

Awe... what a decade huh QCI-ders? Yeah... Turns out 10 years is a long time... duh. But what may be so ancient... seems like yesterday in some regards... Anyway, I had a tough time figuring out how to do this decade in review thinger... but... upon further review... I think I'll stick to being random... but will try to keep to a few things... Politics, Sports, G$ Landmarks and Random... for each year... here's to hoping this post doesn't suck...

POLITICS - George W. Bush. Yups... Won the Caucus... and then Florida... and I was there for the ride. Spent my Thanksgiving in Ft. Lauderdale with Wayne Newton... or he sang at our party. Recount was crazy.
SPORTS - Um remember when Iowa was good in basketball? 2nd year of the Ferentz era... remember when we still had Stoops on the brain? Yeah... Sadly... We lost Derrick Thomas that year. Gunther was head coach... Chiefs go 7-9...
RANDOM - Peeps began hating on Metallica... mostly because of Napster... no new album but "I Disappear" did alright with the MI release... Epic U2 album that year... wore out that tape, yes a tape... in my 87 Crown Vic... aka the Shark...
WHAT I REMEMBER - I guess I became what folks call a full fledged "Bushie". That's where I cut my teeth in this stuff... met great people and made great friends from there on. Spent a good month in Florida... Kind of a first full year as a staffer. Lived or stayed for long stints in like 6 different states... which was wierd for a 22 year old kid who hadn't been out of the state. Good Times.
KEYWORDS - Chads, Y2K, W., Burning CDs

POLITICS - We had a new POTUS sworn in... new era started. In Iowa we were gearin' up for a Guv race... Sukup and BVP... A Harkin challenge... and had a primary in the 3rd... new district... Stan Thompson and Dick Johnson primary... Polk Straw Poll win and hard work started to pay of for SJT...
SPORTS - Welcome to the Dick Vermeil era in KC. Went 6-10... but a special time was happening... The Hawks have a winning season and end up winning the Alamo... Suddenly... no one is talking about Stoops... wierd.
9/11 - Changed everything. Such a wierd time. Everyone knows where you were when you heard and/or saw... I was getting ready for work over at 3000 Grand where I lived with Barthy and Wingert... heard it on the radio... then turned on the TV...
RANDOM - Newstead leaves Metallica... starting to wonder if my favorite band will still be together... sure enough they did... whew.
WHAT I REMEMBER - First time in DC... living out of the Embassy Suites off of K Street or something... learned its a fun town! Also had a gun pulled on me for the first time... Also... Definately 9/11... but it was kind of a coming of age year for alot of my peeps and I. We weren't all doing the GWB thing or punk cock college kids anymore... we were on our own now... do I dare say... epic?
KEYWORDS - Stem cells, Terror, Rudy, United We Stand

POLITICS - Primaries heat up. Enter Doug Gross. Also... Enter a heated Senate primary Salier v. Ganske. Dick dropped out... Stan's the nominee. Sadly... lost a friend and mentor that year... I miss you Luke. Despite GOP gains across the country... there was no wave here... but, the only CPA in the race won... #goodjoboutofyou Watch Dogg.
SPORTS - Chiefs even it up and we learn about this guy named Priest Holmes... turns out the dude can run. The Hawks are Big 10 Champs... off to a BCS game... but the sting still burns from that Iowa State game. Damn you Seneca Wallace!!!!! SMH.
RANDOM - 3000 Grand place was a good joint... probably too nice for 3 young campaign guys... 9th floor was a good view tho... Steaks and Sopranos anyone? That was epic...
WHAT I REMEMBER - I had mono that year... it sucked. I also lost the Shark... one of my many epic cars... It was called the Shark because... if you went in reverse... it died. Plus... it was bad ass. Huge. Then scored another crown vic... the trooper car. It had some giddy up. Plus random cop things... epic. But also remember... how long that year seemed... maybe that was the mono...
KEYWORDS - Iraq, Brad Banks, RedBullVodka, Euro, Enron, Whacked, Bada Bing, The Only CPA

POLITICS - Other than being invaded Iowa by every Democrat who thought they should be POTUS for the Caucus... not much... other than the Governator and the California Recall... All were waiting for the gearing up of the Re-Election Campaign... which would start earlier than you think...
SPORTS - Start with a bang in the Orange Bowl... or at least the kickoff return... The Chiefs... go freaking nuts! Won 10 in a row... Vermeil tells Larry to take off the diapers... and LJ runs angry! Bummer... they lose in the 1st roun dof the playoffs... but not a bad season... 13-3.
RANDOM - Metallica is back! New bass player Robert Turillo and new album... St. Anger. Yups... picked it up at midnight of the release. Caught the Chicago show. Freaking insane.
WHAT I REMEMBER - Yeah... went back to Iowa City for classes... dropped a hundred pounds... I just remember being the old guy in class... A cool short stint with the Metalli-wagon after the passing of the Hoopty... was ready for a new hoopty... Got back in the DeMo in the fall... recharged and ready for a Re-Elect...
KEYWORDS - Cal-ee-forn-ee-ah, Atkins, Columbia, Husseins, Franitc

(starting to see a pattern with cars here... wierd...)

