GOLD COINS! WOOT! Holy cow QCI-ders… the first I’ve ever rang the bells (seriously I can’t believe I’ve never done it before… it was a ton of fun)… anyhoop… it was pretty cool to find this out in the DMR after freezing our asses off. Thanks to all who stopped by!
WOW… I WAS WAY OFF ON THAT ONE – So Vilsack is the Ag Sec. Huh… who would of thunk it. We were way off. But then again, QCI is the World’s Crappiest Blog and not so much a place where Democrats hang out.
SOME THINGS ABOUT THE VILSACK APPOINTMENT – Number 1, it’s good for Iowa. Hell, I even got a press release from Steve King praising the pick. Second thing, let’s call this the Johanns strategy from the Democrats… it’s a longtime coming… but it’s going to happen. Thirdly, watch for a death match when it comes to ethanol, the kind you make from corn. Vilsack is gonna be the standard bearer for it (as all Iowans would, we’re modest Texans in that regard)… but the rub comes with Obama’s appointment for Energy, Steven Chu. He’s been called the scientific version of Al Gore. And drinks a lot of hateraide when it comes to ethanol… corn based ethanol that is. Look out for a good figh tin this one. I think Vilsack could pretty much beat his ass if it came down to it... and the farmers will have his back.
ONE MORE THING ABOUT VILSACK – What happens when there’s a big time story about an Iowan? Oh yea… we get it 24/7 until some other story comes up or Shawn Johnson goes to the mall. Another Iowa Connection story, right? Well, there are some outlets who are refreshing some history with Henry Wallace, appointed by FDR. Anyone else see some irony that the last time an Iowan was selected as the Ag Sec… we got ourselves a whole ton of government?
SHONN GREENE – Could he be the 20th Hawkeye to be a consensus All-American in the program’s history? Gonna have to modify the number board back at the crib. Will have to take a picture of it for you kids. It’s pretty cool and a G$ original.
DON’T YOU GUYS KNOW IT’S CHRISTMAS TIME? For crying out loud… looks like venom is the top seller for Christmas gifts on Krusty lately. Man…
STATE CHAIR RACE – Man this thing is a lot like camping, in TENTS! Get it? Bad joke. Matt Strawn has been getting his pizza on. Looks like he’s scoring some points. Pate’s gots himself a website. Gopal is meeting with ICA faithful and others across the state. Danny is making calls. And still no word from Uncle Ted. The Flyboys have their BCS Computer working on it… this thing is pretty fluid. QCI has some stuff in the crock pot for you. Stay tuned.
HE’S GOING BIG TIME – Some of you may remember my buddy A-Ro. He has an awesome sports blog and is moving it outside of the Facebook blogs. Be sure to check it out if you are a complete sports junkie. Good insight and great writing. Hit him up and tell him G$ sent you.
“So and so… is in the Minneapolis Airport looking at Senator Craigs bathroom stall. Idaho has marked their territory in Minnesota!”
Just don’t tap your feet man. Sit still.
OH WE DIDN’T EVEN SEE THIS – Yo, QCI is over 25,000 hits. Wow… you guys really have nothing else better to do. Right on, thanks for reading! You guys pretty much kick ass.
SPEAKING OF THE BCS – Dudes… we moved up on the BlogNetNews list of influence! TWO FREAKING SPOTS! Texas Tech or somebody must have gotten beat. Anyway… this is where the human error and computer error mix it up. This blog isn’t worth the pub. Pub? When are we going and which one?
HAWKEYE AWESOMNESS FACTS OF THE DAY – So get this, South Carolina’s defensive stud will not play in the Outback Bowl. Didn’t make the grades… which kind of sucks, was looking forward to Shonn Greene running over his ass. We’ll just watch his backup get destroyed. Plus, hey Sic, it’s not Greene you should have to worry about (you should, but that’s the least of your troubles)… Two words, Mitch King… oh and get this man. Our top defensive guy… he makes his grades, but then again, no one thinks of academics when it comes to the SEC, so no worries there. Just as long as there’s a team from the SEC in the BCS championship game and Dale Jr. doesn’t crash in a race, y’all are gonna yahoo louder than when Cock Fans find out that there’s new dream catchers in stock at the local truck stop.
NOT EVEN JOKING ON THIS ONE – How about the Pimpin’ Preisdents for your stocking stuffer this year? Would be more cool if the Clinton one had a button that made it talk. Something like, “Bitch better have my money” or something like that. Who comes up with this shit?
ICE STORMS SUCK – Well here it comes. I think we should all take some advice from the late great former mayor of Buffalo, Jimmy Griffin, who said this in 1977: "Go home, watch channel 7 and buy a six pack of 'Genny' (A beer brand) and stay home.”
AND FINALLY… with all of the talk about this storm. And the authorities telling you when to travela dn when not to travel… here’s a little road music from the God’s of Rock. Crank this mother when your sliding your way home.