Looking for some correspondents since I’ll be getting my Jewell Jubilee on this weekend. Give me a call if you are interested. Anyways, for the rest of the week, not only will I be posting the promised posts… but we’ll be dishing up the straight dope as the build up to the Convention lives on.

CONVENTION PARTY SCENE – SCC Member, Laker fan and all around great dude, Isaiah McGee, passed along an invitation for a Statewide Young Republican Social following the District Caucuses Friday night. It’s on the skywalk level of HyVee Hall. Goes from 9-11pm. You should go. Oh and just for Isaiah, GO CELTS! :)
Also, before the Young Republican Social is the famous RPI “GOParty” over at 621 East 9th. Starts at 4:30pm. RSVP to DK and crew at dkearney@iowagop.org. I will be stopping at that one… come out and say hey.RECOUNTS – So the canvasses are rolling pretty good in the 2nd.
Per Rod Boshart of the CR Gazette:
Canvasses in seven of the district’s 15 counties indicated Mariannette Miller-Meeks, the unofficial winner in last week’s balloting, gained seven votes, while second-place finisher Peter Teahen of Cedar Rapids lost one vote and Lee Harder of Mount Pleasant gained one vote from Tuesday’s preliminary vote counts. The other eight counties in the 2nd Congressional District are to conduct their canvasses today.
Unofficial results posted on the secretary of state’s Web site had Miller-Meeks, an Ottumwa ophthalmologist, with 7,365 votes, followed by Teahen with 7,255 and Harder with 2,257. The trio competed for the right to face U.S. Rep. Dave Loebsack, a Democrat from Mount Vernon, in November’s general election as the Republican Party’s nominee.
So looks like 3M can officially get this thing going and march to the general. In the Senate primary, there’s still some canvassing to get through. Although there is a slim chance of the results changing… the percentage is even more slim. Reed is currently at 35.21%. If this slips down to 34%, we gets ourselves a convention! Which makes bloggers drool and operatives loose hair... will the canvass make a difference QCI-ders? Who knows, but it sure makes the story, verry interresting...CONVENTION BUZZ – So the National Committee Woman race is in high gear. Krusty endorsed Greiner. QCI already did a while back. You can argue that policy and platforms are the most important when it comes to National Committee folks… I’m not gonna buy it. If you are from Iowa, and you are on the National Committee… to paraphrase Tim Russert, “It comes down to 3 things, the First in the Nation Iowa Caucuses, the First in the Nation Iowa Caucuses, and the First in the Nation Iowa Caucuses.” Nothing else, nothing less. We lose that and we’ll just go back to being those hicks over in Iowa… not those hicks who pick future presidents over in Iowa.
THE F’ING STORMS OF 2008 – Sec. of Ag Northey issues a statement today on the storms/rain impact on the Ag Industry:
“The severe weather and heavy rains have caused significant problems all across the state and agriculture is no exception. Unfortunately more rain is predicted for later this week which would further slow field work hurt plant progress. Everyone is hoping for dry weather.”
Catch all the other updates at http://www.iowaagriculture.gov/.
Also, Des Moines is gonna get more flooded here in a bit. They will be releasing water from Saylorville soon. The Polk County Courthouse has already been evacuated.
I guess there is a silver lining to everything with the F’ING STORMS OF 2008, check this out.
Stay tuned to more coverage of THE F’ING STORMS OF 2008. Until then… enter Mister Skee Lo…