Speaking of... there's somethings today that'll just make you say... child please.
CHILD PLEASE: KEEP YOUR POLITICS OUT OF MY SATURDAYS (and SUNDAYS) - Especially in the fall. For real... This whole who congratulated who first and who didn't... Iowa or Iowa State stuff is really getting dumb. It's stupid. You even got Harkin in with a "We are all proud" of Iowa teams... Child please... this is dumb. You know what probably happened or happens when sports and politics collide? Let's list them...
- The Culver thing? This was a staff mistake... not really Big Lugs. A good staffer would think this through... and actually have a read what is going on. Iowa State beating Nebraska is a big deal to Iowa Staters... if you even paid small attention... you would know. Hell, I bet Culver had the ISU game on his radio in the car when he was traveling this weekend...
- Don't fake fan us - Yeah, earth to all politicians... don't fake and act like you know what's going in Goober State Football or the Local Baseball team... if you really don't know. Seriously, we'll know and see the difference.
- Stay out of our Saturdays (and Sundays) - Yeah, because we really want to hear what you have to say... that's why we tune into games... Child please. Dear politicians, just keep your politics out of sports... We have to read, listen and watch your bullshit all week. Can you give us a break? Please? Awesome, thanks... and child please.
- Don't get us started on the NFL/Limbaugh thing - Sigh.... Zzzzzzzzzzzzz..... Zzzzzzzzzzzzzz... oh urgh, *cough*... Zzzzzzzzzzzzzz.... *wakes up* ...hey can you just wake us up at kick off? Cool, thanks... Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.....
CHILD PLEASE: PALIN EVENT #FAIL - Lookie lookie QCI-ders... make sure you peep this article from J Mart in the Politico. It's a must read. Call us Jack Butler's kids (10 points if you get that reference)... because we're all saying, "You're doing it wrong." She and others might as well kiss the baby... let's break this down...
- First... $100 Grand for a speaker fee? Child please... Gov. Palin, you just kiss the baby if you charge 'em.
- Second... IFPC... you pay this fee... or let some other group pay it? You just kissed the baby too... along with putting Iowa's First in the Nation status into hospice. You got the buzz for even "inviting her" here... now you may just be buzz killing your event... AND the reason why we get high profile guests to all fundraisers of the movement... Don't pay it.
- Thirdly... anyone else think this whole thing is getting a little ridiculous? "Will she show?" "Will she go?" "We invited her!" "Um, not sure if the schedule will work." "Is she running?" Blah blah blah... for real... if the Hawkeyes are undefeated... methinks the Minnesota game will be playing at the same time of this thing... and we here at QCI HQ (along with the rest of the World) will be watching that.
So yeah... Child please... in case you need to be educated again... here's the best of Esteban...