Mama joke during a Facebook cultural event. Hilarious.
SHAMELESS SELF PROMOTION - Speaking of this thing you call the Facebooks... have you become a fan of this waste of time? No? Well then... check your self fool! Yeah... become a fan of the World's Crappiest Blog by clicking here... then fan it up yo! Also... feel free to join me in my celebration of self promotion... and suggest that other peeps become a fan of QCI on Facebook. Sincerely... thanks for being fans and reading. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO THE KING - He would have been 75 today... Long live the King of Rock n Roll. Do you think Elvis is still alive? Elvis is all sorts of awesome... man, I used to have an epic Elvis watch... I need to get it back... NEW YEAR'S RESOLUTIONS - Holy crap... this is getting really hard... but I will have these done this weekend. I promise.
AND FINALLY... In honor of the King's Birthday... How about some Elvis... OK... Stay thirsty friends... and stay warm.
How bout them Hawkeyes QCI-ders? Freaking awesome. Orange Bowlish stuff to cover today... hit it.
RICKY STANZI'S ACT OF AWESOMENESS - I'm not talking about how he played... but his post game interview.... How freaking hilarious was the now famous Stanzi question from Chris Meyers? If you haven't seen it check it here. I think I have heard the same speech on a Saturday morning on WWF during the Cold War. Also, I love how the Manzi looks back at his team mates after the fist pump. Kind of like, "Yeah, I just said that on National TV." Not only was it a good win... but now Stanzi the Manzi just made it freaking epic. Thus an act of awesomeness. KIRK FERENTZ ACT OF AWESOMENESS - Yup... from the Post Game Interview again... Fenentz refers to Georgia Tech as Wake Forest. Hahahahaha! Awesome. Yeah, after a month of no respect from Vegas, writers... Jimmy Johnson... whether he meant it or not... nice little jab to the haters from America's NEW Team. YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME - Alright... I admit... there aren't many Dems I would say I hate. To me hate is a strong word. It just is... I'll disagree with your positions then... I'm good to go. I call it "Keeping the Peace, Wil E Coyote-Sheepdog Style" right? Because I just think... its just a horrible way to live your life... being cranky and hating all the time... Word. But... hate showed its weary head to me at the beginning of the Orange Bowl Broadcast... Jimmy freaking Carter... are you kidding me?!?! Jimmy effing Carter. Hello blood... you have seemed to come to a boil. Yeah. Good thing Kirk had the old "ANF" decals on this year... hope the former President saw them. Like I said... he's probably the only Democrat that gets me all foaming at the mouth... other than that... I genuinely believe anyone who runs thinks (in their mind) they are doing the right thing... I just may disagree with the means.
"So and so... 'Looking forward to session is like looking forward to an AIDS test this year' - Best. Description. Ever."
And follow up comment posted under the same status...
"My favorite is, first day of session is like the first day of school, except everyone lies to you"
Awe... the Circus returns to the DeMo Monday... The legislative session always reminds me of my favorite quote from the legendary Steve Roberts: "Don't tell my mother I'm a lobbyist, she still thinks I play the piano in a whore house." Epic.
Also... speaking of "Statuses of the day..." Here's a hilarious ReTweet from one of the newest members of the LBC, Ann Leary:
RT @annleary: I just like a good poke @creepycupid Guys don't let Facebook privacy settings get in the way of ur love. Blocking is foreplay.
Anyways.. if you like dogs, animals, random New Englander things and fun stuff... be sure to add Ann to your reads. Here's her link. Oh and speaking of the Twitters... follow me up tweeps.
SO LET ME GET THIS STRAIGHT - The B-Dub has this story linked about a lady from Newton who's contact info was posted in the "adult classifieds" on Craigs List by someone else... So now, she's getting flooded with "offers" via phone, Tex Mexes, ect... Says she knows who did it... but won't press charges... because, she could could get charged for something she did to the said person who posted the info. Kinda makes ya wonder what she did to that person... holy schnikeys. What kind of hotel is this? Yikes...
AND FINALLY... Man... working on New Year's Resolutions... Dudes... don't worry... I think I'm still in the buffer zone to write them... anyways... never done these before... or really thought much to stuff like that. And... you know... since its a new decade... new year... I really want to make good ones... then be super psycho about keeping them... combine that with Catholic guilt... and I should be one hot mess by March... just in time for Lent!!!!