POLITICS - Caucus ends with a Scream... Kerry is the nominee. BC '04 team becomes well oiled machine... President Reagan passes... and Bush gets re-elected... with no recount. All good to go... New faces emerge in the hack scene...
SPORTS - Hawks are Big 10 champs again! Chiefs play like crap... dip a little bit... like they had a Super Bowl hangover... urgh... too bad they didn't actually play in one the year before... double urgh... Red Sox Nation rejoices... my pals Sealine and Garneau were bauling for sure the night they won... it was warranted... Suddenly everyone is a Red Sox fan... don't worry fellas I know who the real ones are...
RANDOM - The first real Birthdaypalooza was that year... Or at least the first year for lanyards...
WHAT I REMEMBER - I just remember '04 being this one big blur... I mean... everything was about the campaign... there wasn't much time for anything else. Just a blur... I mean millions of good times and triumphs... but... it was a fast year. But man... remember how big those rallies were? Dayam...
KEYWORDS - Gipper, Out of staters, W., Do you have your ticket, Purple Stuff

POLITICS - Everyone gets a chance to hit the Inaugural in DC. In Iowa, BVP starts his 2nd run... and Nussle's worst kept secret comes true, running for Gov. In the 3rd, Jeff Lamberti gears up against GMLB...
SPORTS - Drew Tate and the Hawkeyes give us The Play at the Capital One to start the year. Insane start of the year. This would be Vermeil's last year as head coach of the Chiefs. They win 10 games... but no playoffs... Son of a...
RANDOM - Katrina kind dominated everything once it happened... but we did get a new Pope... and peeps who didn't know how much of an impact Pope John Paul had... got educated.
WHAT I REMEMBER - Iowa Youth Hostel? Well... that was the first wedding year in my family, my brother Adam got hitched. So most of my plans and stuff were around that. Plus... I just started working for who would soon be a great mentor and friend.
KEYWORDS - NOLA, Steroids, NHL canceled, Yellow Stuff, 50 plates

(interesting enough... no car issues... wierd)

POLITICS - Nussle and BVP join forces. Culver beats out Blouin. Fallon makes splash. Enter Krusty Konservative and the Iowa Blogosphere. Rough year for Rs. We come close at GMLB... and the Caucus season seems to start already...
SPORTS - Herm Edwards era (if you want to call it that) starts. Chiefs make the playoffs! Playoffs? Playoffs!? Sadly... we lose Lamar Hunt... the father of the modern NFL... Hawkeyes are decent... but lose at the Alamo.
RANDOM - Question of the year: Who is Krusty? Became the Iowa political "Who shot JR" question as blogs go nuts... peeps were always trying to krack the Krusty Kode.
WHAT I REMEMBER - It was just a tough year for the good guys... history finally took its turn in political cycles... Also... the campaign was pretty hard... I mean... it was intense at all levels.
KEYWORDS - Crocodile Hunter, Who the hell is Krusty, Blogs, North Korea

POLITICS - And so it begins... the Caucus season that is. Everyone gets swooped up by somebody. McCain, Romney, Brownback, Huckabee... Thompson... Peeps were everywhere... Which made for tons of stories that would take at least a week of nights at Wellman's to tell them all. Peeps showing up in costumes everywhere? Flipper? Rabbits ER Varmints? Chickens?
SPORTS - Steve Alford leaves Iowa. (high five!)... Grumbling in Iowa City starts as the Hawks go 6-6 and no bowl game... The Chiefs downward spiral begins... Trent er TrINT Green is traded... and Herm forgets that you play to win the game... urgh.
RANDOM - I became an Uncle for the first time that year... as my family welcomes little Ainsley. And it was the first year of the Stanhope State University Softball tournament... an idea longtime coming... finally happened.
WHAT I REMEMBER - It was a little wierd that year... I mean I had buddies on all of the other campaigns... but only saw them at events. It's kind of the campaign code that you hang out with you camapign crew... and that's it. Because... usually someone will say something... and there might be a fight... and/or say something your weren't suppose to say.
KEYWORDS - Brittany, Knocked Up, Hokies, I-35 bridge, McCain Meltdown & Comeback

McCain v. Obama... but we covered most of this in last years year in review. So we'll just do the rest of it.
RANDOM - I started this blog in '08... and retired from the day to day stuff of being a political hack... Oh... and lost the hoopty... and got my car stolen... got it back. Welcome back car issues.
WHAT I REMEMBER - How wierd it was that people read this blog. Still is... Also... became and Uncle again... Harrison! Thus starts his many cameos here on this blog... Lived then moved out of the hood...
KEYWORDS - QCI-ders, Facebook, Randomnous, Death Magnetic, El Camino Republicans

OK... This is your year in review... to end this decade in review...
POLITICS - Guv Primary in full steam, Branstad returns... BVP begins trilogy... Rants... 3rd district battle royal... Matt Strawn is Chair... New fire in the GOP belly... The VBC is the place to be... Tweet Tweet!
SPORTS - Hawks give us heart attacks... The Chiefs... where do I start... King Carl gone... Herm gone... Pioli we trust... Haley... and we still suck... Derrick Thomas in the Hall of fame...(finally) Zach Greinke shows some #powerbluepower... oh, did I tell you the Chiefs still break my heart? The good guys are Midwest Division Champs! The Bearcats return to glory
RANDOM - The year of the MULLET. It was awesome... I miss the mullet. Also... social media... everyone is on it now... even the Facebook haters... they joined in. Kind of crazy...
WHAT I REMEMBER - This blog kind of becomes mainstream... not really... more and more readers... oh... and I got inspired to write a book... I'm Sorry, I'm Sorry That I'm Awesome... its a ton of work... and hopefully people read it...
KEYWORDS - Epic, #goodjoboutofyou, mullet, Child Please, #wingertvoice, Bean Walker, the TIR, Ricky Stanzi, the VBC and Epic.

So... there it is... The decade that was... I know I left out a ton of stuff... but... anyways... many of you were there when it happened from way back... some a long the way... some just recently...
Not a bad decade though... right? All in all... not bad... not bad at all.
Thanks to all who made it... memoriable... Here's a little song for you all to crank... Have a safe and happy 2010... Oh and thanks for the memory...

Um... I think we might have hit the bottom...

