NEW SONG! – Dudes… this is going to be awesome. “The Day That Never Comes” is released today on airwaves worldwide. “G$, if Metallica came out with an album of the band simply farting their songs, you’d say it was the best album ever.” Of course I would… because if they did, they’d win a Grammy… The band has been release small portions of their new riffs, “Tastes of Death” if you will. Also, the entire making of this album has been documented on Anyways, check out the new song at 1:00pm Iowa time or go their site to shred…
“G$... you gotta get off the Metallica thing… it’s really getting annoying.” Yes, you are probably going to get some Metallica reference here until mid-September… so you’ve been warned. And yes, I didn’t forget today is Thursday… and we started a new thing last week that made some pretty hilarious comments. So bust out the banner!
IT’S 7.2 QUESTION THURSDAY! Woot! OK, as you know, we talked about the some upcoming changes… and every Thursday we ask one of the original 7.2 Questions… or work on some new ones. Last weeks, “Tell me something I don’t know” question, got some buzz. Loved all of the predictions… it was much like the Conan O’Brien “In the year 2000” bit. So, as Hayden Fry said, if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it… so we’re gonna do a similar one like last week, ala Conan. So let’s look to the future…

“The future G$”
Yes, all the way to the year 2000…. Here is today’s question:
In the year 2000, what will happen?
I’ll start…

In the year two thousaaaaand, in the year two thousahhhhhnd….