Wow... that just happened....

Happy Halloweeners QCI-ders! What's a happening? Still have no idea what to go as to the QCI HQ Costume Party... but I'm sure we'll come up with greatness... or get away with some crude junior high humor...
At any rate... here's a little somethin' somethin'...
PALIN EVENT FAIL PART DEUX - So... There was an invite... then buzz... then a fee? ...then there was no fee... then... no show. As we saw this whole thing unfold to possible one of the biggest stories of the Fall and/or the 2012 jockeying... it just dropped dead.
A little discussion over coffee in the QCI HQ Board room started this morning... and ...we all agreed this is both hilarious and sad at the same time. Let's list out a few things why...
- Sad... because we really like Chuck Hurley. He's a stand up guy who is very respected on both sides of the aisle. It sucks because now his name/reputation and IFPC are being dragged because of this whole ordeal.
- Hilarious... because time after time, after time when Team Sarah tries to get their groove back... they go straight back to amature hour. Which is also kind of sad they haven't figured it out yet.
- Sad... because... if this was gonna happen... would have gotten great buzz for everyone involved... As C-raig put nicely here.
- Hilarious... because it looks like Smoker Hating Emily is wearing a Tin Hat for Halloween this year...
- Sad... because we've wasted time talking about Sarah Palin... because... uh... she ain't gonna be President.
HUGE QCI SHOUT OUT!!!!! We just wanted to pass along ginormous congratulations to long time great friends and very loyal QCI-ders, Mike and Alyssa Clabaugh! As they welcomed to the world Amelia Rose this morning at 12:48am. We're told baby and mama are doing great... and everyone is tired. Which for you South Hammies reading... let's say it together, "Holy crap, Baugh is a father!" Congrats again to the 'Baughs! #goodjoboutofyou
WE AREN'T THAT LEGIT - But I suppose if campaigns are gonna send us their stuff... lets hook 'em up so that all 3 people who read this site... see their stuff (Thanks for reading Grandma! And yes Grandma, we'll try to clean up the language...)
From the press peep files:
Matt Schultz from Counciltucky is running for SOS. Doing a huge tour... Tweet and FB it up. As we said, RPI gonna have a Blogger Row... we're there! Steve King is taking it to Roger Goodell... and got a good mention el Rushbo... Dwayne Hopkins is running for State House Seat #80... State Senate and State House R peeps are fighting the good fight... and somebody in Chuck Grassley's press office knows we exist! #goodjoboutofyou
FAN LETTERS - Holy crap! You people actually read this garbage? (smirk) For some reason... I've been getting a lot of emails fromQCI-ders... And funny/wierd they are all positive. Thanks for wasting your time here... OK... seriously... like a good Grunge band... I loves myself some feedback... got something on your mind? Email me up at grantyoung72@hotmail.com. Again... thanks for the kind words and encouragement... although... if I got a dollar for everytime someone said, "Oh Jesus, don't encourage G$"... I'd probably own an island somewhere... and or an NFL team or something.... just sayin...
NEXT WEEK = HU HU HUGE WEEK @ QCI - OK QCI-ders... peep this. We have all sorts of bad ass stuff ready for what is going to be the biggest week in GOP politics around the state... so... we will be hosting "HU HU HU HUGE WEEK". Stay tuned... this is gonna be epic.
AND FINALLY... It's Halloween... we're getting ready for a huge week... so welcome to the show! Stay thirsty friends!
Child Please...

Speaking of... there's somethings today that'll just make you say... child please.
CHILD PLEASE: KEEP YOUR POLITICS OUT OF MY SATURDAYS (and SUNDAYS) - Especially in the fall. For real... This whole who congratulated who first and who didn't... Iowa or Iowa State stuff is really getting dumb. It's stupid. You even got Harkin in with a "We are all proud" of Iowa teams... Child please... this is dumb. You know what probably happened or happens when sports and politics collide? Let's list them...
- The Culver thing? This was a staff mistake... not really Big Lugs. A good staffer would think this through... and actually have a read what is going on. Iowa State beating Nebraska is a big deal to Iowa Staters... if you even paid small attention... you would know. Hell, I bet Culver had the ISU game on his radio in the car when he was traveling this weekend...
- Don't fake fan us - Yeah, earth to all politicians... don't fake and act like you know what's going in Goober State Football or the Local Baseball team... if you really don't know. Seriously, we'll know and see the difference.
- Stay out of our Saturdays (and Sundays) - Yeah, because we really want to hear what you have to say... that's why we tune into games... Child please. Dear politicians, just keep your politics out of sports... We have to read, listen and watch your bullshit all week. Can you give us a break? Please? Awesome, thanks... and child please.
- Don't get us started on the NFL/Limbaugh thing - Sigh.... Zzzzzzzzzzzzz..... Zzzzzzzzzzzzzz... oh urgh, *cough*... Zzzzzzzzzzzzzz.... *wakes up* ...hey can you just wake us up at kick off? Cool, thanks... Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.....
CHILD PLEASE: PALIN EVENT #FAIL - Lookie lookie QCI-ders... make sure you peep this article from J Mart in the Politico. It's a must read. Call us Jack Butler's kids (10 points if you get that reference)... because we're all saying, "You're doing it wrong." She and others might as well kiss the baby... let's break this down...
- First... $100 Grand for a speaker fee? Child please... Gov. Palin, you just kiss the baby if you charge 'em.
- Second... IFPC... you pay this fee... or let some other group pay it? You just kissed the baby too... along with putting Iowa's First in the Nation status into hospice. You got the buzz for even "inviting her" here... now you may just be buzz killing your event... AND the reason why we get high profile guests to all fundraisers of the movement... Don't pay it.
- Thirdly... anyone else think this whole thing is getting a little ridiculous? "Will she show?" "Will she go?" "We invited her!" "Um, not sure if the schedule will work." "Is she running?" Blah blah blah... for real... if the Hawkeyes are undefeated... methinks the Minnesota game will be playing at the same time of this thing... and we here at QCI HQ (along with the rest of the World) will be watching that.
So yeah... Child please... in case you need to be educated again... here's the best of Esteban...
Straight out of... Coralville?

