UPDATED: 12:02PM - Updates in Red...
Hey QCI-ders… just when we’re having fun with the Smack Down, some real scoop shows up. Thank you for all of your participation and loyal reading of this crappy blog. It’s funny… ever since I started this thing… people send me stuff…. I get calls… I get press releases… even invited to participate on conference calls. But breaking late yesterday, I got some scoop on the top story of the Right of Center blogs… the race for the new Chairman of the Republican Party of Iowa. Here’s what’s out there…
THE CANDIDATES – Here’s the names being talked about: Danny Carroll, Matt Strawn, Matt Randall, Paul Pate, Gopal Krishna and Ted Sporer.
ANOTHER MEETING? I hope things were more calm than some others that have been held in the past… sure enough it was. So… a meeting of State Central Committee members was assembled last week to discuss a new State Chairman. According to some people close to the situation, some SCC members were invited… and some were not. We can only speculate that the ones not invited were votes they couldn’t count on… but that’s just us thinkin’. A slate was presented to the group assembled. Gopal Krishna would be Chairman of the Republican Party of Iowa and Ted Sporer would be Co-Chair of the party.
When presented… obviously they did the whole, “Who’s in?” To get a whip count. Now remember QCI-ders, it only takes 9 to win the Chair’s race. Per sources, there were some members of the assembled group that left the meeting. Stating that they could not be on board with this slate and/or are looking in a different direction. The remainders… stayed as they were getting lobbied… or “armtwisted” as someone close to the situation told me. These folks who are under pressure, are either uncomfortable about the slate or are still undecided.
*SATURDAY’S MEETING – Now… here’s where it gets interesting… I’ve been told that the slate presented is confident enough of their whip count (which means number of votes they have in the can for the uninitiated)… that they may force a vote at this Saturday’s State Central Committee Meeting. As I was told, “I think they have the votes to run the table.”
*Scratch that thought on the "run the table" plan... maybe. I have been told you must give a 10 day notice for a chair election. Has a notice been given?
HIGH RANKING OFFICIALS ARE MONITORING THE DEVELOPMENTS – From a reliable source, there are two “high ranking” Republican officials who are concerned and monitoring the State Chair situation… both have said they have no horse in the race… but are very concerned about the state of the party and its rebuilding process. Per another source… it’s a couple of Republicans “who’s opinion would be respected with all factions.” There are other party leaders (who haven’t been vocal) that are contemplating chiming in… keep your ears open on this one.
DARK HORSE? While this race is heating up… there’s a dark horse rising… it’s Paul Pate. He has sent some information out to County Chairs (as you have probably read in comment sections across the LBC)… and they Counties are chirping. But are the votes there?
WHERE’S DANNY? Sunshine and friends at Battleground talked about this a while ago… (and they are still talking per the comment section) where’s the talk now? I found it interesting as I sifted through emails and listened on the phone… his name wasn’t even brought up. Does this mean he’s out? No… not at all. Keep an eye on it.
A REASON FOR HOPE - Of all the chatter being tossed. I find a reason for optimism. The chatter in this race has been thoughtful and positive behind the scenes... from accounts I have gathered... there's some statemenship in the discussions. Activists and ringleaders are serious about a true rebuild of the party. They want to get it right. So whatever happens... it looks like we could have a smooth transition... and real unity... which usually hasn't happened in the past when we circle the wagons. So here's a little cheers to those in the discussions... Let's hope all involved keep it that way.
NOW WHAT? That’s a good question. Does the Krishna/Sporer slate have the votes to “run the table” Saturday? What about the other candidates? Is this all a bunch of Barbara Streistand being fed to the World’s Crappiest Blog? Could be… there may be a few details missed or exagerated… but from the stuff I’m hearing… it’s been decently consistent. Thoughts?