Anyways... still chillin' here at the QCI HQ... actually trying to figure out a decent Halloween costume...
Have no fear... we still random... so here's some stuff.
LARRY JOHNSON - Yeah... I know that some QCI-ders are like... "G$, no comment on LJ?" Alright... so here we go again. When I read the Twitters on Sunday Night... at first I'm like... Huh? Did he really just say that? Then the Monday Shit Storm... I say just get rid of him. He obviously doesn't care much... he's a distraction... and he'll do something like this again... I only feel bad because I scored my sister a cool LJ jersey over the weekend. My bad April.
PALIN COMING? You gotta give props to the IFPC... they got a good hit out of this... "We invited her" bit... will she show? For them and their org... hope so. We'll say 50/50 shot she shows. I mean... Pawlenty will be here... then Huckabee will be... so who knows. Right now... we could care less. Lots of stuff is going on in our state... how about focusing on that... like budgets... layoffs... oh and the Hawkeyes might be going to the promise land! Important stuff people! I bet we could line up a dead turkey scene for her up near Ellsworth though... she's good at those.
OK... haven't done one of these in a while... hit it..
"So and So... is having the best day ever! i just found seventy-five cents in the urinal."
Gross... but... ya know... good for you!
ANYONE ELSE CATCH THIS? So... sifting through the QCI stacks of stuff and stopped at the B Dub to find an article on Mrs. Culver and getting back on the trail... You think Team Lug is a bit nervous about this election? Oh yeah the are... she came out swinging on TEB already? For real? Yeah... Small dig... I know... but this is just the beginning...
AND FINALLY... how about some of the Darkness? Rawk!