Anyways... still chillin' here at the QCI HQ... actually trying to figure out a decent Halloween costume...
Have no fear... we still random... so here's some stuff.
LARRY JOHNSON - Yeah... I know that some QCI-ders are like... "G$, no comment on LJ?" Alright... so here we go again. When I read the Twitters on Sunday Night... at first I'm like... Huh? Did he really just say that? Then the Monday Shit Storm... I say just get rid of him. He obviously doesn't care much... he's a distraction... and he'll do something like this again... I only feel bad because I scored my sister a cool LJ jersey over the weekend. My bad April.
PALIN COMING? You gotta give props to the IFPC... they got a good hit out of this... "We invited her" bit... will she show? For them and their org... hope so. We'll say 50/50 shot she shows. I mean... Pawlenty will be here... then Huckabee will be... so who knows. Right now... we could care less. Lots of stuff is going on in our state... how about focusing on that... like budgets... layoffs... oh and the Hawkeyes might be going to the promise land! Important stuff people! I bet we could line up a dead turkey scene for her up near Ellsworth though... she's good at those.
OK... haven't done one of these in a while... hit it..
"So and So... is having the best day ever! i just found seventy-five cents in the urinal."
Gross... but... ya know... good for you!
ANYONE ELSE CATCH THIS? So... sifting through the QCI stacks of stuff and stopped at the B Dub to find an article on Mrs. Culver and getting back on the trail... You think Team Lug is a bit nervous about this election? Oh yeah the are... she came out swinging on TEB already? For real? Yeah... Small dig... I know... but this is just the beginning...
AND FINALLY... how about some of the Darkness? Rawk!

Anyhoop... Lots of stuff today... will it make you sprint out of the dugout to strangle an umpire? Maybe not... but lets try to keep some rapid fire randomnous today... lots to cover... (bleh... cover?)
TEAM TEB - They're up and running and having and event out in Urbandale... before the RPI Fall Event.... per an email here at the HQ... and Facebook invite... Where the Twitter at? :)
NEW TEB LOGO - Yups, an updated version. Stuck with the blue and white. Clean and nice.
IT'S ON LIKE DONKEY KONG - Yeah... so the RPI Fall event in November just got turned into the Branstad launch day... from their email today:
"The Governor Branstad 2010 committee is up and running and you are invited to our first event and to meet with Governor Branstad as he prepares for his first major speech since his retirement from Des Moines University to fully explore a run for Governor in 2010."
Oh... and the RPI Event is now getting a JJ feel... peep this... "We will have tickets to purchase for the RPI event at the Committee Headquarters for just $20 a piece." And you'll get hooked up with some swag... "...receive rally signs, bumper stickers, and other important sign up materials." It's on... Someone call Dr. Tom Davis... I smell a full court press...
BELIEVE THE HYPE - Yeah... so this event on the November 7th... just became Seperation Saturday. Yes... there will be hype... and you better believe it. It will be the game changing day. Plus... the World's Crapppiest Blog will be there to cover it live! (Cover it? What? When did we become legit?) How cool its that... or how clogged is your twitter feed gonna be? Yeah, that cool.
KRUSTY IS BACK - Holy smokes... he really is back. #goodjoboutofyou today Herschel.
LONG LIVE THE KING OF SNARK! Yo QCI-ders... if you're not... make Iowa Newz Liter a part of your daily reads. The King of Snark is off the chain hilarious... and he just passed 100,000 hits... #goodjoboutofyou and here's to another 100,000 snarks in the LBC...
HOLY SMOKES! OLD BOY TV! Yo... you peep this QCI-ders?! Old Boy was on KCCI! Check it. Old Bizzy getting some face time. Noice! #goodjoboutofyou
SPEAKING OF SLOW NEWS DAYS - (smirk) OK... OK... I'm kidding! It's a joke people... chill. So you see WHO 13 picked up the Allamakee Straw Poll bit? Yeah... they did. Holy earned media Batman...
NO SHIT? TAXPAYER EDITION - You peep this yet too? Good piece by Failor on tax funded lobbying? No shit? Yeah... check it out... so let me get this straight... so if you're up at the Capitol this session... chances are 1 out of 5... actually... prolly 1 out of 4 lobbyists you might run into... are getting some State of Iowa green backs... and people wonder where this money goes...
RNC WEBSITE PART DEUX - Yeah... you people actually read this crap? Why you do... So, got some letters in the QCI mail bag about our comments on the new site. And yes... we agree the social interaction stuff is good... actually really good.... but you all are with us when we say... scrap the history lesson. Seriously. Not just the site... but everyone. Yeah we said it. Yeah... we know about the GOP/Slaves thing... yups... we know about Lincoln.... and yes, we loves ourselves some Ronald Reagan... but c'mon son... being proud of your history is great... but how about relating a message and things that actually pertain to people's daily lives? Oh yeah... we have another post coming about this whole idea... stay tuned for that...
JEBUS LOVES PENN STATE? So Smoker Hating Emily has a bit on some State Penn shirts that are floating of stores like that cross in the Huckster's ad. For real? Duh... God has 2 favorite teams... the Hawks and Notre Dame... Child Please...
LUG AND THE LAMERS - Wow... this thing didn't blow up... Cyclone Nation and Culver? It is slow for the news peeps... dayum.
AND FINALLY... Is it me or is today feel like a Dropkick day? Then again... when isn't it a Dropkick day? Stay thirsty friends...
That just happened? Tell me it did...