Yeah... This can be good at all....
Chiefs not-so-fun fact of the day via Tony's Kansas City?
Um... the first time since I was one years old... the Chiefs aren't sending anyone to the Pro Bowl.
Oh my...


Milestones and Explosive Skibbies

Alright... Je vais être aléatoire et rapide. Cool? Thanks.

OK... Some milestones here... first, we passed 40,000 hits? Huh? OK... looks like we did. Anyways... #goodoutofyou for reading... and #goodjoboutofus... to make it this long in order to get to 40,000.

Also... side note of random. So... you loyal QCI-ders know that I try to put a cutesy picture that kind of goes with what I'm talking about each day... and sometimes... just a random one... anyhoops... I use Google image to find most of them. So... I was looking for something with 40,000... so I just searched that... turns out... there's some XBox game that involves... "Warhammer 40,000". That's what you get when you Google it... Apparently... the Warhammer is kind of a big deal... Yeah... I just thought it was wierd... and, I'm not much of a gamer... I mean... NCAA Football on PlayStation? Oh hell yes... that was like standard issue on my dorm floor back in the day... But warlocks and other stuff? Yeah... crickets. Don't get me wrong... I kind of enjoyed Willow... but... not for video games... or... any other games for that matter.

Another thing on milestones... we're all most getting to our 400th post. I know epic, right? So... anyways... all these milestones... the end of the year... end of a decade... really is getting my brain in a wierd mode... so be aware of that here in my posts for the rest of the week...

One more thing... so, I kind of have A.D.D. when it comes to news and stuff... I mean I religiously check my Twitter updates... and just casually been following the terrorist threats... casually as in... I don't watch cable news... it's like watching Sportscenter all morning... same stuff over and over... Yeah... basically if it ain't local... about the Chiefs... things that are awesome... or late night TV... not gonna catch it... I know... I'm the Mayor of Dork City...

But now... since reading Herschel's post on this dude's skibbies... I'm kind of wierded out. Also a little uncomfortable... fellas, you know what I'm talking about... it's like watching someone get kicked in the menards on tv... and/or someone talking about getting kicked in the menards... you just can't sit normal for a bit... then, you think about the last time you you got kicked in the menards... then your like... dayam... when you see that pic... yikes, for real? Oh and Krusty, you're dead on... (ok... maybe bad choice of words there) But yeah dude... boxer briefs... #goodjoboutofyou. Dayam... dude must not like Americans that much if he was going to do that to his menards... alright... enough talking about people blowing up their junk... how about some tunes

Stay thirsty friends...


We're getting to the end of the year...

Alright QCI-ders... back in the HQ after a long Chirstmas trip to God's Country. It was an epic time as always... and it was great to get the batteries recharged, you know? I mean spending time with family and friends... a little break from reality... which kind of gets the brains moving better here at QCI HQ.

So... over the break... not so much on breaking news... but we are sure there will be once 2010 gets here... so... we thought we'd get to work on a couple projects before the year/decade ends.

So here's a few updates and things we are working on to wrap up the year... and other randomnous...

YEAR IN REVIEW POST - Yups... we'll wrap up the year that was... here at QCI. Was a decent year... decent stuff... and we actually posted more than we thought we would. I review 2009... according to QCI.

DECADE IN REVIEW POST - I didn't think about it as much... until it hit me like a brick to the face with a trip down memory lane... then... it was an epic epiphany... to review this decade... 2000-2009... It was the decade I spent in politics. So freaking crazy. I can't even believe that... and I know some of my most loyal readers won't either... can you believe this? I've met so many great people over the past ten years...

It's wierd/cool/reflective... and freaking insane to think where me and a few other buddies of mine were about 10 years ago. Insane... so... be on the look out for the Decade in Review post...

Wow... I can't believe it's been that long. So freaking crazy. Oh.... it means I'm old too. SMH. We'll dig up some stuff from the decade that was... and the other stuff.... will end up in the #epicbook.

CHILD PLEASE, THE CHIEFS - Urgh... only one more game to go... then off season moves.

SPEAKING OF THE CHIEFS AND EPIC BOOKS - Dudes... scored the recently released Dick Vermeil biography for Christmas. It is totally off the hook. Can't get enough of it. I know that I said that is was a tie between Vermeil, Stram and Schottenheimer as my favorite Chiefs coaches... but... Vermeil is taking the lead now. No that we have began working on our "Decade Post" and reading this book... I guess I always kind thought I did things in a Vermeil way... It's wierd to explain... and no, not that I cry at every press conference... Just wearing your heart on your sleeve, believing and caring in others... always learning... and ready to go to battle with his players and colleagues... who knows... maybe I'm no where near that... probably not at all. But hey, not a bad guy to try to be like.... right? Anyway... great book. Plus you get a bonus 1977 Philly Eagles Conditioning Manual written by Vermeil. When I read that... my head exploded. In effing sane.

Alright... more to come this week. Stay thirsty... Oh and I know I have posted this before... but speaking of Dick Vermeil... here is the best YouTube I can find on this guy... Awesome... and crank it!


#iowadeathstorm2 Watch and Must See Video

Holy smokes QCI-ders! I hope you are safely getting where you need to be... #iowadeathstorm2 is rolling in... and it seems to be a wicked one.

Anyways... I said I'd update during the holiday... and *fingers crossed* I hope to be able to post! Holy smokes again... after a quick venture out... the power lines are starting to get caked in ice. So... hopefully we keep the lights on up here.... more importantly the Garage! Oh well, I guess it'll make some of the sledding hills faster... yes!

Now, I know this video is getting passed around on the interwebs... but I had to post this video... I know there are some peeps getting a little stressed and stuff... Seems everyone gets a little more stressed than usual this time of year... but if you are feeling some panic attacks and/or losing some Christmas cheer... hopefully this Christmas message from President Reagan a while back will do the trick. Stay thirsty friends...


