BECAUSE… I’M FEELIN’ KINDA SATURDAY… (sing along) “Feelin’ like Saturday…” A little paraphrase of a Nancy and Frank classic. Well QCI-ders… All eyes on 621 East 9th this weekend. Also, did you know…
THE IOWA RIGHTOSPHERE IS CHAR BROILED – So here we are the day before the big meeting. And the blogs are chirping. The undisputed heavyweight champion of the blogs, Hershel Krustofski, has been dumping gasoline. Let’s do a rundown… First, Krusty digs into the arcives with a letter… enter Sunshine and the gang at Battleground… which spurred a call to action from the Iowa Defense Alliance… This would be enough for a good summary post… but if you dump gas on a fire… your gonna get more than a spark. Turn on the air raid horn, ‘cause here comes the FlyBoys. Speaking fires… you know the burn pile back at the farm? Well, it spread into the fields… the Al over at IDA give a quick update… so alirght… cool… get ready for the results of the meeting on Saturday, right? WRONG. Krusty starts a history lesson today. Here. Here. And here. Finally… for now at least… Battleground asks the question of the day, via information HK served up.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY 21ST AMENDMENT – Woo HOO!!! In case you didin’t know… today is one of my favorite Constitutional moments in history. I can see all of you rolling your eyes… and some of you being brought to tears. I think this calls for a stop at Flanny’s… see you there later.
FREEDOM MULLET – Ok… so the voting is continuing on the Mullet Watch 2009. The are cheers and there are jeers. On one side, there’s big “hells yeas!” On the other, “hells nos.” Enter the patron saint of the World’s Crappiest Blog to chime in with this quick video… it’s not that long… so it’s a must see video of the day.
“So and so… sayz G--Just grow the mullet, and perhaps throw in a pair of side chops while you're at it?"
Hmmm… Hetfield style?
SOMETHING TO SOLVE YOUR FOOTBALL FIX THIS WEEKEND – Y’all know about UNI this weekend… but if you are looking for another great game… check out the Northwest Missouri State Bearcats at 3:00pm on ESPN 2. They are playing North Alabama for the right to make it to the championship. “What’s with Northwest Missouri G$?” My bro is a former 2 time National Champion with the NWMSU Bearcat football team.