CITY RUN OFFS - QCI high fives to Halley Greiss and crew. Hu hu hu hu huge upset. After chatting with a few peeps... there's definitely some anti incumbent feel to some of the results statewide. Peeps here at QCI HQ are smellin some momentum. Lots of work to... stay tuned.
CONGRESS ANNOUNCEMENT TIME - Alright... so out in the 2nd... 3M is out of the gate... but since they ain't doing blogger outreach... we have a question that peeps might be able to helps us outs... Did we saw via FB that Barbara Grassley was out with her yesterday... Is this an endorsement? Wouldn't know... but sure looked like it. Also... Brad Zaun is announcing... at his old hardware store... Thursday... 10am... See? You sends me's these stuffs... we's posts its.
MORE PEEPS IN? More and more peeps are jumping in these races. Makes it more easy to chirp about...
THERE'S OTHER BOOKS ABOUT BEING AWESOME? Wha?? Seems that my crack PR staff is starting to find some competition in the "awesome" book genre... but is it epic? Ummm... don't think so. But we disagree with the title of the book above that was found by my agent. Basically... being awesome... is a lifestyle... much like the mullet. I mean... I guess you could practice being awesome... but... that's like practicing livin'. But... all will come out in my book, I'm Sorry... I'm Sorry That I'm Awesome. Of which we made some progress in the project. Can't tell you now... (but, man I wish I could)... but that's why I pay my peeps the big bucks. I have never written a book before... and these peeps are smart about that. Also, they can spell and make complete sentences... how cool are they?? Yeah... awesome.
"So and so... I'm updating my status to state that I ate lunch at Tasty Taco solely so I can "Like" my own status. Because, it. is. that. good."
Yes. Yes! YES! YES!!!
AND FINALLY... because... we just straight chillin' here at HQ... so... crank the smoothness of Gorilla Zoe... Stay thirsty friends....