Merry Christmas!!!

Getting ready to head up to God's Country before all of this Winter Storm mess hits. But wanted to take the time to make sure I got a quick Chirstmas greeting out for all of my loyal readers...

Now I'm no Steve Martin... but here's my Christmas Wishes for you and yours...

Wish #1: That you have an awesome time with your realives and friends. Enjoy everyone's company... yes, even the crazy Uncle who told you your first dirty joke... and probably scored you... your first beer. Good dude. Anyways... trust me on this one QCI-ders... Enjoy your time with these people. Make it count...

Wish #2: You totally pig out on the goods. Yeah... who cares about diets and all that crap... Are you telling me you're going to pass up on Santa face cookies! Or your aunts' deviled eggs? ...you know... before Uncle Clint shows up... then good luck getting one... So yeah, eat up my fine feathered friends.

Wish #3: For Santa Claus to totally hook you up! My 3rd wish is that you get everything on your list... I don't have much of a list... Hanging with my peeps in the garage is good enough for me... But if you got your heart set on something... I hope you get it! Although... if you are having a tough time finding me a last minute gift... Here's a good idea. :) Totally kidding...

Wish #4: Finally... Whatever wish you got... you get it. You know... with in reason... and if its appropiate... whatever that means...

Stay tuned here... as always... we'll have some updates here to help you get thru the Hoilday with random horrible takes... and other stuff we come up with.

And now... in its 2nd year in a row... so it is now a QCI Christmas Tradition.... here's our Christmas Greeting to all of you... from all of us here at QCI-HQ... Merry Christmas!


An Epic Christmas and Hugs?

Whew... How we doing out there QCI-ders? Etes-vous pret pour Noel? I think I am. Shopping is done... I think!?!?! Anyways... we've been busy having conversations with Santa here at QCI HQ... sorry for the lack of posts. But, for the first time ever... I won't be heading from some store straight to Christmas Eve Mass... And or being late for it either... Which is a world record for me... This means I actually get to enjoy the holiday a little better. Of which I give myself a #goodjoboutofme.

Anyhoop... the lights are up in the HQ... Egg nog... is getting all nogged up... There's snow on the ground... Yes, we are in full blown Chirstmas Cheer... So let's do what we always do this time of year. I told you... I got my shopping done earlier than normal this year. So early... that I scored some stuff for other peeps out here... For a little feature we will call

"Dudes, Scored You Some Stuff for Christmas"

Random peeps that I got stuff for... Mostly t-shirts and dvds... You know... because we are givers... and huggers... loves us some hugs... In no particular order...

BILL NORTHEY AND CHUCK GRASSLEY - I got this shirt for you guys... Since you both are the kings of the Twittah... Check it out and click here.
CHIEFS FANS - Totally lined up some replacement hearts for all of you. Because ours have been ripped out too many times. Alright... I can't get you hearts so I go you this so you can remember that we used to win.
3RD DISTRICT GOP CANDIDATES - Dudes, since we almost have enough peeps in the race for a Battle Royal event... I scored you some DVDs to show you how its done.
THAT ONE CREEPY DUDE WHO KEEPS TRYING TO ADD YOU ON FACEBOOK - Yeah... you know that guy... so... might as well get you this shirt. Because I will get you something for Christmas... I'm just not gonna add you on Facebook. Cool? Good.
GMLB - You know we wouldn't forget about you GMLB! We're not saying your car stinks... just thought of you when we saw this. So... here you are GMLB!
BRANSTAD 2010 SUPPORTERS - No worries... I got you guys covered over at Team TEB! I got you these shirts. Check it out here.
VANDER PLAATS SUPORTERS - Yup yups... I couldn't pass up this shirt for you peeps. Enjoy!
FOR BVP AND TEB PEEPS - You know... you guys have been getting snippy at each other... so I thought I'd get this for all of you. I mean... maybe gather together and watch these DVDs. The Back to the Future Trilogy? Insert sweet sweet irony here.
JARED ALLEN - What do you get for the dude who is awesome all the time? A car like this. So yeah man... I scored you that car. And its not just for Christmas... its for being the best example of being awesome. Oh and inspiring the mullet too.... respect.
CRISTOPHER RANTS - I went more practical for you man. Plus I know where you are eating your lunches lately... so here you go bruh.
C-RAIG AT THE TIR - How could I leave out the George Steinbrenner of the Rightosphere on my list? (the TIR is the Yankees of the blogs) Yeah dude... scored you a shirt... it has your name on it.
PEEPS IN THE VBC - I got this shirt for you... because the VBC is awesome... and you all live there.... therefore you are awesome.
ELIZABETH SHUE - Yeah... I mean... You're famous... and probably have anything you want... but... how many times can someone arrange an epic band to play a tune just for you? Here it is... hope you dig it. See you soon. *shy face* OK, bye. Hearts, G$
HERSHEL KRUSTOFSKI - Oh yeah... I hooked you up Krusty. I got you this because I hope it would inspire you to bring back the contest someday. Those were the days... *sadface*
MY SPELLING HATERS AND GRAMMAR NAZIS - Yeah... for all the peeps who make fun of my spelling and grammar... I even got you something this year. I mean... even tho you peeps are haters... I soften up during Christmas... so I got you these shirts... enjoy!

AND FOR EVERYONE ELSE? I got you hugs and music... Not like the "good guy pat hug"... Well... because... that's probably the rudist hug in history... "You're such a good guy *no so genuine voice*"... It's just a rude hug... very rude... And no, not the "Haven't Seen You Forever Hug"... You know, because I have Facebook... It's like roaming the halls in high school... And no, not the "Like You Mean it Hug"... because... well... that could get a little awkword... alright... unless the chick is hot... then yes... "Like You Mean It"... but could still be awkward... but it could turn out epic... or maybe not... but it could turn fun... or a restraining order... or...