Then this weekend happened... Yea... you likes the football? Yous loveds this weekend... Plus.. there's all sorts of other stuff along the way. So let's get to this stuff and try... TRY to keep rapid fire on the subjects and randomnous... hit it...
HEART ATTACK HAWKS - Ho-ly. Shit! Yeah. I mean... are you serious? Still have shivers. Call me Joey Lawrence because I'm still saying, "Whoah."
RANKINGS - Yeah... just as long as we are in the good graces of the BCS... chill Hawk fans... We won't get respect from anyone... unless they from the Midwest Coast... just get used to this.
TARGETS - Yeah, said this a million times this weekend. It don't matter on this moronic rankings... Herky should change the "I" on his shirt to a target... because that's all we look like to the remaining teams on the Big Ten schedule.
IOWA STATE? SHUT THE FRONT DOOR! Yeah... more holy smokes for our QCI-ders who party in their cardinal and gold (oh and #goodjoboutofyou ISU for getting read of the blue... hideous)... Yeah man... Huge win for the Lamers. This Rhodes guy is for real. Oh and man... how stinkin is it in Lincoln... holy big red melt down... yikes.
NEW RNC WEBSITE - Yeah, we try not to turn into old cranks who sit in the backrow of monthly county party meetings... but when we see this in the Hill over the weekend... yeah... then we do... cost too much and it sucks. I mean nothing says forward looking than to put a bunch of dead people on your "heroes of the party" page. Its just God awful. OK peeps, party websites are only good for a few things: 1) communication/news 2) organize/activiate 3) raise money... not this stupid branding stuff. This thing looks a suped up electronic GOP County Fair booth... not just a #badjoboutofyou but a huge #horriblejoboutofyou.
WRONG SIDE OF THE BED G$? Nah man... are you kidding me? $1.4 million? Earth to people in Republican politics... Just because you have Facebook, Twitter, a new website... ect. Doesn't mean your winning or will... use them correctly first... then let the actual ideas and candidates do the talking... not pictures of dead people we never heard of... or thought it might be realivent to our daily lives... terrible.
NO FOR CHRISTIE - See? We told you not her... someone call the USDA!!!
NO SHIT? STRAW POLL EDITION - Roberts won a Guv Straw Poll in Allamakee County Here's the deets. Huh... Who the most embarrassed camp on this one? Bob Vander Plaats. This proves a lot of our theories on the Hucka-nation here in Iowa... we'll have more on that in a post sometime. This thing isn't so seperated... hmmm...
HILARIOUS - We loves ourselves some Thriller... The Newz Liter comes up with a Playoff Baseball gem... #goodjoboutofyou
AND FINALLY.... Yeah... a random thought from this weekend... You know QCI-ders... we aren't the smartest people in the world. We're very simple minded... naive too... but one thing we do know... or at least have a theory...
U2 songs and hugs might bring World Peace if everyone gave it shot... We know... random, but believable... so hug it out... crank it... and stay thirsty friends...
Golf clap? Golf Clap...

