(barf, I’m becoming one of those bloggers)
The World’s Crappiest Blog brings you some predictions for the next cycle. No, we’re not looking past the current cycle, we have some opportunities to make a lot gains. But since there’s some scuttle butt out there, time for QCI to give you its take.

MARK PEARSON - G$, Mark Pearson… the Ag radio guy? Yea, that guy. Mark Pearson of 1040 WHO’s Big Show and IPTV’s Market to Market. Let’s go over a few notes:
- He’s going to be retiring from being a radio personality from a popular statewide radio show.
- Has huge name ID. Although this primary will be more heated than the 2008 US Senate Primary, but that race also proved the name ID factor.
- Highly connected with the Ag community… whether or not he gets the endorsements of the commodity groups or Farm Bureau (you can bet he will)… he’ll get the rank and file support… and their money.
- Do not underestimate Farm Bureau member endorsements. I always argue that FB members are the most politically savvy activists in the state. Their policy process is a true grassroots process.
- He will be a good speaker… he does this for a living.
- The Iowa guy factor, Pearson is about as Iowan as you get… and he’s probably been just about everywhere in Iowa.
Any other good notes I’m missing?
MARK PEARSON, FOR REAL G$? I have unconfirmed sources that aren’t too solid to say officially. But I will tell you this. When a local celebrity shows up at the Lincoln Dinner, it’s not because they had a certain urge to go. It’s a place to be seen by activists, donors and kingpins. Who was at this year’s Lincoln Dinner? Oh yea, Mark Pearson was. Sure he’s probably donated in the past, voted straight R… but it’s the first time I’ve ever seen him at the dinners. I’m just saying you just don’t spontaneously show up.
WHAT’S NEXT – The indicators… all of the signs of a serious run. Who he hires for the different stuff you need to run. I assume once his WHO Radio duties are over. Appearances, where will he show up next, who’s going to raise his money, grassroots organizing and everything in between. You’ll start to hear chatter with the grassroots. Then it will be candidate training time. Will he succumb to a Dan Gable gaffe like back in the 2002 cycle? I’m not bashing the legendary god of wrestling… I’m just saying he wasn’t prepped well enough.
Also, he’s going to have to introduce not only himself to the GOP, but his politics. How pro life is he? Where is he on taxes, spending and now a new issue for 2010, infrastructure. GOP activists will be ready to kick the tires… but will they buy the truck?
THE REST OF THE FIELD – Well we know that Ambassador Chuck Larson has been hit up for it. Vander Plaats is in again. Rants’ name has been thrown around. Of course, you have the 800 pound conservative gorilla in Congressman Steve King. I’ll do a bigger break down as we get to a situation that has gelled. Hershel had a 12 pack a while back. While there were some good mentions in that post… I’m guessing the real field is somewhere less than a 6 pack of tall boys.
BIG LUG – We have a lot of time from now until the 2010 elections… but as of right now, Big Lug is going to be tough to beat. Whoever our nominee is then will need to mount a campaign this state has not seen in a while.
Well, there you have it. Remember, you heard it here first. And now in honor of our 10,000 hits, here’s 10,000 Maniacs.