So... over the break... not so much on breaking news... but we are sure there will be once 2010 gets here... so... we thought we'd get to work on a couple projects before the year/decade ends.
So here's a few updates and things we are working on to wrap up the year... and other randomnous...
YEAR IN REVIEW POST - Yups... we'll wrap up the year that was... here at QCI. Was a decent year... decent stuff... and we actually posted more than we thought we would. I review 2009... according to QCI.
DECADE IN REVIEW POST - I didn't think about it as much... until it hit me like a brick to the face with a trip down memory lane... then... it was an epic epiphany... to review this decade... 2000-2009... It was the decade I spent in politics. So freaking crazy. I can't even believe that... and I know some of my most loyal readers won't either... can you believe this? I've met so many great people over the past ten years...
It's wierd/cool/reflective... and freaking insane to think where me and a few other buddies of mine were about 10 years ago. Insane... so... be on the look out for the Decade in Review post...
Wow... I can't believe it's been that long. So freaking crazy. Oh.... it means I'm old too. SMH. We'll dig up some stuff from the decade that was... and the other stuff.... will end up in the #epicbook.
CHILD PLEASE, THE CHIEFS - Urgh... only one more game to go... then off season moves.
SPEAKING OF THE CHIEFS AND EPIC BOOKS - Dudes... scored the recently released Dick Vermeil biography for Christmas. It is totally off the hook. Can't get enough of it. I know that I said that is was a tie between Vermeil, Stram and Schottenheimer as my favorite Chiefs coaches... but... Vermeil is taking the lead now. No that we have began working on our "Decade Post" and reading this book... I guess I always kind thought I did things in a Vermeil way... It's wierd to explain... and no, not that I cry at every press conference... Just wearing your heart on your sleeve, believing and caring in others... always learning... and ready to go to battle with his players and colleagues... who knows... maybe I'm no where near that... probably not at all. But hey, not a bad guy to try to be like.... right? Anyway... great book. Plus you get a bonus 1977 Philly Eagles Conditioning Manual written by Vermeil. When I read that... my head exploded. In effing sane.
Alright... more to come this week. Stay thirsty... Oh and I know I have posted this before... but speaking of Dick Vermeil... here is the best YouTube I can find on this guy... Awesome... and crank it!