Hit it.
Oh yea… you know what today is?

Alright… a current events 7.2 Question for today… and since it’s the talk of the town, no… not Shawn Johnson (and I quietly judge the person thinking that out loud)… it’s the DNC. So Biden last night… and Obama at Mile High… I don’t know what’s pissing me off more. This convention or the fact that they are doing the speech on the evil grounds of the Denver Broncos. Seriously… Satan lives in that building… he used to play there in human form, you also know him as John Elway… but I digress… So today’s 7.2…
What’s your take on the Democratic National Convention?
QCI-ders are pretty smart and savvy politicos… so let’s hear your takes, thoughts, stuff that pisses you off, things that are going right and wrong… I’ll start.