DNC, DAY 1… THE WASTED OPPORTUNITY - Boy, those Obama folks know what they are doing…. At least that’s what the rank and file want to believe. Did you watch it? Here’s a lightning round of takes from last night.
LEACH – You heard it here first… Jim Leach did not have some sort of epiphany. He didn’t as BO said, “Saw the light.” That’s all horse shit. Jim Leach hates McCain. That’s it. This is simply away for Leach to stick it to McCain. Sorry Dems and elitist Obama folks… it’s the truth… don’t try to put lipstick on a pig… because in the end… it’s still a pig.
WASTED TIME – I thought James Carville’s head was going to explode. Did anyone hear the name George W. Bush in prime time? Me neither. Seriously? What was this, a RPI dinner? No one uttered the name of the evil one? What about McCain? You Dems just wasted one quarter of

BIDEN – We haven’t chimed in about the new Veep nominee yet. And since his mug was everywhere last night… let’s chirp about it a little. I like Joe Biden… but I also like him for the same reason why Republicans like that he’s on the ticket. He’s out spoken, tends to ramble… and is always off message. This Fall just got better.
CLINTONS – Tonight will be a fun to watch. Good news is that the cable networks are all over the Clinton/Obama drama.
Did I miss anything on this? Really use and abuse the comment section today... I'm feeling ornery...