Alright, never mind... just a straight up hug... a nice one... friendly... noncommittal... just a regular hug.... not so awkward... normal... a normal hug. Not awkward...

Well maybe if you're not a hugger... then it gets awkward... OK... if you aren't a hugger... you should work on that. Hugs are awesome... and epic. Yes. Yes they are. They just take a little practice... OK, that was really a shady thing to say.

Ok... Hug it out... awesome. Good. Great. Grand... Wonderful...

Oh and tunes... I got you an awesome tune to crank this year. So... here is soon to be your favorite new Christmas song... crank it up!!!! And stay thirsty friends...


Epic Book... Leaked...

I know I promised more in our series on The 3rd... but I just go this in my inbox... and was told to make this viral.

Oh yea... so we are starting to leak somethings... Yeah man... my entire book team are very good at what they do.

To your left is the first promotional thinger put out by my peeps. It's just perfect. I swear i didn't even do this one. My peeps are just that good. It's clean... colorful... brings the funk... random... and freaking awesome.

Hu hu hu hu hu huge #goodjoboutofyou Epic Book Team. They're earning their money.

Anyways... was told to give an update by my agent. So since I'm paying them... I might as do what they say. I mean. I've never sold or promoted books. They have. Alright. Update...

I have to share with you guys. This is an awesome experience. I mean. There's so much that goes into this... so much that I didn't even know I would discover about myself and this process. But it's brutal at the same time. It's me, a laptop... story boards.... sketches... maps... charts... notes from napkins, scratch paper... epic. You would think that I was the dude from Beautiful Mind the way my desk area looks at home... will have to get a picture of it posted soon.... only when my agent OKs it... can't out leak you own stuff before those kids on the internets do... right?

Wierd thing is the emotion that comes out on this. I mean... I'll be typing away... scribbling down stuff... then just bust out laughing.... then there will be something else... that'll get me all quiet... it's epic. And I know I say that everything is... but it just is. I mean... freaking awesome in the most serious way I can put it.

I've been talking to a lot of peeps about this project... close friends... like my tight friends... they think its hilarious... that I'm actually doing this. They've been giving me advice... ideas... and support... and asking if they will be in it? I'm like... oh hell yes you are... you know... unless you don't want to.

So yeah... the acknowledgement part of the book is gonna be huge. One of the things that keeps me up at night is that I might forget to give credit to these peeps... so I have a board for that as well... lots to keep track of.

Anyway. I'm off to a really good start. Content wise. I'm always worried if I'm explaining things right or if I sound completely dumb... but my Book Team tells me that's why they are there... they are really pushing me on this. And they can be real jerks... nah, just kidding... they are just pushing me to get r done... making sure I "put a full G$ into it" as one of my book peeps says. She's the one who is the slave driver... but good at what she does.

Oh and the pictures in this thing? Awesome... plus I've been diggin thru the archives... and there will be some orginal sketches... and of course... coloring pages. Of which I've been knocking those out as well. It's a ton of fun... grueling... but fun.

Alright... so far this week... the Very Best of the Buckinghams has been playing on my ghetto blater as I have been working on this... so how about another good one from... the Buckinghams?

Stay thirsty friends...


The 3rd...

Hey there, ho there QCI-ders... How's everyone? Awesome? Oui, tout le monde est génial... when you're a QCI-der, that is... because that's how we roll.

Anyways... lots and lots of chirping going on about the 3rd Congressional Republican Primary. And since this is something a few of us here at QCI HQ know a little about... we thought we'd chime in.... and this is part 1 of a series... so check this out... 'cause we got more coming...

CHIRP CHIRP - Like we said... peeps are talking... but we want you to take a look at what "Insane Shane" had over at Caffeinated... and C-Raig has to say over at the TIR. Both good reads on what's shaping up.
THE FIELD - You think Rs smell something? 5 candidates? We're channelling our inner "Count" on this one... "One! Two! Three! Four! Five Candidates! Wha hah hah ha!" Gotten a chance to meet a few of these guys... but I do know this. All are way better than GMLB. We got a good crew...
THE 3RD IS KEY - Yes, yes... I've said a few times... and I'll probably say it again as many times as I tell my stories... over and over and over... until... you can finish my sentences... yeah I get it... but, I will say it again... for the first time... in a long while... the 3rd Congressional District will decide Iowa for all races in 2010. Primaries... keys to victory... everything... That's what makes this race so much fun!
OK, WHY? Glad you asked... first in the primary... turn out will be high... All of the statewides are based out of the DeMo... right? K... then add 5 campaigns based in the DeMo who wanna be your congressman... yeah... huge. Second... GMLB is on the hit list... again. NRCC and crew will dump money and peeps here for the nominee. Combine that with a massive Victory effort with the Statewides... so yeah.
POLK COUNTY - Alright... I'm no super genius... for real... and you might even call me captain obvious on this... but Polk County is a slightly a battelground again... "No its not G$... solid lean D..." Call me Lee Corso, 'cause I'm sayin' not so fast my friends... here's why I think this... 1) look at the results of the council race... I know, I know. Low turn out... different demos.. yeah blah blah blah... but for some reason there's a tilt... 2) "So what G$, you're never gonna win Polk County," yeah... I know... I'm talking margins... The environment is right... and all we have to do is to lose under 10,000... then look out. 3) We have the tools to do it. With a few changes going on over at the Polk County GOP... I think you'll see better efforts... Not to say there was bad efforts before. I'm just saying... new crew, new stuff.
A COUGAR KILLED IN THE 3RD - Yeah... totally had to put this story in here somewhere... So yeah... a Cougar was killed in Iowa County (in the 3rd District)... here's all the deets. Notice the pic of the size comparison where a Busch Light can is used. Complete awesome.
SPEAKING OF THE OTHER 11 COUNTIES IN THE DISTRICT - Or should we call the rural counties... the Big Ten? The 3rd... is kind of a funny bird... (oh I can rhyme)... Look at the map... As far as rural Iowa goes... it's really diverse... As far north as Grundy County and south to Lucas and Monroe counties. Do I have to explain the cultural difference between Northern Iowa and Southern Iowa? Plus... you're basically East Central Iowa (the touches Linn and Johnson County... and Black Hawk...)... then you have a large Dutch population in the center of it (Marion and Mahaska)... yups... that IS diversity as far as rural Iowa goes... If you have ever traveled it... you know that there are very different aspects to each county and regions of the county... we'll get into it more... but this is what makes the 3rd kind of a bell weather... You got the DeMo (metro/urban)... then a pulse on rural Iowa (the other 11). An awesome mix... and why you will say... the 3rd will decide this thing.
3RD DISTRICT QUICK FACT - You can pretty much get anywhere in the district within an hour and a half. Which makes it perfect for campaigning. The curse of the 3rd? There's no reason why you shouldn't be able to hit multiple events in a day... which makes for a tired candidates and staff.

