Now here at QCI, we are all over the place on this whole thing... but of course, right? What would QCI be if it weren't completely random. If you will, here's our questions, comments and insults on this whole thing... in no particular order...
DIRTY POLITICS, MEET DIRTIER POLITICS - You think a good state convention floor fight gets dirty? You think elected officials are the only ones with the mind on the money and the money on the mind? Ah hell no. If you even took a a couple of international relations/poli sci classes... and if your inner sports poli geek is in full swing... you know that ain't nobody got dirty on them, than when it comes to the Olympics. This is like the Super Bowl of the dirty dirty... Need examples? You think Salt Lake City stunk a bit til the Mittster came to town? Yeah... oh... and the sweet irony? Chicago politics failed... we'll get to that in a bit.
GREAT SPORTS CITY - As sports nuts here at QCI HQ, we couldn't have a agreed more with a perfect place for the Olympics... whoever you root for (I'm looking at you Cards fans and anyone who roots for NFL teams in the Norris Division)... you cannot deny that Chi Town is one of the GREAT sport towns. No doubt about it. Great venues, new (were) ones on the way... classic. So that's where we were disappointed a little for not getting picked. Which also makes this whole ordeal more embarrassing.
MAKING THE PITCH, CHICAGO STYLE - So earlier this week, I hear all the fire breathers going, "Obama is doing what!?!" Outrage... Outrage... blah blah blah. "Why is he doing this?" For real? You guys haven't figured this out? Dude. This is Chicago politics at its finest. You all don't see this? Come on... Say you know someone who is elected or in city hall in Chicago... and your kid needs a gig for a summer job... call in favors? Yeah exactly. That is what Chicago did to POTUS. Biggest losers in this whole thing? Not the President... (oh he's smelling like roses on this at all) I actually believed he got rope-a-doped in this one. Nah, the big loser in this one is Mayor Daley and anyone from Chicago who needs a favor from the White House. Good luck with that. Yeah... Underground of Chicago... meet the World Underground... ouch.
Something I saw: "Wierd, the first time in history where Chicago didn't fix an election..." Hardy har har... crank up the corrupt politician jokes!
OUTRAGE AND B.S. - Seriously? I really want to know if any of these hacks out there gave one flying feather about the Chicago bid until they tapped POTUS to make the pitch. Anyone? Oh yeah, peeps in Chicago yes. Some sports nuts yes. Business community in Chi Town yes. Grassroots activist, no (unless from Chicago). Now everyones an expert and has opinion on this.... child please... you didn't even know they were up for a bid until this mess. Don't act like you really care. Or cared... be serious.
RED IN THE FACE - Yeah, this is pretty embarassing. First round out for the 2nd City, right? "Just like the Cubs... they'll always be 2nd." Before you insert your Cubbie jokes here. It embarassing when you put that they went out in the 1st, NYC in the 2nd... but as Isaiah McGee will remind you, LA had it twice... Also... before you make your Chicago sports falure jokes (ie: the Cubs)... what about the Bulls in the '90s? White Sox? There's a few rings and trophies in the Windy City... just saying.
THE WORLD IS MISSING OUT ON A PARTY - I know, know... "G$ you ever seen the Carnival in Rio? Puts Mardi Gras to shame." You may have a point. But for real man. You ever party in Wrigleyville? Damn man... the World would be missing out on a good ole Midwestern beer fest... It would have been a site to see. Would have been cool to rock out with Usain Bolt at Exodus II... loves me some reggae.
HERE COME THE MITTENS - You heard it here first... well if you're not hearing it already. Look for supporters, bloggers, tweeps and everyone in between peeps for Romney to start the drum beat. Never thought (or would like to admit) that this Olympic thing with Obama and Romney's Olympic success (that we heard like a million times) would ever connect. You know... the whole Olympic experience is foreign policy experience? Like it or not... it just did. You think this has a little something something brew for 2012? Hmm...
SO YEAH - Kind of interesting stuff... you know... if you're the mayor of Dorkville, but that's how we roll. Maybe they should have sent a Sinatra look-a-like to Copenhagen... Sidenote, had to remind some peeps here at QCI HQ that Copenhagen is a town... not just chewing tobacco... sigh... Take it way Frank!