Sup QCI-ders... kind of getting back at it after getting the crud for a day or so... but that don't mean while we sip on some juice... and get out chicken noodle on, that we don't waste the funk on the nasty dunk now, do we? Ah hell no.
Now... my fine feather friends... we are a week since Gov. Branstad announced he's retiring from DMU. Retiring means he still gets to use the tread mills when he needs to. Anyhoop... we thought there might be some sort of seperation Friday... but... not so much, well not yet. All of us here at QCI HQ aren't leaning for anyone yet... why? This thing is just getting started... its too much fun watching from the cheap seats...
BRANSTAD IN - So yeah.. he's basically in... (and did you know that the Pope is still indeed Catholic?) it's just a matter of roll outs and events. We dig his commitment to hit all of the counties... he's gonna have to show us the way he campaigns... still known as one of the best campaigners... we'll see if he's still got it.
INBOX IS FULL - Yea... other news learned about Team TEB? He's in for the RPI Event in November. That announcement means?... Yeah, dozens of County Parties are calling everyday asking him to show up at their chili supper... and you know you won't win the county if you dont show up! (huge smirk) ...good luck!
WHEN BOBBY V ATTACKS - Interesting attacks this week from Team BVP. Party unity one... yeah that one was coming... um, endorsing nonparty rep candidates? Oh and tons more attacks... Hmmm... we find all of these interesting because (someone else said this too... help with the site QCI-ders...) that the whole premise from the beginning of the Trilogy was that TEB inspired or encouraged BVP to run back in the day... correct us if we're wrong...
GOOGLE-RANTS VERSION 1.0 - Now... the most clever attacks at the newcomer to the race comes from what we like to call "The Newt Gingrich" of the Party here in Iowa... Christopher Rants. Why Newt? For real... he's one of the smartest guys in our roster. Knows the ins and outs of all this stuff... anyhoop... this Rants Google thing was a good hit this week. (hey at least he's doing this with his name on it and not some annonymous email, flyer or Twitter account)... But the challenge for Rants is now that's he's all attack all the time now... but its early... we shall see.
UM G$, THERE ARE OTHERS RUNNING - Child please... they kissed the baby a long time ago...
ORGANIZATION - Alright... the nitty gritty of all this stuff we dig here at QCI. Right now... and not completely surprised... the lead here goes to BVP... because of two factors... 1) this is 3rd run 2) he inherited most of the Hukamaniacs... We haven't seen much else from the rest of the crew. Sure there has been some hires... and big donations... but other than that? Ziltch. Yeah, we know its early... but c'mon son. Most of these dudes have to have peeps doing something... other than the ones from their home towns... that don't count. OK, it does... but that's like me getting peeps in Jewell to endorse me... just saying.
ROXANNE - She really wants to run against everyones Twittering Senator. I say they let her.
PAY CUT - So... let me get this straight... Governor Culver said he would cut his pay 10%... I guess he had his fingers crossed or something when he said that... then he wasn't... then he's like, "Oh OK, yes, yes I am cutting it a full 10%." The Big Lug has successfully turned himself into both of President Bush's general election opponents. With his fuzzy math he was against the 10% pay cut before he was for the 10% paycut. Next.
AND FINALLY... Get your Friday morning and weekend started right with a little Seger... Crank it mofos!!!!!!
Queens... We shall go to Queens...

Anyways... Just a quick hit at ya... so peep it quick. Subject? 2012... and the whole why play in Iowa bit... If you haven't seen the right hand collumn of the Bean Walker this morning.... Ch-ch-ch-ch-check it out... Shits blowing up...
The whole thing is the "Skip Iowa" issue... Ambinder thinks you should and or some may... while O. Kay Henderson is finally reporting what those of us out in Urbandale were trying to say until we were blue in the face... McCain didn't skip Iowa.
I remember the during the Black Monday and Tuesdays over at McCain HQ... one of those days Mike Glover actually walks into the office.... and just straight up asks... "This place still open?" "I said, "Sure is... we got bumper stickers and everything."
Part of this is that they're saying the Christian conservatives dominate the deal... the TIR strikes back with this... All well taken points... here's our take...
Yeah.... the Huckster may be a front runner here... but just like in the movies... sequels are tough... Huckabee for Prez 2 isn't all closed up. (now before I get all lit up by the Huckamaniacs... history doesn't lie... I'm going on straight up on history here)... Side note... I think the Huckster has been spending too much of his own political capital too early... its his style... I know.... but... we will see...
You want to know the key to success in the Iowa Caucus? Being here. Ask the Reagan folks how they lost in 1980... Michael Reagan himself said it. So skip it... you lose.
Until then... bring the noise....
Barney Coopersmith invented the rotary engine...

