
That just happened? Tell me it did...

What a freaking weekend QCI-ders. Holy. Smokes. I mean... take a look at last weeks tweets and FB statuses... looks like a rough week for all... Must have been the weather...

Then this weekend happened... Yea... you likes the football? Yous loveds this weekend... Plus.. there's all sorts of other stuff along the way. So let's get to this stuff and try... TRY to keep rapid fire on the subjects and randomnous... hit it...

HEART ATTACK HAWKS - Ho-ly. Shit! Yeah. I mean... are you serious? Still have shivers. Call me Joey Lawrence because I'm still saying, "Whoah."
RANKINGS - Yeah... just as long as we are in the good graces of the BCS... chill Hawk fans... We won't get respect from anyone... unless they from the Midwest Coast... just get used to this.
TARGETS - Yeah, said this a million times this weekend. It don't matter on this moronic rankings... Herky should change the "I" on his shirt to a target... because that's all we look like to the remaining teams on the Big Ten schedule.
IOWA STATE? SHUT THE FRONT DOOR! Yeah... more holy smokes for our QCI-ders who party in their cardinal and gold (oh and #goodjoboutofyou ISU for getting read of the blue... hideous)... Yeah man... Huge win for the Lamers. This Rhodes guy is for real. Oh and man... how stinkin is it in Lincoln... holy big red melt down... yikes.
NEW RNC WEBSITE - Yeah, we try not to turn into old cranks who sit in the backrow of monthly county party meetings... but when we see this in the Hill over the weekend... yeah... then we do... cost too much and it sucks. I mean nothing says forward looking than to put a bunch of dead people on your "heroes of the party" page. Its just God awful. OK peeps, party websites are only good for a few things: 1) communication/news 2) organize/activiate 3) raise money... not this stupid branding stuff. This thing looks a suped up electronic GOP County Fair booth... not just a #badjoboutofyou but a huge #horriblejoboutofyou.
WRONG SIDE OF THE BED G$? Nah man... are you kidding me? $1.4 million? Earth to people in Republican politics... Just because you have Facebook, Twitter, a new website... ect. Doesn't mean your winning or will... use them correctly first... then let the actual ideas and candidates do the talking... not pictures of dead people we never heard of... or thought it might be realivent to our daily lives... terrible.
NO FOR CHRISTIE - See? We told you not her... someone call the USDA!!!
NO SHIT? STRAW POLL EDITION - Roberts won a Guv Straw Poll in Allamakee County Here's the deets. Huh... Who the most embarrassed camp on this one? Bob Vander Plaats. This proves a lot of our theories on the Hucka-nation here in Iowa... we'll have more on that in a post sometime. This thing isn't so seperated... hmmm...
HILARIOUS - We loves ourselves some Thriller... The Newz Liter comes up with a Playoff Baseball gem... #goodjoboutofyou

AND FINALLY.... Yeah... a random thought from this weekend... You know QCI-ders... we aren't the smartest people in the world. We're very simple minded... naive too... but one thing we do know... or at least have a theory...

U2 songs and hugs might bring World Peace if everyone gave it shot... We know... random, but believable... so hug it out... crank it... and stay thirsty friends...