Oh how I am getting a little nostalgic now... *Sigh with a grin and good thoughts* let's do what we do best and kind of get off point... I'll have more on the 3rd tomorrow... But... since there are 5 of you running... and before we get to an awesome tune... here's a quick "Best of the 3rd District"... today's category? Festivals and Events...

POLK COUNTY - TIE - Festa Italiana and Beaverdale Fall Fest - Seriously... these are 2 great events that turn both the Southside and the Northside of Des Moines into a small town.
MAHASKA COUNTY - Oskaloosa Lighted Christmas Parade - I have participated in it many times... and made floats! It's actually a FUN parade (if there is one... *smirk*). I know there's others like it... but I think this is one the first ones. Great way to start your holiday season.
IOWA COUNTY - Anything going on in the Amanas - Yeah... they have tons of events... but all this means is... you get to score the family style meals... beyond epic.
MONROE COUNTY - Melrose 4th of July - The shortest parade in the district starts at St. Patrick's Parish... then goes for an entire... 3 blocks? Iowa's little Ireland is awesome... and the locals will absolutely show you a good time... be sure to ask for Jerry the Barber.
LUCAS COUNTY - Chariton Homecoming Parade - One of the cool school events in the 3rd... plus... if you get done in time... some of you supporters may take you to the Office.
BENTON COUNTY - Blairstown Sauerkraut Days - Um... the name kind of says it all. I mean a weekend in celebration of pickled cabbage.
KEOKUK COUNTY - Sigourney-Keota Football - Want to know where everyone is on Friday night? Yeah at the game... and Cobra Football isn't anything to hiss at... yeah... they're good.
MARION COUNTY - TIE - The Nationals and Tulip Time - Yeah... in Marion County you gotta have 2 things... one in Knoxville and one in Pella. The river splits them... its just the way it is. Anyways... Tulips and dutch letters... Sprint cars and cold ones.
JASPER COUNTY - Anything going on at the square in Newton - Yeah... there's a lot of events that go on on the square. One of my favs was their Hotdog night... epic.
GRUNDY COUNTY - TIE - Felix Grundy Days/County Fair - Both good parades... but the fair may get more points for the figure 8 races...
POWESHIEK COUNTY - Montezuma Lions Toy Show - This one is for selfish reasons... if you're a dude and grew up in small town Iowa... get ready to turn 6 years old.
TAMA COUNTY - The Gladbrook Corn Carnival - On your first visit to a Tama County Central Committee Meeting... Your first question won't be about issues... the economy, gay marriage, war on terror, taxes... or abortion... it will be... "Do you plan on going to the Corn Carnival? And will you be in the parade?" And yes... it is that awesome.

AND FINALLY... Speaking of Tama County... how about some Buckinghams? As in the town in North Tama County.... Buckingham... Oh man... crank up this classic QCI-ders... stay thirsty...


Urgh... Oh and I also root for a team who doesn't suck.

OK... a few things... *sigh*......

1. Of course the game wasn't a featured game yesterday... (huge surprise) but I'm a radio listener anyway. Usually its the weekend guy at KWKY that falls asleep... then does his Station IDs during a key point of the game... thus screwing up everything... nah... not this week...the syndications must have been messed up or something... because during the Chiefs broadcast... the Miami of Ohio men's basketball game was playing at the same time. Awesome... you wanna know what was better? No one gave a shit... it was like that for the entire game. Even the F-ing postgame show. You know... Chiefs Wrap? The show that keeps me off the ledge? I even called over to One Arrowhead Drive and politely explained what was going on... SMH.... For the first time ever... and it hurts to say it... #horriblejoboutofyou Chiefs Fox Football Radio Network... #terriblejoboutofyou

2. If the Chiefs don't get blacked out for the Browns game... I'm calling bullshit. Yes... and I'm a red and gold thru and thru guy... but when your running a buy 1 ticket to the Bills game and get a Browns one free? Yeah... they suck that bad. And probably deserve to get blacked out. If you are going to achieve greatness... you might as well completely bottom out.

3. Can we just get to the off season already? I cannot take the pain much longer...

But... it's all good... you know why?

Northwest Missouri State picked up it's 3rd national title! Woot!!! I can root for a team who doesn't completely suck. You know... we all have the Hawkeyes and stuff... but #goodjoboutofyou Bearcats!

Wish I was down at The Pub, The Palms or The Outback in Maryville, MO Saturday... all those joints had to be off the hook.

Congrats Coach Mel and crew... it took 5 times... but it's nice to get the 3rd.

