Stuff is getting a little interesting QCI-ders... here's a quick update... that will most likely be out dated by the time we finishing posting...
STRAWNY IN THE NEWS - Chris Cillizza over at the WashPo has a good read on the RPI Chair today. Also... the speculation begins from C-Raig over at TIR for the ED search...
ITS ON LIKE DONKEY KONG - Dave "Purple Tie" Price has the first scoop via Tweets that Former Gov Branstad is in. Friday speech is scheduled. Let the frenzy begin...
URGH... - So the Red Zone is talking about the worst trade in Chiefs franchise history.... ***Moment of Silence***
MULLET 2.0? A little breaking news QCI-ders.... stay tuned...
STEVE DeBERG - "G$, what up with Steve DeBerg?" Um, he is also awesome... his short stint in KC was good. I never forget meeting him and be like, "Mr. DeBerg, how is your finger?" He said, "Haven't felt anything since the season." Never forget whenhe disloated it... and kept playing... looked like a huge Q-tip for the rest of the season.
I mean... how many NFL quarterbacks out there do you think would play with an exposed metal pin coming out of their finger for a win in the playoffs. Um... none of them... even Favre got nothing on that. Bad ass.
But he gets more respect for being the league for 21 years... straight up awesome...
Speaking of Journeymen... how about some Journey?