So yeah. I wanna be realistic, but be epic at the same time... you know... really explore the space... so... this makes it hard... I'll post them here so I can get millions of snarky comments... Tex Mexes and stuff... about how I'm doing... Call it the QCI Self help Accountability team... and you all have badges now.
So... we'll see how it goes... I mean if I really put my mind to it... I can do it... I mean... I grew a freaking mullet for crying out load... You grow a mullet, you can accomblish anything... I think Mr. Myagi said that or something... so its true. Anyways... So I'll maybe get these done during #iowadeathstorm3 that is rolling in right now... until then... Geek out to this classic from the Foo Fighters...
Bonne année... er Happy 2010 QCI-ders! And... post 400!!!! Wow.
Anyways... because I'm Iowan that way... the weather. Holy freaking crap it's freezing! I mean dayam. It's a nice balmy -15 in the DeMo... and everywhere else it seems.
So cold it hurts. Yeah... I'm serious. So I was thinking, since this the 400th post... I'd do some cutesy fun thinger. But... my brain is frozen. So how about keepin' it random? Or oldish... meaning keeping it low key on sucha momentous occasion... Awesome. Let's get to it...
CHIEEEEEEFS! In case you missed it... and or followed my super annoying tweets yesterday... The Chiefs beat the My Little Ponies in the World's Largest Meth Lab (Investco Field). It was awesome. Great way to start 2010! Also... we're pretty sure that Champ Bailey is a drug lord. For real... ok, maybe we made that up... but judging that he plays for Denver... we wouldn't be surprised... just like when I once heard the John Elway only uses his lawn mower only to run over puppies... may sound kind of extreme... but it is John Elway. So I wouldn't put it past him. HAWKEYES - Yeah... starting to get a little... ER REALLY fired up for the Orange Bowl. Yeah... after catching football for like 2 weeks in a row... It's time for the Hawks. QCI ORANGE BOWL Prediction:Georgia Tech 2, Iowa 89. Yeah... the Hawks show mercy in the 4th quarter when Ricky Stazi takes a knee in the endzone for a safety... Because Stanzi is merciful. CANDIDATES - Sing it everyone, "Candidates, we have candidates... we have tons and tons of... candidates!" Alright... getting tons of releases from you peeps. #goodjoboutofyou! But... because this is one of my New Year's Resolutions... (I'm working on my list... will post soon)... is to help peeps out... I mean... there's so many of us who could sit on the sidelines and keep it to yourself... but... how does that fix stuff and make everyone better? So... especially you Federal Candidates... of which seems to be a billion of them now... here's a couple tips:
1) Everyone has forgot it once... so no big deal... Disclaimers... know what "Paid for by" that is supposed to go on your materials... when you forget... some snarky press release will be sent by your opponent. Disclaimers, disclaimers, disclaimers... Here's a good rule for you: Before sending a release or proofing campaign lit ask, "Where's the disclaimer?" You'll be good to go. 2) Be sure you know the goals of your social media. Are you a news feed? Want to document how hard you are working while on the campaign trail? Getting the message of the day out? Figure it out... And QCI-ders know what I'm talking about. Also, use it... don't just be there because someone told you. Use the stuff.
"So and so... just read the '5 things not to do at your company xmas party', There is an 80% chance that i will get 4 out of 5 done tonight at 801 Grand !!!"
What kind of hotel is this!
DUDE... THE OFB IS CLOSED - Alright... I know we did the Decade in Review post... but this is just another piece of news that made me feel... old? Or... nostalgic? Drink... the Original Fun Bar closed its doors last night... will be reopened... but prolly with a different name. Man, remember when that place was the joint? You know... until out of towners ruined it? Yeah... epic. PREDICTIONS - Lots of predicitions going on out there for the 2010 Elections... that's what peeps like us go. But I'm gonna hold off on mine... oh wait, I do have one, 2010 is gonna be epic. I know big surprise.
AND FINALLY... I got this email forwarded from a loyal QCI-der... There's been some Hawkeye Rap Videos popping up here and there. Here's the said email:
Its two days until Iowa and the orange bowl. What better way to get pumped than with the midwest anthem by my friend Rizzle Dazzle and his midwest krew. Please help me spread this around to any iowa fan you know!!! I want to make sure Rizzle gets more hype and hits than his new nemesis in the rap game... Notti Boy... There is only room in Iowa for one Hawkeye rapper!Go Hawks!