BOSWELL'S PETITIONS? Holy smokes QCI-ders... today's must read. Click here. Two bucks a signature for Leonard Boswell's petition drive?! Really?! This is uber bad for Team GMLB. Not only does it say something about your volunteer/organization base... but money for signatures? Any one want to make some ACORN references? Yeah... good news for the good guys.
QUICK HITS - Haven't done one of these in a while... so we'll do the speed version... Terry Branstad kicks off his campaign today. Kind of digging the RV... Same time Mike Kiernan and the IDP Funky Bunch start bracketing... Think there's a little sweating over on Fleur Drive? This is the most activity I've seen out of them in a while... Yesterday... Rod Roberts reports he's done well on fundraising... Has some cash in the bank and will be hitting the radio waves soon... Then today Bob Vander Plaats shows his dineros... thats a big burn rate folks... I don't care what you say... almost as bad as Chet Culver's burn rate... So while all of this drama is going down... We have Massachusetts Senate Race... with some promising numbers... As a loyal QCI-der told me... Scott Brown has to get at least 5% or they'll steal it... OK... then I think that is it... but more drama may be hitting... again.... stil can't believe the Boswell thing... That's actually really crazy... is there a full moon or something? Also... the most important day of this Primary is Saturday... The Caucuses... this is where the election could be won... Who will show up? How many petitions will make it to their their right counties? How many will actually be signed? Will my planks pass? More on that this week...
"So and so... death in the family. not one casserole? Seriously?"
Had to chuckle on that one... And I think my cousins would too...
MY NEW YEARS RESOLUTIONS - Alright... here's mine... really freaking late... I hope can do these... it would be epic... in no particular order:
HEALTH - After a couple of real reminders over the past few months... My body is subtly is telling me I'm not 20 anymore. I really freaking hate hospitals... doctors (not the peeps themselves... just going)... being sore... needles... uh, pain... and all that crap... oh and death... death doesn't really sound that cool... so I gotta work on this. I'm gonna join a league or something... that will be one part of this. Oh... no more salt. No crazy marathons or anything... need to eat better and be a little more active. Arcade basketball isn't going to cut it.
THE ARTS - I really go in spurts with this. But... painting, drawing and building stuff really puts me in a zen like place... Super relaxed... And some days I actually make something fun... Sorry... confessions of a former art geek... so... I really want to be more consistant with my creative time... and make time for it... because... it's freaking awesome... So... I will make 3 works a week for the rest of the year... sounds hard... but not when its fun... maybe I'll post some stuff I'm working on...
LEARN - There's been some instances over the past couple of years... where I will just say... "Uh... don't know how to do that." But for this year... I'm going to turn it into, "Uh... I don't know how to do that... so show me how to do it." Like wierd projects... techie things... and other stuff... just going to learn more.
EPIC BOOK - Finish this thing. It's a ton of fun. But I need to keep focused. Will have more updates on it soon. All I know is, when finished... it'll be something I'll be proud of... no matter how many bad reviews it gets... or if only my two Grandmas buy it... no I won't charge my Grandmas... but they maybe the only ones who read it... kind of like this blog.
BE A BETTER FRIEND, SON, BROTHER, UNCLE ET ALL - Alright... not to say I'm a complete freaking asshole... In the least egotistical way to say it... I wouldn't consider me that... But, over the past 2 years... there have been times... where I know I could have been more in tune with my peeps... It's a wierd resolution to have... and a longer ass story than I really want to get into... but... just being a better friend is on the list.
CONTINUE EPIC AWESOMENESS - This year... with this blog... and everything else I do... Continue the awesome... So yeah... be prepaired for more Epic. Freaking. Awesomeness.
Alright... some really lame ass resolutions... oh and sorry for the language... OK... add that too. Watch the mouth... and create new fake cuss words... So I don't get yelled at by my Grandma's... wait... should the mullet come back? Urgh... these resolution things are goats... but... I have made them... So its on like Donkey King... enter some awesome Catholic guilt... and this should be fun... Until then... crank the Foo... and stay thirsty...