ARROWHEAD SUITES – Dudes… I was rolling with the VIPs on a friggin’ cold day at Arrowhead. All you can eat and drink? You don’t have to tell me twice. Good game to watch… but of course, we blow it in the end. But for real QCI-ders… Arrowhead is like Graceland for me. Think about all of the posts I did on Metallica and take that to the next level… yea that awesome.
SO LONG KING CARL – Alright, straight up. I have to admit. After all of the bitching I do about King Carl Peterson… I gotta thank him for the 90’s. Those were the days man. The days of my coming of age and the Chiefs kicking ass on Sundays. Good times. But it was kind of cool to be there on his final game as GM/President/CEO. I got to say thank you and give him the finger at the same time. For all of the memories of the 90’s… that shit stopped when he let Jared Allen go. I will never ever forgive him for that. Never.
UM YEA, IT WAS COLDER THAN FORT DODGE – You know it’s cold when you get your first beer at Arrowhead and after taking your first sip… the top of your beer is frozen. Good thing it was only 72 degrees in the suite. Open bar is kind of nice.
“So and so… is tired of cassaroles, onions and Old Style Genuine Draft!”
That ridiculous! How in the hell could your get tired of that? Wait a minute… there’s Old Stool GD Draft? When was I not informed?
ISU’s NEW COACH – I almost had coffee coming out of my nose Saturday morning when I heard that the folks up in Lames ERRR Ames hired the defensive coordinator from Auburn. Hawk fans… kick back, relax and be ready for another decade of dominance. Oh and Iowa Staters… don’t act like this was your favorite pick all along. Lies make Baby Jesus cry.
I AGREE WITH SOME OF THE DUDES ON SOUND OFF – Yea… um… get this. All the hub bub about Iowa State… and you have Shonn Greene. Who is probably on his way to being the 20th consensous All-Amercian in Iowa History and the first running back since Kinnick?!?!? And you are going ga ga for this coach? Seriously, WTF.
HAWKEYE AWESOMENESS – Well, we figure that South Carolina folks know how to use a computer… so, today… we’re gonna layoff of them, because we will kick their asses anyway… but today, the folks back at QCI HQ are still giggling about the new Iowa State hire. But thanks to BHGP, the smacketh runs other the cup goodness. Now, I heard it since I was little, “You know, they invited the first computer at Iowa State.” Blah, blah, blah… cool, here’s your scratch and sniff sticker. Great. But you know what? When you invent a computer… learn how to use it. Thanks to BHGP for pointing out that the Athletic Department couldn’t use Photo Shop if their lives were on the line… check this garbage out… it’s times like this you should have just called the kids at Topps who do the painting on the traded sets.
SPEAKING OF BASEBALL CARDS – Fellas, I got something here that’s gonna make you feel old… Did you know it’s the 20 year anniversary of the Billy Ripken “F*ck Face” card? Billy finally breaks the silence on the story… check it out here. How bad ass was that card back in the day?
BUFFALO BILLS AWESOMENESS? Yea dudes… this goes out to a few of my good friends are diehard Buffalo Fans. The weekly Bills Rap from WGN 550 in Buffalo. Check out the Week 16 version here. “Let’s go Bills. Bababababababa Bills…” It’s hilarious.
AND FINALLY, in honor of my buddy Chris Faulkner scoring the BEST. WHITE. ELEPHANT. GIFT. EVER. Check this pic out. Let’s play the actual video! If I would have to tell you that you had to crank this tune at the loudest volume… you can just quit reading this blog all together. Seriously, just leave and never come back.