Anyhoop... stuff is burning up lately... so... We thought we'd stop and take a break... you know... and throw out some random thoughts... things on our mind... and then you are going to get to watch a super bad ass video... how cool is that? I KNOW!
I no particiular order...
- Why at every single political event... it gathers the Legion of Dudes with Really Crappy Ties? For real... I rarely wear a suit... but I know to stay away from the "4th of July puked on my tie, tie"...
- Phil Collins, Hall and Oates, Huey Lewis and the News are the most UNDERRATED artists of all time.
- People who aren't on Twitter because, "They don't get it"... are like when I used to not eat mushrooms and olives... and say I disliked them... because I never tried them.
- Being a Chief and Hawkeye fan is bad for your mental and physical health... what ever Cub fans... Child please is what that gets you.
- We have great candidates for Governor... although there are some who should drop out.
- Listen up campaigns... quit suggesting your fan page to me. Over and over and over. If I am a fan of you... I'll hook it up. This is your final warning... and I'm talking to you peeps in the 2nd Distirct... Stop it. Now.
- Speaking of... just because you got a ton of fans for your campaign Facebook page... don't mean you're winning... that's being lazy.
- Are we the only ones who think Kanye might have had a point? I mean, Beyonce makes a good video. Plus we can thank him for the best meeting interruptions... OF ALL TIME!
- If things were only really this easy... this has got to be one of the coolest letters... evar. I mean... genius...
- We'll say it... and finally admit it... Never got the whole Sarah Palin thing. Sorry... just never did... oh and she'll never be President of the United States. Sorry, but the truth hurts.
- If you are, say 32 years old... and try to dance like you are 19 years old... you are going to be required to revisit your high school football pregame stretch routine... or you will be crying to your doctor for pain pills for the next few days... trust us on this.
- People who let politics control every single portion of their lives... are sad people.
- There is a crazy bad and a crazy good.
- Making popcorn on the stove will beat the microwave everytime... well if you know how to make it I guess... because if your burn it on the stove... yeah... not so good.
- Cable news is over rated... I trust the Twitter.
- If you have the same speaker at your annual dinner... for like 3 years in a row... you can quit calling them a "special guest".
- Oh and judge us all you want... but the Bee Gees are pretty good way to start your day...
OK... we'll have more another time... but yo! QCI-ders... Peep this entire video... So. Freaking. Good. It's off the chain!
Holy Crap! They Won!

Ryan Succop is Mr. Irrelevant no more. Speaking of...
QCI CHIEFS QUICK FACT: Did you know Rookie Kicker Ryan Succop is from the same hometown as GOP Congressman (and QCI homeboy) Patrick McHenry? Yups Hickory, NC.
Alright back to the random. We posted some stuff this weekend... so lets hit it.
FRIDAY NIGHT VILSACK POST - Yeah... I guess we're crazy. Anyhoop... thanks to the TIR for linking our little scoop. Now, we're no balloon boy dads here (great band name BTW...). Is it a long shot? Hmmm... in the immortal words of Lee Corso, not so fast my friend! My sources wouldn't text me if there weren't movement on it... Think about it. You really think they're gonna run Roxanne Conlin in this cycle? The same time Branstad is running? Do we need to teach an Iowa Political history lesson on this? Come on now QCI-ders...
Plus... As aggressive as the folks over at 621 East 9th are... It would appear that the IDP, namely Kiernan and crew... are starting to look like there's a bit a of pressure over on Fleur Drive. Think a little bit more... Their standard bearer is tanking... and this budget news ain't the greatest timing for them... just wait until every small school starts their 10% cutting at the end of the school year... When the Superintendent at NEH says: "Some are necessary. You have to heat the buildings, you have to keep the lights on." Get ready for more rage. Just saying...
Anyway... Remember, you heard it here first.
KRUSTY GETTING HIS GROOVE BACK - C'mon son! Nice to see Hershel back to form... #goodjoboutofyou
HAWKS #6 IN BCS? Shut the front door! But I'm not gonna get too excited here... We'll have some cartoons for you soon from the QCI Art Department this week...
AND FINALLY... Get you're week started off good and loud!
Weekend Update: 1.21 Gigawatts! Mystery Candidate Revealed?!

On the day a former governor in Iowa takes a step towards possibly running... QCI Insiders from our Nation's Capital are texting us with an exclusive.
For a couple weeks, the chatter has been picking up about Iowa Democrats' "Mystery Candidate" to face the Twittering Senator, Chuck Grassley. Word on the street/buzz... was starting to point towards former First Lady Christie Vilsack... which on all counts would be a formable candidate... then... the text message hit QCI HQ with 1.21 Gigawatts!
Was it about the former First Lady? Um... nah... but close...
From a source:
"Word inside the U.S. Dept Ag is that Vilsack is setting himself up for a Senate run. FYI"
Tom Vilsack for United States Senate?
Um what!?! Something like that makes you wanna yell, "One point twenty one gigawatts!"
Yeah... Back to the Future indeed QCI-ders...
On the day a former Governor in Iowa makes a few steps towards running... the rumor mill turns to another former Governor... hmmm.... How many former Governors will we have on a statewide ballot in 2010?
Welcome to the new trend... if you're not from Iowa, and you got some former Governors out there... just chillin... I'd find out what they are up to next... for you Iowans reading... Someone call Bob Ray... he running too? Stay thirsty friends... this whole cycle is getting hot...
Until then... crank this...

