A few things for you to chirp about in the comment section.... AND one of the best songs and videos I have seen/heard in a long long while... here's your quick hits...
THE KANSAS CITY CHIEFS - I'll just say it. It was like watching monkeys fornicating with a football on Sunday. Don't worry, all sharp objects have been taken away from my place.
CULVER AND THE JUDGES - Hmmm... sounds like an ironic band name. So the news today is Culver saying he'd appoint 'em if they came up with names. Hasn't this guy found his new house in Northern Virginia yet? Cmon son.
PRESS RELEASES CAN MAKE A FUNNY - Yea, saw that the IDP Chair said this of Gronstal and McCarthy on their elections to leadership:
“Senator Gronstal and Representative McCarthy are both steadfast supporters of this state and committed to moving it forward by creating quality jobs and protecting the progress that has made Iowa a national leader in so many areas. Democrats across the state appreciate their work on behalf of all Iowans and willingness to stand up for what is right.”
Um, that's why a good amount of Iowans threw out... a good chunk of that... leadership. #justsayin
KINKY ON POTUS 43 - Yeah... in case you missed this... Kinky Friedman has a good bit on the former President and the current President.
AND FINALLY... Dudes... been loving me some Black Keys for a long time. Not only is this song epic enough to crank loud so you and you palls can head nod... but the video is quite humorous... Stay thirsty my friends...