Also... this blog has clearly taken hold of its female audience. Ladies, #goodjoboutofyou. Who knew you gals actually think I have a fashion sense... or at least you think I know better... wierd, yet cool at the same time.
It's a funny thing with the demographics who read this. And yes I actually do keep track. When the ladies email about the stuff I write about... they all are well thought notes and comments. When the fellas send me stuff... Usually, "Dude... 69" or "Macho Man? Oh yeah!"
But now... as of yesterday's fashion advice... I may have broken my rule of keeping expectations low now... yikes.
Another thing in the ole QCI Mail Bag lately. We're getting new readers. All with very kind comments about this blog. Thanks!
Like I always say... Like a good grunge band, I love myself some feedback. Keep sending your thoughts and I may post it here.
Speaking of grunge... this goes out to Dr. Hove... per a phone call the other night... he's learning this song... awesomeness...