Here it comes... Seperation Friday? We shall see. Over the noon hour... we will have a speech and a whole new race. Not like its new already... but I'm just saying... this becomes the buzz into the weekend. So grab a clean towel, soak it water and suck on it for a while... because were random in a Jerry Tarkanian way...
BRANSTAD SPEECH - This is a game changing day that even Big Lug ran an ad... or at least that's what the word on the street is. We were watching Dallas reruns at the HQ. Because that's how we roll.
FALL OUT BOY(S) - Alright, ole Hershel is bringing sexy back to his posts again. Great stuff on McKinley and the Balloon Boy. Who else is gonna drop out? Or should? *cough*Jerry*cough*Behn*cough*... oh excuse me.. I kind of been having the crud from this weather lately...
BALLOON BOY - Speaking of... damn that shit was crazy! There's no other way to say it. But for real... when we found out he wasn't in the Jiffy Pop thinger... I was like... dude... totally would have pulled something like this. Except, I wouldn't be in the attic... I'd be over at Sealine's playing Contra... up, up, down, down, left, right, left right....
OVER AT 621 EAST 9TH - So the search is on for a new Captain over at RPI.... and for some reason. There's always a fantasy football like discussion on who it will be... here's a bit from C-Raig over at TIR. We're not into Fantasy Sports here at the QCI HQ... and we're not into a who "should get it", "who it should be"... or something we like to do with our presidential nominees... "who's turn it is now" to be the ED of the party. All that matters is that its someone the Chairman is comfortable with, shares their vision and is capable. That's it. So while everyone else has their white boards up for their ED draft... give it a rest... I trust they will get someone capable. We said it before and we'll say it again... staffers don't win or lose elections... candidates and ideas do...
FACEBOOK/TWITTER CHATTER - With the big speech and announcements on the way... the chatter is picking up. Everyone here at the HQ hopes that all of this chatter is truly about turning around this state for the better.... not lobbying for future jobs or pay days. Yeah, we said it.
AND FINALLY... Here's a little something to get your weekend started... Crank it!
Steve DeBerg's Finger is tougher than you...

Stuff is getting a little interesting QCI-ders... here's a quick update... that will most likely be out dated by the time we finishing posting...
STRAWNY IN THE NEWS - Chris Cillizza over at the WashPo has a good read on the RPI Chair today. Also... the speculation begins from C-Raig over at TIR for the ED search...
ITS ON LIKE DONKEY KONG - Dave "Purple Tie" Price has the first scoop via Tweets that Former Gov Branstad is in. Friday speech is scheduled. Let the frenzy begin...
URGH... - So the Red Zone is talking about the worst trade in Chiefs franchise history.... ***Moment of Silence***
MULLET 2.0? A little breaking news QCI-ders.... stay tuned...
STEVE DeBERG - "G$, what up with Steve DeBerg?" Um, he is also awesome... his short stint in KC was good. I never forget meeting him and be like, "Mr. DeBerg, how is your finger?" He said, "Haven't felt anything since the season." Never forget whenhe disloated it... and kept playing... looked like a huge Q-tip for the rest of the season.
I mean... how many NFL quarterbacks out there do you think would play with an exposed metal pin coming out of their finger for a win in the playoffs. Um... none of them... even Favre got nothing on that. Bad ass.
But he gets more respect for being the league for 21 years... straight up awesome...
Speaking of Journeymen... how about some Journey?
Bill Maas is the man... Oh and there's a Guv race too.

BRANSTAD BUZZ - He's thinking of running again?! Wha? Huh? Shut the front door... really? (huge smirk) And per an early story on TIR/C-Raig and a release Rich Schwarm just sent me this morning... Jeff Boeyink is headed over to Team Branstad. Big catch and great pick up.
DRAFT WHAT'S HIS NAME FOR GUV - So Sandy and the gang are gonna have to change their name or something... as we caught early in the HQ, half awake listening to NPR.... (oh come on, don't judge us... we dig it more for the jazz afterhours... sigh) And they did... per releases... its now called NextGenPAC... Oh and BTW... the IDP better find better hits than this... kinda weak. But at least everyone is getting a nice little lesson in state campaign laws... bleh...
CRANK UP THE OLD AXES TO GRIND - So... this is gonna be a trend... so pay attention here QCI-ders... Former Watch Dog Dick Johnson is now the new attack dog for BVP... this is nothing new here. Him and TEB used to butt heads back in the day. Watch for other "back in day rivals" to step in. This is one of the unique challenges Team Branstad will face... as well as a full throttle assault from IDP... stay tuned.
SPREAKIN OF BVP - Bobby V got an interesting endorsement from the Prez of the IA/NE NAACP. Marriage issue tipped the scales for Rev Ratliff. The dude voted for Culver in '06. Interesting endorsement indeed... we'll see how many GOP primary votes this produces... that said... he did get some press. Press is press, but will there be new votes? Hmm...
FACEBOOK/TWEETS - So as we chug the 3rd cup of Dunkin Donuts... the crew here at QCI is always fascinated by the chatter. Status updates... posts... and tweets. In the era of "manufactured political outrage"... sometimes we wonder. But having been there and done that, our crew knows the difference.
WHAT ELSE? So all Guv race all the time? Hmmm... not sure... We see Rants is still hitting the road hard... Fong kinda tweets... The others showed up at Polk County Sunday... So when will there be a "Seperation Saturday"? You know... when is the game changing day? Thoughts? What's the event/release/endorsement that will be the game changer? It will be soon. This thing is getting hot...
DUDE, WHAT UP WITH BILL MAAS? - Oh you shouldn't even have to ask. I mean... Bill Maas is awesome. Best camps we ever attended. Plus, he used to be married to Dan Marino's sister... yea, he's a Pitt guy. Great nose tackle. Great dude. Anyways... he's one of our favorites... we're very random... and yeah... its Bill frigging Maas! Man, we wish he was still playing.
So... Lots of stuff burning up out there... there's more to come... but need a little boost for the day? Here's a little somethin somethin... Do yourself a favor and crank the gift of flavor that is the Urge. So. Friggin. Good!
Hawks, Beans, Hawks... & Urgh...

