Damn man... still have that Ke$ha in my head. Kind of getting annoying... (ok not really) anyone have any ideas how to get a song out of your head? Even tho it might be awesome? SMH...
MONEY, MONEY, MONEY - So yesterday was show your cards day. Lot's of talk about fundraising. We chirpped a lot about this all ready. But to me... the interesting bit... later in the day was the Tweets coming out of Team Lug (aka Culver/Dem peeps). While TEB had a hell of 2 months... the Culver peeps were quick to note they have million more in the bank. Which for them... this is probably the best news they have had in a while. But, upon further review... I wouldn't exactly be doing a happy dance. The Lug has been in basic campaign mode since he was sworn in... and after 3 plus years... this is it? Also... Culver was the first to spend serious money in this campaign... on TV... and his numbers sank... more. Another thing is when you compare numbers and such... the picture isn't so good. So while they are putting the best face they can... behind the scenes... they can't be taking Junior Senior Dance Breaks... I'm just sayin'... At least I wouldn't be if I were wearing their Chuck Taylors...
FROM THE QCI MAIL ROOM - Whoah... you people are insane! So getting some fan letters lately... thanks for the lurve. It was pointed out by a couple of you... per the "Seal Talk" yesterday... that there's a nickname for homeboy Ray Ray Zirklebach... Teen Wolf? Ok, that's awesome. Which ques me to one of my favorite lines from the movie... "You get to hold the Jello!" Oh Styles Stilinksi... you are a genius.
"So and so... To the person who stole the head off of my snowman; I have a skill set that includes over 100 testicle-based attacks. I expect the eyes, nose, mouth, pipe, hat and scarf back. ASAP."
It wasn't me! It wasn't me!!!
TEAM CONAN - If you've been following my very horrible crappy Twitter updates... you know that I am firmly with Team Conan... Interesting enough... Conan probably feels like the other quarterbacks who don't wear #4 and play for the Minnesota Vikings... I'm just sayin.
COOL BLOGGER THINGER - So... I've been invited to hit this thing tomorrow morning. Yes... I do get up before Noon on the weekends... I'll maybe post an update over the weekend... and possibly Tweet the deets. So if you weren't already... follow me up... oh and since I'm getting really freaking good at shameless self promotion... fan me up on Facebook. Awesome.
TALKING ABOUT REAL WRATH OF GOD STUFF YOUR HONOR - OK... so catching that they are having just a few issues up in the State House this morning... Mics not working... Voting machines not working... Two month expired Coke Zero... Cold fried foods... Human sacrifice! Dogs and cats living together! MASS HYSTERIA!!! Call me Archbishop Mike, because I'm thinking this could be a sign from God.... but I wouldn't quote me on that...
AND FINALLY... Um... Yeah... que some random scene from Ghostbusters... because we are givers...