(all photos completely ripped off from the Kansas City Star)


The Decembeard and Epic Book Update

Hey there QCI-ders... long time no talk.. Ne vous en faites pas. Cool? Thanks. Anyways... everyone all dug out?

How awesome are snow days? Pretty freaking awesome if you ask me. I mean... It's like an unexepected bonus. Like finding a $20 in a jacket... that you totally thought you scored a late night pizza with...

Anyways... we're getting the randomnous out of our the deep freeze... thawed out and ready to be deep fried. Deep fried with awesome.

Hit it...

THE DECEMBEARD - Yups... that's right... Ole G$ is taking another adventure in personal grooming... you all loved yourselves some mullet... now... embrace the Decembeard. That's right... the Decembeard. What started as not shaving the week of Thanksgiving is now turning into yet... another cultural phenom.... But... I gotta admit... this thing is more difficult than the mullet... I mean... the mullet just flowed with awesome...

I mean the Decembeard is just as awesome... its just... itchy as hell... and takes a little more patience. Plus... never really done the beard before. I mean... I've done the whole mean ass facial hair thing... Goatee here... handle bars there... but this is the whole face... well... I would say for you South Hammies reading... very Lovell-ish... Minus the glasses... and just as awesome as everyones favorite art teacher. Also... the Decembeard... not so full right now... of which I'm reminded by my hairball younger brother... the Decembeard will look great once I hit puberty... nice... jerk...

Anyways... only growing this for the holiday season... Is the Decembeard the new Mullet? Hmmm... Oh, and to all the haters out there? The more you mock it... the more awesome it becomes... of which is an entire chapter in my book... I'm Sorry... I'm Sorry I'm Awesome.

POLITICAL ROUND UP - Yups... The Gibbons peeps have some ideas on tax holidays. Good stuff. Good ideas. TEB is touring... per the tweets. The Fix says Culver is in deep political "doo doo"... I know its the news and all... but just say it... alright? Just say the damn word... "Doo Doo" is as bad as calling it "poo". SMH. Again... that is another chapter in the new EPIC BOOK...

EPIC BOOK UPDATE - Yeah... so we've been chriping a lot about this... and that's what awesome snow days are all about... We knocked out a ton of hella content. Minus the fact that I can't write in complete sentences... or spell for that matter... its still turning out to be... you knew it... epic. I've been given permission to say this about the Epic Book by my peeps... actually my agent said, "Wow... what the hell goes on in your head? All I can say is.. Welcome to G$ Land... Epic." I know!!! Even my agent thinks this is gonna be epic! And I haven't gotten to the coloring pages!! Anyway. Great progress this week... and I'm feeling really good.

IOWA/IOWA STATE TONIGHT - Yeah... I'll say Go Hawks... but I don't think it's gonna help much. Hope Coach Lick gets well soon tho...


"So and so... my christmas tree looks more like a fat over grown shrub. no matter how i turn it, its still crooked. its still fat. its still my christmas bush. i dont know whether to decorate it, or set it on fire."

QCI-ders... all of these statuses are indeed real... I cannot make this stuff up.

AND FINALLY... Oh yeah... HT to Isaiah McGee who tweeted about this. Yeah man... while I am digging my car out of the drift in Sherman Hill... totally thinking this... PLUS!!! Notice Sly's awesome Decembeard... Plus, I can totally envison a video montage of me digging out the hoopty in the hood... while some pretty boy West Des Moiner is having some poor sap clean his joint out with their association dues...

Oh and how could I post that vid... and not this one? Child please... I know my stuff... that's like havin' Harold Melvin without the Blue Notes... you'll never go platinum.... Crank this too!!!


Blizzard Blogger Radio!

OK QCI-ders... I know you all are either heading home... or at home... So... before the cabin fever really hits you... I've got something to do while you're scarfing down some snacks... maybe a warm cup of beverage... The editor of the World's Crappiest Blog is going to be on the radio!

I know... epic.

Going live on the internets today with our main man Arty Art Smith's The Conservative Reader Report. 3:00-4:00 for a round table... tune into http://www.macsworldlive.com/ and check us out!

I'll probably do some live tweets of the whole experience. And I may even bring the now infamous QCI Cheese Ball Question Bucket...

Anyhoop I think there's a chat thinger on the live feed... feel free to Tex Mex me your insights... tweet your reaction... AND you can call in! How awesome is that!!! If you're in the DeMo... call (515) 327-1007... or if you're keeping rural and statewide... call (888) 327-1007

Alright... cool. See you all there at 3pm today.... but until then... stay thirsty friends!


QCI Update with Special Correspondent, Harrison Young

Alright QCI-ders... today is really kinda slow... news wise... 3 campaigns sent me updates... but everyone else is covering that... so... I figured I'd see if my nephew Harrison would help out with today's update... Good news! He agreed! Basically... He's gonna do his H Man thing... Now... my nephew lives down in the KC area... so... he really doesn't follow the Iowa stuff... well... unless its updates from Grandma/pa, Auntie April and Uncle G... he justs hangs out being awesome... So... here's a quick update from the H Man to brighten your day... Take it away H Man!

Hey everyone, I'm Harrison. Uncle G$ asked me to do a quick update for you... but I don't know much about this political stuff... but I know about other stuff...

I mean I'm a Republican and all... but I can't vote... can't really make calls for candidates... and I'm just starting to walk... so going door to door is out for me... so I just do what I do best... Being awesome... Just like Uncle G$... Wait a minute...

OH NOES! I've been doing this update and I've had drool all over my shirt the entire time!?!?! OH NOES!! How embarrassing!

Oh... I know. It's OK... other than being really good at being awesome... I'm really really good at drooling.

Trust me! I'm an expert at this stuff!

