OK... so for a first time in a long team here at the ole QCI Headquarters, we enjoyed a lazy day of football... tweets... and chirping about. So que the music. Let's get to the awesome that is the QCI Weekend Update....
THE IOWA HAWKEYES - If I refer to the Hawkeyes as that "on again off again chick you break up with, yet hook up again the very next weekend"... then this was one of those disaster dates. The kind that ends up with you getting kicked in the nads. Yeah. That great. I don't think I've seen this many cuss word texted to my phone within in 5 minutes of the ending of this disaster. I believe I saw a few new ones... of which I won't list any them. Because, we try to keep this blog at least PG13. Someone get me and all the other Iowa fans some ice packets for our collective junk.
POLITICAL GOSSIP AT THE SPEED OF TWITTER - So word in Twittersburgh today was that State Senator Wally Horn from out in Eastern Iowa is gonna run for Majority Leader. That would end the term of Governor Mike Gronstal for sure. After that thing got retweeted say, 20 times, five of loyal QCI-ders alerted us that he's running for Assistant Leader. Which one is it then? Does it rally matter? Awe yes... to paraphrase Rick James, Twitter is a hell of a drug.
IOWA NATIONAL GUARD TAKES CARE OF BIDNESS - So was listening to this story over the news breaks today during football... Turns out some of the good guys were out on a mission in Afghanistan when the bad guys showed up. it was great to hear that the Iowa Guard "took care of the situation". No one harmed... except the ones who needed to be harmed. And they took into custody one of the Taliban. Keep kicking ass and get home safe soon, dear heroes.
THE ELECTION IS OVER, RIGHT? Hey, I don't like Leonard Boswell as much as the next guy... but I think you can cancel the "retire Boswell" Facebook ads.
SHAMELESS SELF PROMOTION - Speaking of these Book of Faces you speak of. How about giving a "like" to the World's Crappiest Blog? Click here... spread some love and make your news feed full of the awesome.
AND FINALLY... Your weekend tunes... Stay thirsty friends....