On the day a former governor in Iowa takes a step towards possibly running... QCI Insiders from our Nation's Capital are texting us with an exclusive.
For a couple weeks, the chatter has been picking up about Iowa Democrats' "Mystery Candidate" to face the Twittering Senator, Chuck Grassley. Word on the street/buzz... was starting to point towards former First Lady Christie Vilsack... which on all counts would be a formable candidate... then... the text message hit QCI HQ with 1.21 Gigawatts!
Was it about the former First Lady? Um... nah... but close...
From a source:
"Word inside the U.S. Dept Ag is that Vilsack is setting himself up for a Senate run. FYI"
Tom Vilsack for United States Senate?
Um what!?! Something like that makes you wanna yell, "One point twenty one gigawatts!"
Yeah... Back to the Future indeed QCI-ders...
On the day a former Governor in Iowa makes a few steps towards running... the rumor mill turns to another former Governor... hmmm.... How many former Governors will we have on a statewide ballot in 2010?
Welcome to the new trend... if you're not from Iowa, and you got some former Governors out there... just chillin... I'd find out what they are up to next... for you Iowans reading... Someone call Bob Ray... he running too? Stay thirsty friends... this whole cycle is getting hot...
Until then... crank this...