Here it comes... Seperation Friday? We shall see. Over the noon hour... we will have a speech and a whole new race. Not like its new already... but I'm just saying... this becomes the buzz into the weekend. So grab a clean towel, soak it water and suck on it for a while... because were random in a Jerry Tarkanian way...
BRANSTAD SPEECH - This is a game changing day that even Big Lug ran an ad... or at least that's what the word on the street is. We were watching Dallas reruns at the HQ. Because that's how we roll.
FALL OUT BOY(S) - Alright, ole Hershel is bringing sexy back to his posts again. Great stuff on McKinley and the Balloon Boy. Who else is gonna drop out? Or should? *cough*Jerry*cough*Behn*cough*... oh excuse me.. I kind of been having the crud from this weather lately...
BALLOON BOY - Speaking of... damn that shit was crazy! There's no other way to say it. But for real... when we found out he wasn't in the Jiffy Pop thinger... I was like... dude... totally would have pulled something like this. Except, I wouldn't be in the attic... I'd be over at Sealine's playing Contra... up, up, down, down, left, right, left right....
OVER AT 621 EAST 9TH - So the search is on for a new Captain over at RPI.... and for some reason. There's always a fantasy football like discussion on who it will be... here's a bit from C-Raig over at TIR. We're not into Fantasy Sports here at the QCI HQ... and we're not into a who "should get it", "who it should be"... or something we like to do with our presidential nominees... "who's turn it is now" to be the ED of the party. All that matters is that its someone the Chairman is comfortable with, shares their vision and is capable. That's it. So while everyone else has their white boards up for their ED draft... give it a rest... I trust they will get someone capable. We said it before and we'll say it again... staffers don't win or lose elections... candidates and ideas do...
FACEBOOK/TWITTER CHATTER - With the big speech and announcements on the way... the chatter is picking up. Everyone here at the HQ hopes that all of this chatter is truly about turning around this state for the better.... not lobbying for future jobs or pay days. Yeah, we said it.
AND FINALLY... Here's a little something to get your weekend started... Crank it!