OK... I can hear my sister Ainsley down the hall... so I gotta get going... but before I roll... I thought you might like some tunes! Here's one of Uncle G$'s favorites! Stay thirsty and keep on drooling friends! Crank it!


Elections, Awesome and Echo... Eh Eh Co...

Turning out to be junkie week QCI-ders... here's a few more things... because I know you're jonesing for some more randomnous.

CITY RUN OFFS - QCI high fives to Halley Greiss and crew. Hu hu hu hu huge upset. After chatting with a few peeps... there's definitely some anti incumbent feel to some of the results statewide. Peeps here at QCI HQ are smellin some momentum. Lots of work to... stay tuned.
CONGRESS ANNOUNCEMENT TIME - Alright... so out in the 2nd... 3M is out of the gate... but since they ain't doing blogger outreach... we have a question that peeps might be able to helps us outs... Did we saw via FB that Barbara Grassley was out with her yesterday... Is this an endorsement? Wouldn't know... but sure looked like it. Also... Brad Zaun is announcing... at his old hardware store... Thursday... 10am... See? You sends me's these stuffs... we's posts its.
MORE PEEPS IN? More and more peeps are jumping in these races. Makes it more easy to chirp about...
THERE'S OTHER BOOKS ABOUT BEING AWESOME? Wha?? Seems that my crack PR staff is starting to find some competition in the "awesome" book genre... but is it epic? Ummm... don't think so. But we disagree with the title of the book above that was found by my agent. Basically... being awesome... is a lifestyle... much like the mullet. I mean... I guess you could practice being awesome... but... that's like practicing livin'. But... all will come out in my book, I'm Sorry... I'm Sorry That I'm Awesome. Of which we made some progress in the project. Can't tell you now... (but, man I wish I could)... but that's why I pay my peeps the big bucks. I have never written a book before... and these peeps are smart about that. Also, they can spell and make complete sentences... how cool are they?? Yeah... awesome.


"So and so... I'm updating my status to state that I ate lunch at Tasty Taco solely so I can "Like" my own status. Because, it. is. that. good."

Yes. Yes! YES! YES!!!

AND FINALLY... because... we just straight chillin' here at HQ... so... crank the smoothness of Gorilla Zoe... Stay thirsty friends....


Drama, Hoodie and More Drama

Kind of a hodge podge of stuff going on today, QCI-ders... kind of a wierd day... wierd being... good wierd... but... we're just wierd on our own... If you are a political junkie... love drama... and football... today is your day ERR week... Hit it...

FONG OUT - The first buzz of the day is... Christian Fong has suspended his campaign... thus, he is no longer running. This guy actually had staff and campaign swag... some sort of volunteer base... Unlike others in the race. That being said, who will be next one to drop out?
HOODIE? STILL THERE? Holy smokes QCI-ders... you see MNF last night. *jaw drops* Whoah... Does this loss mean the beginning of the end of the best Boston sports decade ever? And do the Aints ERR Saints gotta shot at going undefeated? Indy for that matter? Call me Bob Griese because I'm not sold yet... NOLA has a complete month to deal with this... and Indy has no easy road... the red hot Titans and Jax are on the sched... But NOLA does seem to have the easier path... but when you are saving players and watching injuries for a month... are they the same team that whooped up on the hoodie last night? Anyhoop... here's a small portion of Saints humor from SCH...
MORE FONG - Now... there is a little chatter out there about his future ambitions. I'd say its way to early to start chirping... but... then again this is politics. Also... there's chirping about different tickets... nah... way, way too early to start that bit... plus, in all due respect to Fong, he's really new... not sure adding him to the ticket gets you to 35%... I mean if he did... he'd still be in... Will he someday have that street cred? I'm certain this isn't the last time we hear from this guy... stay tuned.
SWIFT BOAT WHAT? Yeah... the peeps over at the Iowa Progress Project gotta be feeling giddy today... The IDP says their new ad is was put out by the same folks who swift boated John Kerry. And now have an online thinger... to stand up with the Big Lug. That's it?
3RD DISTRICT UPGRADED - CQ has upgraded the race... We said it yesterday... but we'll say it again... the 3rd is gonna decide the primary up and down the ticket... Stay glued to this one...
CHARLIE AND BOBBY - Wait a minute... isn't that the name of an episode of Dallas? Anyways... sounds like Stoops is the front runner at Notre Dame... and Bowden ends the long run in Tallahassee. Question is... and it will be happening soon... when does the discussion begin with JoePa? 2? 3 years?
JAMISON IN - One of our favorite County Electeds and loyal QCI-der, Dave Jamison, is running for State Treasurer... officially. Man... there's lots of peeps stepping up to run lately... who's next? Makes for a great cycle...
WANT TO KNOW HOW LOW HAWKEYE BASKETBALL IS? Um... Yeah... per a tweet from the UI Athletic Office... Students can get into tonights game... for free... just by showing your student ID... um... tonight's game is a part of the Big Ten/ACC Challenge... versus Virginia Tech... Wow... I mean double wow... I had student season tickets back in the day. Dr. Tom era... and they weren't free... wow... Is this as low as it gets? Holy smokes... how do the kids who actually bought their seats in the Hawks Nest feel? You know... all 3 of them?
CULVER HITS STATE HOUSE GOPs ON NO BUDGET PLAN? You can call Josie Albrecht... Josie Ocho Cinco... because her response today says... "Child please, Governor. C'mon son, check yo email! Your budget told taxpayer dollars to kiss the baby..." THEN....
LUG CM QUITS - As if your day of drama don't stop... Culver's campaign manager resigns... whoah... what's gonna happen next?
ANYTHING ELSE? Buckle up QCI-ders... I have a pretty good feeling that things will begin to heat up a little more...
Don't forget to vote in city run offs today...
Stay thirsty friends....