Anyhoop... Lots of stuff today... will it make you sprint out of the dugout to strangle an umpire? Maybe not... but lets try to keep some rapid fire randomnous today... lots to cover... (bleh... cover?)
TEAM TEB - They're up and running and having and event out in Urbandale... before the RPI Fall Event.... per an email here at the HQ... and Facebook invite... Where the Twitter at? :)
NEW TEB LOGO - Yups, an updated version. Stuck with the blue and white. Clean and nice.
IT'S ON LIKE DONKEY KONG - Yeah... so the RPI Fall event in November just got turned into the Branstad launch day... from their email today:
"The Governor Branstad 2010 committee is up and running and you are invited to our first event and to meet with Governor Branstad as he prepares for his first major speech since his retirement from Des Moines University to fully explore a run for Governor in 2010."
Oh... and the RPI Event is now getting a JJ feel... peep this... "We will have tickets to purchase for the RPI event at the Committee Headquarters for just $20 a piece." And you'll get hooked up with some swag... "...receive rally signs, bumper stickers, and other important sign up materials." It's on... Someone call Dr. Tom Davis... I smell a full court press...
BELIEVE THE HYPE - Yeah... so this event on the November 7th... just became Seperation Saturday. Yes... there will be hype... and you better believe it. It will be the game changing day. Plus... the World's Crapppiest Blog will be there to cover it live! (Cover it? What? When did we become legit?) How cool its that... or how clogged is your twitter feed gonna be? Yeah, that cool.
KRUSTY IS BACK - Holy smokes... he really is back. #goodjoboutofyou today Herschel.
LONG LIVE THE KING OF SNARK! Yo QCI-ders... if you're not... make Iowa Newz Liter a part of your daily reads. The King of Snark is off the chain hilarious... and he just passed 100,000 hits... #goodjoboutofyou and here's to another 100,000 snarks in the LBC...
HOLY SMOKES! OLD BOY TV! Yo... you peep this QCI-ders?! Old Boy was on KCCI! Check it. Old Bizzy getting some face time. Noice! #goodjoboutofyou
SPEAKING OF SLOW NEWS DAYS - (smirk) OK... OK... I'm kidding! It's a joke people... chill. So you see WHO 13 picked up the Allamakee Straw Poll bit? Yeah... they did. Holy earned media Batman...
NO SHIT? TAXPAYER EDITION - You peep this yet too? Good piece by Failor on tax funded lobbying? No shit? Yeah... check it out... so let me get this straight... so if you're up at the Capitol this session... chances are 1 out of 5... actually... prolly 1 out of 4 lobbyists you might run into... are getting some State of Iowa green backs... and people wonder where this money goes...
RNC WEBSITE PART DEUX - Yeah... you people actually read this crap? Why you do... So, got some letters in the QCI mail bag about our comments on the new site. And yes... we agree the social interaction stuff is good... actually really good.... but you all are with us when we say... scrap the history lesson. Seriously. Not just the site... but everyone. Yeah we said it. Yeah... we know about the GOP/Slaves thing... yups... we know about Lincoln.... and yes, we loves ourselves some Ronald Reagan... but c'mon son... being proud of your history is great... but how about relating a message and things that actually pertain to people's daily lives? Oh yeah... we have another post coming about this whole idea... stay tuned for that...
JEBUS LOVES PENN STATE? So Smoker Hating Emily has a bit on some State Penn shirts that are floating of stores like that cross in the Huckster's ad. For real? Duh... God has 2 favorite teams... the Hawks and Notre Dame... Child Please...
LUG AND THE LAMERS - Wow... this thing didn't blow up... Cyclone Nation and Culver? It is slow for the news peeps... dayum.
AND FINALLY... Is it me or is today feel like a Dropkick day? Then again... when isn't it a Dropkick day? Stay thirsty friends...