Alright, now that I have totally alienated more than half of our loyal QCI-ders by doing a Hawkeye Preview and getting yelled at by my brother… let’s get back to what we do best here. Be completely random.
NEW SONG HITS TOMORROW! – Metallica is set to release the first song, “The Day That Never Comes,” tomorrow at 1:00pm Iowa time. So tune into Lazer tomorrow around then, they should have it. This is going to rule.

SPEAKING OF ARTS AND CRAFTS TIME – Here are a few different artsy sites for you to totally waste time on. I’m moving in a week… so I have been using and abusing Apartment Therapy. Also, if you are obsessed with sports logos… (isn’t everyone?) check out the Society of Sports Uniform Research. And if that doesn’t fill the void for your inner sports art geek, you should be reading UniWatch. It’s kind of the law.