Some of this is a little stale... but I thought... it's still worth doing a run down... tons of campaign stuff...
Let's get to the madness... oh yeah!!!
3RD DISTRICT BUZZ - Man... This one is turning into a good one. So... Brad Zaun had a holiday party in Beaverdale. Very well attended... I would say the who's who of Polk County GOP activists were out in force. Not sure if all are on board, but solid showing. But then again... who's gonna pass on free Christopher's? Then you have Jim Gibbons who announced jaw dropping fundraising numbers. Um... that's a pretty freaking impressive number... Remember, there are limits in Fed races.... But... money is nice... but you need peeps to do the work... Mark Rees has been having meetings around the DeMo. Rumored he's gonna put some of his own cash in to start the campaign. And he likes to Tweet. Dave Funk enlisted Rhodes the Tea Guy to run his shop... and has uped their Twitter presence... and has a huge press list... No word from Bertroche yet... but I'm sure we will hear something... Yeah... lots of action. Right now... I would say its a Gibbons/Zaun race. But I want to hear what peeps outside of Polk County are saying... or if they have seen these 5 guys show up yet... Money is a big deal... but so is an organization... especially when a race like this could go to convention... Stay thirsty on this one for sure...
BOBBY V GETS IFPC - So during opening week of Session... the Iowa Family Policy Center (IFPC) has been organizing their big marriage rally and... had a very good turn out... But news out of this wasn't the issue on Marriage... the buzz was that they endorsed Bob Vander Plaats. Which is good for BVP... very good actually... Free press... in front of definate primary voters... good for him... But I'm not sure what this means for the Social Conservative movement. I mean... even the standard bearer for the Iowa SoCo Movement, the Iowa Christian Alliance (ICA), rarely... rarely endorses candidates... stays neutral for the most part... not to say it holds back members from endorsing... but for the health of the ICA... they stay out... usually... But organizations can do what they want... it's a free country... but longterm... not sure it was good for the IFPC... or the movement... Because the next cycle there's a primary... depending on the outcome of this election, of course... The weight and buzz of such endorsements could mean a lot less... One thing for sure is... they are all in now... Speaking of all in... Breaking from the QCI Live Wire... Word is that Mike Huckabee is coming back next month for BVP...
TEAM TEB'S WEEK - While the media was talking about BVP... and his good week. General thought is... Man, bad week for Terry Branstad. From a former org guy... I would say far from it. The dude just realeased an impressive list of County Leadership... In every single county... The first one of the race to do so... I mean... the other guys have been out there... and no list? Really?? The Branstad Camp is just fine... and they are building an organization... A serious one... plus... new website... big upcoming tour... I think they are just getting started... and have clearly shaken off the early stumbling out of the gate... The next interesting number will be fundraising... Oh wait... Breaking News from the QCI Live Wire... $1.5 million? Holy balls. Ok... Yeah... that Terry Branstad fella is doing alright... wow.
SPEAKING OF MONEY - Hot off of the QCI Live Wire... Our main man Bill Northey has done a hell of a job on the dineros... Says he's got $260,000 plus in the bank... So... With 9 or so months left in the race... And zero precincts reporting... QCI is projecting and calling the winner race for Secretary of Ag... Bill Northey. Yup... I said it.
Wow... the QCI Live Wire is getting a little warm today...
CHANGE OF THE SEAL - So yeah... we posted our Legislative Agenda the other day... Remember when we talked about wastes of time? Enter Ray Zirkelbach. Yups... he and his peeps got a problem with the grammar on the State Seal. Wants to change it... and says quote: "...and people will say, ‘Don’t they have better things to do in Des Moines?'" Yes... yes they do... but if you are so interested in changing it... let's really go for the gusto on this Representative Zirkelbach... Let's change it from "THE GREAT SEAL OF THE STATE OF IOWA"... To... "THE REALLY FREAKING AWESOME SEAL OF THE EPIC STATE OF IOWA"... Then... You will win me over... and making the day after the Super Bowl a state holiday... that would be epic... And incidentaly... cheaper than changing the seal... And while were at it... Change the soldier dude... like you want... And replace it with Macho Man Randy Savage... Why the Macho Man? Because that makes more sense than changing the frigging seal.
AND FINALLY... Got tons of more to come... and finally my New Year's resolutions... and a couple of single subject posts and stories... But to end this post... Enter my girl Ke$ha... *hearts*... I cannot get this freaking song out of my head.... so don't judge me... just crank it... so you can have it stuck too...