Well lots of highs all weekend... then of course... we always end low on Sundays here at QCI HQ... but no surprises there... its gonna be like that for a while... so lets get to the ups and downs of random here from the World's Crappiest Blog....
WHOAH - The Mighty Hawks weren't so mighty on Friday... South High lost to Gilbert... of all of them... Gilbert... 39-7. Not good. Yikes... not to go all geezer on you, but that's what we used to beat them by back in the day... Oh well, at least we beat Story. That's what really matters.
THE BEAN WALKER WEDDING - Woot! Our favorite peeps and loyal QCI-ders got hitched this weekend! Woot! Congrats to the Albrechts... they got some cool coverage in the Politico and SC Journal... The editor here at QCI is on pain pills from sore dancing legs... Great party and again Congrats! #goodjoboutofyourtwo
HEART ATTACK HAWKS - For real, the Hawkeyes have to quit doing this. Oh and I am saying that for personal reasons... I know that this is the way it is this season... but dayam. We'll take the win against Meeesh - EEE - gan... but not sure its good for your health.
QCI CHIEFS WRAP - Urgh... double urgh... triple urgh... Speaking of things that are bad for your health... The Chiefs... We'll be patient. You have to be. We're believers... and this pain will turn goood some day... here's a few random thoughts on the dubbed "Game That Never Was"...
- The game was dubbed "The Game That Never Was": Because of the Chiefs wearing the Dallas Texans unis. The Late Great Lamar Hunt always wanted to play the Cowboys when the franchise was in Dallas, but never happened and they moved to KC.
- Alumni Day: Holy smokes... it was very, very cool to see all of the former Chiefs on field... took me back... back to where we were winning... Dick Vermeil, Saleauma, Neil Smith... man. It was great to see those guys... wish they were playing.
- Offense: Finally... finally there are signs of life. Cassell was clutch in the end of regulation. We need speed for the bomb though.
- Heartbreak: Damn man... we almost had it. Good news is we were in it until the end. Good thing the guys at the 5th and 6th Floors always walk you off the ledge.
Oh and what's with the Neil Smith and Dale Carter pic? Um, the swing man... Carter just gets in by being in there... probably got a flag for him shooting off his mouth... which is what he does...
Now for some tunes.... a little somethin somethin to shake your booty... I'll let you guys do that... and I'll wait until these pain pills kick in... dayum.
Doesn't take much to smirk...

Now... we're personally not much into this stuff but there's going to be a MMA event in Vets on Wednesday, November 25... entitled, "The Thanksgiving Throwdown".
Yeah, nothing gets you geared up for the start of the Holiday Season with a bunch of dudes beating the piss out of each other....
Come to think of it... The Thanksgiving Throwdown... kind of sounds like when my realitives get together... you know... minus a cage match...
Oh and what's with the Dino Hackett picture? For real, its Dino Hackett. That's all you need to know... speaking of beating the piss out of people... man... I miss when the Chiefs had a defense...
Anyhoop, how about some more KISS playing before a WCW event... because... we kinda dig the fake stuff before the other stuff...

So the day and buzz has arrived. Former Longtime Governor Terry Branstad has opened up an exploratory committee... and the blogs go wild... the tweeps are a twitter... and everyone has an opinion on it.
No real surprises here.... right? But here's something we noticed as we scurried through all the stuff....
So... Gov. Branstad was like governor for 16 years... right? So when I see bloggers and activists chirp about this with authority, with passion and all that stuff... don't you think you guys and gals should spell his name right?
Seriously? How are you all getting this wrong? Even I get it right...
Its.... BRANSTAD... not BRANDSTAD... got it?
Like I said, I couldn't spell, use good grammar or anything if my life depended on it... but at least I know how to spell the dude's name. Cmon son!
Oh... and what's with the Dan Saleaumua picture? Dude... its Dan Saleaumua... that's all you need to know... man I wish he was still playing... He was such a bad ass.
Alright... here's a tune we haven't got out of head since last night... now here to blow the roof off of this dump... KISS!
Man these guys still rock!!!! Please come to the DeMo!
Chicago Chicago...

