MITCH DANIELS 2012? Michael Barone seems to think so. Beings that he’s one of my favs… I’ve asked if he was interested to some of my Indiana peeps. Stay tuned.
IOWA GOP CHAIRMAN RACE ROLLS ALONG – Get this… this thing is going to dominate the bizz for while. Hershel does a break down. So of course, hearty debate begins on Krusty.
SPEAKING OF THE RACE – Here he goes again… Matt Strawn has a blog and a new video. Technically you could say he’s the only one in the race with one… because the Real Sporer has been uncharacteristically silent. Hmmm… I’d be check for updates. My quess is you be seeing some. Will there be more popping up?
HAWKEYE AWESOMENESS FACTS OF THE DAY – So FITS responded with a little smack. Didn’t know that folks in South Carolina knew what hockey was. Anyhoop… but since today at QCI we’re “linkin’ it like we mean it”… I offer four words. Black Hearts Gold Pants. And the junior high humor continues…
BATTLEGROUND LINKS IT LIKE THEY MEAN IT – In their Thursday Hodgepodge. Who needs smack talk from the Shamecocks, when you can get it here at home. Jeez…
“So and so… is thinking the inception of the car czar makes every day Talk Like a Pirate Day!”
AND FINALLY… Since we’re linking it like we mean it… and the blogs are burning up… how wabout some Blue Oyster Cult?