Happy Halloweeners QCI-ders! What's a happening? Still have no idea what to go as to the QCI HQ Costume Party... but I'm sure we'll come up with greatness... or get away with some crude junior high humor...
At any rate... here's a little somethin' somethin'...
PALIN EVENT FAIL PART DEUX - So... There was an invite... then buzz... then a fee? ...then there was no fee... then... no show. As we saw this whole thing unfold to possible one of the biggest stories of the Fall and/or the 2012 jockeying... it just dropped dead.
A little discussion over coffee in the QCI HQ Board room started this morning... and ...we all agreed this is both hilarious and sad at the same time. Let's list out a few things why...
- Sad... because we really like Chuck Hurley. He's a stand up guy who is very respected on both sides of the aisle. It sucks because now his name/reputation and IFPC are being dragged because of this whole ordeal.
- Hilarious... because time after time, after time when Team Sarah tries to get their groove back... they go straight back to amature hour. Which is also kind of sad they haven't figured it out yet.
- Sad... because... if this was gonna happen... would have gotten great buzz for everyone involved... As C-raig put nicely here.
- Hilarious... because it looks like Smoker Hating Emily is wearing a Tin Hat for Halloween this year...
- Sad... because we've wasted time talking about Sarah Palin... because... uh... she ain't gonna be President.
HUGE QCI SHOUT OUT!!!!! We just wanted to pass along ginormous congratulations to long time great friends and very loyal QCI-ders, Mike and Alyssa Clabaugh! As they welcomed to the world Amelia Rose this morning at 12:48am. We're told baby and mama are doing great... and everyone is tired. Which for you South Hammies reading... let's say it together, "Holy crap, Baugh is a father!" Congrats again to the 'Baughs! #goodjoboutofyou
WE AREN'T THAT LEGIT - But I suppose if campaigns are gonna send us their stuff... lets hook 'em up so that all 3 people who read this site... see their stuff (Thanks for reading Grandma! And yes Grandma, we'll try to clean up the language...)
From the press peep files:
Matt Schultz from Counciltucky is running for SOS. Doing a huge tour... Tweet and FB it up. As we said, RPI gonna have a Blogger Row... we're there! Steve King is taking it to Roger Goodell... and got a good mention el Rushbo... Dwayne Hopkins is running for State House Seat #80... State Senate and State House R peeps are fighting the good fight... and somebody in Chuck Grassley's press office knows we exist! #goodjoboutofyou
FAN LETTERS - Holy crap! You people actually read this garbage? (smirk) For some reason... I've been getting a lot of emails fromQCI-ders... And funny/wierd they are all positive. Thanks for wasting your time here... OK... seriously... like a good Grunge band... I loves myself some feedback... got something on your mind? Email me up at grantyoung72@hotmail.com. Again... thanks for the kind words and encouragement... although... if I got a dollar for everytime someone said, "Oh Jesus, don't encourage G$"... I'd probably own an island somewhere... and or an NFL team or something.... just sayin...
NEXT WEEK = HU HU HUGE WEEK @ QCI - OK QCI-ders... peep this. We have all sorts of bad ass stuff ready for what is going to be the biggest week in GOP politics around the state... so... we will be hosting "HU HU HU HUGE WEEK". Stay tuned... this is gonna be epic.
AND FINALLY... It's Halloween... we're getting ready for a huge week... so welcome to the show! Stay thirsty friends!