So... man this freaking ice sucks... yeah... totally biffed it 5 times yesterday... I'm sure I put on a little show for the peeps in the Sherman Hill... Haven't been this banged up in a while... be careful out there.
At least we still have some power tho... But looking at the trees up in the SH... not sure how long that will last.
IT'S GEORGE BUSH'S FAULT - Alright... you never gonna find me as one of those guys who get all red in the face... angry... and scream responses to everything President Obama says. It's just not how I roll... and it gets very old fast... but I gotta admit... Being the former "Bushie" that I am... I just couldn't resist this one... so... the reason/excuse for the Dem loss in Massachusetts? Is George W. Bush, per the current POTUS. Really? This one still works? Seriously? This one really doesn't get me all hot and bothered... just makes me SMH...
LATE NIGHT TV WAR - So I'm kind of a late night tv junkie... but I also consider me a NBC guy... And of course I'm on Team CoCo... So... last night... I tried to objectively watch both shows... and see which one was better. I admit... I think Leno is funny... but in an Older Uncle way... and I find Conan funny... as in hangin' with my buddies cracking jokes back in forth kind of way... but... then it hit me... Tell me why they are getting rid of Conan again? And also... when you give writing teams free reign... as it seems they all have now... look at how great these shows get.
"So and so... While driving yesterday I saw a banana peel in the road and instinctively swerved to avoid. Thanks mario kart."
That one was sent from a very loyal QCI-der... which now opens up to a new thing here at QCI... we will now take any suggestions you may have... and make it a seperate post. And we will also open it up to Tweets as well... so send you suggestions everyday to: grantyoung72@hotmail.com. Prizes may be handed out... and we will always keep these anonymous... to protect the innocent. Of course there's gonna be a cool header and stuff... duh. Freaking epic.
BREAKING - Holy crap! Supreme Court says the ban on corporate contributions is unconstitutional? Wow... My head just exploded.
AND FINALLY... Speaking of my head just exploding... You know... nothing puts you in a great mood like... some freaking Wilson Pickett... He is just straight up one of the masters... and I have always loved his version of Hey Jude... but he did this song with Tom Jones too? Whoah... Do you're soul a favor and take in this song... and feel free to belt out a Pickett-esque scream... it just feels that good... You soul will be like, "Dude, Wilson Pickett.. and Tom Jones?!! That's epic."