Here’s your Friday Fix.
MARVIN POMERANTZ, 1930-2008 – We lost a great one yesterday. A giant of Des Moines and GREAT supporter of all Republicans. Both InFlyOver and Krusty had great tributes and we here at QCI ditto everything they said. The DMR has a collection of thoughts and statements from prominent leaders.
While this is huge loss and leaves a ginormous void in our community, Mr. Pomerantz’s legacy can challenge our up and coming leaders by looking at this shining example this man and answer his question, “Is that the best you can do?”
OLYMPIC FEVER – Des Moines is clearly under the spell of the Olympics. You can go anywhere in town without hearing, “Dude, you see that last night?” You know what I think is absolutely hilarious (and I am so guilty of this as well)… during the Olympics, everyone is an expert in every sport. GO USA! Go Sweden!
7.2 WINNER! – To end this on a much lighter note... Ding! Ding! Ding! We have a winner from yesterday’s post… although I think I may change it to “In the Year 2000 Thursdays.” They were that good. And the winner is:
White Des Moiner said...
G$ will unknowingly travel west of 63rd street, realize the mistake he just made, and immediately turn around. As soon as he gets back to Des Moines proper, he will pull over and begin dry humping the Des Moines road sign. Yes, G$ loves Des Moines that much.
Nice work! Email me for your prize. Now… in honor of one of my new favorite sports, Synchronized Diving, here’s Thorton Melon and the triple lindy…

While this is huge loss and leaves a ginormous void in our community, Mr. Pomerantz’s legacy can challenge our up and coming leaders by looking at this shining example this man and answer his question, “Is that the best you can do?”
OLYMPIC FEVER – Des Moines is clearly under the spell of the Olympics. You can go anywhere in town without hearing, “Dude, you see that last night?” You know what I think is absolutely hilarious (and I am so guilty of this as well)… during the Olympics, everyone is an expert in every sport. GO USA! Go Sweden!
7.2 WINNER! – To end this on a much lighter note... Ding! Ding! Ding! We have a winner from yesterday’s post… although I think I may change it to “In the Year 2000 Thursdays.” They were that good. And the winner is:
White Des Moiner said...
G$ will unknowingly travel west of 63rd street, realize the mistake he just made, and immediately turn around. As soon as he gets back to Des Moines proper, he will pull over and begin dry humping the Des Moines road sign. Yes, G$ loves Des Moines that much.
Nice work! Email me for your prize. Now… in honor of one of my new favorite sports, Synchronized Diving, here’s Thorton Melon and the triple lindy…