
DUDES… THE Metallica countdown continues here at QCI. But I figured you all would get sick of it… yup… you are. So in a little twist… when talking about the scoop that you are all following, I will make an attempt to use a title of a song from the glorious Metallica catalog. Let’s see how this goes…

WHERE EVER I MAY ROAM – Team Straight Talk will be making 3 stops in Iowa this weekend. Look for good sized crowds out of this. The NW Iowa should be off the hook!
HERO OF THE DAY – Looks like 3M took it to loebSACK last night. Smoker Hating Emily and Crew and Hershel give props… even using the Lloyd Benson line… nice! This is the QCI MUST SEE VIDEO… HAVE MORE COMING STAY TUNED!!!
HARVESTER OF SORROW – I talked about the stupid ass DMR ads before… instead of instilling the doom and gloom on the radio… they should stick to stretching an international story that has the weakest of the weak Iowa ties… You know, let’s say a volcano erupts on some island in the South Pacific... the DMR will dig up a story about a person who was there on vaction who’s cousin’s sister’s daughter’s college roommate’s bridesmaid’s hair dresser was from Iowa… and that is truly an Iowa connection to run above the fold on front page.
LEPER MESSIAH – Love that song from the Puppets album… say “Messiah” and thought Obama right away… “Bow to LEPER MESS- I-AHHHUH!” Love that part...
CREEPING DEATH – Now… not sure how this song ties with the Flyboys… but… these guys are rockers. I have a feeling that when they are about to take off for another flight of righteousness and sixth grade humor… they would crank that tune… so good… just like their post today.
…AND JUSTICE FOR ALL – This song, just by it’s title… is so Hawkeye GOP. D-Chung has been laying down the justice like no other… and I don’t think he’s been given enough props for it. So here’s to you D-Chung (which is your new QCI nickname BTW)…
FADE TO BLACK – This goes to Uncle Ted… Sporer… listen, I’m the last guy to bitch about no posts… but come man! I’m sure The Real Sporer is brewing up some goodness.

AND FINALLY… Your Metallica tune of the day… and in case you were wondering… yes, I have those wrist bands and will be rocking them like no other on Sunday night… crank it mofos!!!!!