Now here at QCI, we are all over the place on this whole thing... but of course, right? What would QCI be if it weren't completely random. If you will, here's our questions, comments and insults on this whole thing... in no particular order...
DIRTY POLITICS, MEET DIRTIER POLITICS - You think a good state convention floor fight gets dirty? You think elected officials are the only ones with the mind on the money and the money on the mind? Ah hell no. If you even took a a couple of international relations/poli sci classes... and if your inner sports poli geek is in full swing... you know that ain't nobody got dirty on them, than when it comes to the Olympics. This is like the Super Bowl of the dirty dirty... Need examples? You think Salt Lake City stunk a bit til the Mittster came to town? Yeah... oh... and the sweet irony? Chicago politics failed... we'll get to that in a bit.
GREAT SPORTS CITY - As sports nuts here at QCI HQ, we couldn't have a agreed more with a perfect place for the Olympics... whoever you root for (I'm looking at you Cards fans and anyone who roots for NFL teams in the Norris Division)... you cannot deny that Chi Town is one of the GREAT sport towns. No doubt about it. Great venues, new (were) ones on the way... classic. So that's where we were disappointed a little for not getting picked. Which also makes this whole ordeal more embarrassing.
MAKING THE PITCH, CHICAGO STYLE - So earlier this week, I hear all the fire breathers going, "Obama is doing what!?!" Outrage... Outrage... blah blah blah. "Why is he doing this?" For real? You guys haven't figured this out? Dude. This is Chicago politics at its finest. You all don't see this? Come on... Say you know someone who is elected or in city hall in Chicago... and your kid needs a gig for a summer job... call in favors? Yeah exactly. That is what Chicago did to POTUS. Biggest losers in this whole thing? Not the President... (oh he's smelling like roses on this at all) I actually believed he got rope-a-doped in this one. Nah, the big loser in this one is Mayor Daley and anyone from Chicago who needs a favor from the White House. Good luck with that. Yeah... Underground of Chicago... meet the World Underground... ouch.
Something I saw: "Wierd, the first time in history where Chicago didn't fix an election..." Hardy har har... crank up the corrupt politician jokes!
OUTRAGE AND B.S. - Seriously? I really want to know if any of these hacks out there gave one flying feather about the Chicago bid until they tapped POTUS to make the pitch. Anyone? Oh yeah, peeps in Chicago yes. Some sports nuts yes. Business community in Chi Town yes. Grassroots activist, no (unless from Chicago). Now everyones an expert and has opinion on this.... child please... you didn't even know they were up for a bid until this mess. Don't act like you really care. Or cared... be serious.
RED IN THE FACE - Yeah, this is pretty embarassing. First round out for the 2nd City, right? "Just like the Cubs... they'll always be 2nd." Before you insert your Cubbie jokes here. It embarassing when you put that they went out in the 1st, NYC in the 2nd... but as Isaiah McGee will remind you, LA had it twice... Also... before you make your Chicago sports falure jokes (ie: the Cubs)... what about the Bulls in the '90s? White Sox? There's a few rings and trophies in the Windy City... just saying.
THE WORLD IS MISSING OUT ON A PARTY - I know, know... "G$ you ever seen the Carnival in Rio? Puts Mardi Gras to shame." You may have a point. But for real man. You ever party in Wrigleyville? Damn man... the World would be missing out on a good ole Midwestern beer fest... It would have been a site to see. Would have been cool to rock out with Usain Bolt at Exodus II... loves me some reggae.
HERE COME THE MITTENS - You heard it here first... well if you're not hearing it already. Look for supporters, bloggers, tweeps and everyone in between peeps for Romney to start the drum beat. Never thought (or would like to admit) that this Olympic thing with Obama and Romney's Olympic success (that we heard like a million times) would ever connect. You know... the whole Olympic experience is foreign policy experience? Like it or not... it just did. You think this has a little something something brew for 2012? Hmm...
SO YEAH - Kind of interesting stuff... you know... if you're the mayor of Dorkville, but that's how we roll. Maybe they should have sent a Sinatra look-a-like to Copenhagen... Sidenote, had to remind some peeps here at QCI HQ that Copenhagen is a town... not just chewing tobacco... sigh... Take it way Frank!
Bummer city...

I pretty much grew up on KIOA and the Ole Youngster. I think just about every garageparty back home had KIOA and his show cranked. If it was a special occasion... my Pops would always try to call in a request with some way random one hit wonder. And 9 times out fo 10... the Ole Youngster would have it and spin it.
Anyways... sad day... but good in the fact that thousands of central Iowa rock n rollers will be reliving their youth for just a little bit when they hear the news...
Thanks for turning us on Dic Youngs...
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