Anyways... lots and lots of chirping going on about the 3rd Congressional Republican Primary. And since this is something a few of us here at QCI HQ know a little about... we thought we'd chime in.... and this is part 1 of a series... so check this out... 'cause we got more coming...
CHIRP CHIRP - Like we said... peeps are talking... but we want you to take a look at what "Insane Shane" had over at Caffeinated... and C-Raig has to say over at the TIR. Both good reads on what's shaping up.
THE FIELD - You think Rs smell something? 5 candidates? We're channelling our inner "Count" on this one... "One! Two! Three! Four! Five Candidates! Wha hah hah ha!" Gotten a chance to meet a few of these guys... but I do know this. All are way better than GMLB. We got a good crew...
THE 3RD IS KEY - Yes, yes... I've said a few times... and I'll probably say it again as many times as I tell my stories... over and over and over... until... you can finish my sentences... yeah I get it... but, I will say it again... for the first time... in a long while... the 3rd Congressional District will decide Iowa for all races in 2010. Primaries... keys to victory... everything... That's what makes this race so much fun!
OK, WHY? Glad you asked... first in the primary... turn out will be high... All of the statewides are based out of the DeMo... right? K... then add 5 campaigns based in the DeMo who wanna be your congressman... yeah... huge. Second... GMLB is on the hit list... again. NRCC and crew will dump money and peeps here for the nominee. Combine that with a massive Victory effort with the Statewides... so yeah.
POLK COUNTY - Alright... I'm no super genius... for real... and you might even call me captain obvious on this... but Polk County is a slightly a battelground again... "No its not G$... solid lean D..." Call me Lee Corso, 'cause I'm sayin' not so fast my friends... here's why I think this... 1) look at the results of the council race... I know, I know. Low turn out... different demos.. yeah blah blah blah... but for some reason there's a tilt... 2) "So what G$, you're never gonna win Polk County," yeah... I know... I'm talking margins... The environment is right... and all we have to do is to lose under 10,000... then look out. 3) We have the tools to do it. With a few changes going on over at the Polk County GOP... I think you'll see better efforts... Not to say there was bad efforts before. I'm just saying... new crew, new stuff.
A COUGAR KILLED IN THE 3RD - Yeah... totally had to put this story in here somewhere... So yeah... a Cougar was killed in Iowa County (in the 3rd District)... here's all the deets. Notice the pic of the size comparison where a Busch Light can is used. Complete awesome.
SPEAKING OF THE OTHER 11 COUNTIES IN THE DISTRICT - Or should we call the rural counties... the Big Ten? The 3rd... is kind of a funny bird... (oh I can rhyme)... Look at the map... As far as rural Iowa goes... it's really diverse... As far north as Grundy County and south to Lucas and Monroe counties. Do I have to explain the cultural difference between Northern Iowa and Southern Iowa? Plus... you're basically East Central Iowa (the touches Linn and Johnson County... and Black Hawk...)... then you have a large Dutch population in the center of it (Marion and Mahaska)... yups... that IS diversity as far as rural Iowa goes... If you have ever traveled it... you know that there are very different aspects to each county and regions of the county... we'll get into it more... but this is what makes the 3rd kind of a bell weather... You got the DeMo (metro/urban)... then a pulse on rural Iowa (the other 11). An awesome mix... and why you will say... the 3rd will decide this thing.
3RD DISTRICT QUICK FACT - You can pretty much get anywhere in the district within an hour and a half. Which makes it perfect for campaigning. The curse of the 3rd? There's no reason why you shouldn't be able to hit multiple events in a day... which makes for a tired candidates and staff.
Oh how I am getting a little nostalgic now... *Sigh with a grin and good thoughts* let's do what we do best and kind of get off point... I'll have more on the 3rd tomorrow... But... since there are 5 of you running... and before we get to an awesome tune... here's a quick "Best of the 3rd District"... today's category? Festivals and Events...
POLK COUNTY - TIE - Festa Italiana and Beaverdale Fall Fest - Seriously... these are 2 great events that turn both the Southside and the Northside of Des Moines into a small town.
MAHASKA COUNTY - Oskaloosa Lighted Christmas Parade - I have participated in it many times... and made floats! It's actually a FUN parade (if there is one... *smirk*). I know there's others like it... but I think this is one the first ones. Great way to start your holiday season.
IOWA COUNTY - Anything going on in the Amanas - Yeah... they have tons of events... but all this means is... you get to score the family style meals... beyond epic.
MONROE COUNTY - Melrose 4th of July - The shortest parade in the district starts at St. Patrick's Parish... then goes for an entire... 3 blocks? Iowa's little Ireland is awesome... and the locals will absolutely show you a good time... be sure to ask for Jerry the Barber.
LUCAS COUNTY - Chariton Homecoming Parade - One of the cool school events in the 3rd... plus... if you get done in time... some of you supporters may take you to the Office.
BENTON COUNTY - Blairstown Sauerkraut Days - Um... the name kind of says it all. I mean a weekend in celebration of pickled cabbage.
KEOKUK COUNTY - Sigourney-Keota Football - Want to know where everyone is on Friday night? Yeah at the game... and Cobra Football isn't anything to hiss at... yeah... they're good.
MARION COUNTY - TIE - The Nationals and Tulip Time - Yeah... in Marion County you gotta have 2 things... one in Knoxville and one in Pella. The river splits them... its just the way it is. Anyways... Tulips and dutch letters... Sprint cars and cold ones.
JASPER COUNTY - Anything going on at the square in Newton - Yeah... there's a lot of events that go on on the square. One of my favs was their Hotdog night... epic.
GRUNDY COUNTY - TIE - Felix Grundy Days/County Fair - Both good parades... but the fair may get more points for the figure 8 races...
POWESHIEK COUNTY - Montezuma Lions Toy Show - This one is for selfish reasons... if you're a dude and grew up in small town Iowa... get ready to turn 6 years old.
TAMA COUNTY - The Gladbrook Corn Carnival - On your first visit to a Tama County Central Committee Meeting... Your first question won't be about issues... the economy, gay marriage, war on terror, taxes... or abortion... it will be... "Do you plan on going to the Corn Carnival? And will you be in the parade?" And yes... it is that awesome.
AND FINALLY... Speaking of Tama County... how about some Buckinghams? As in the town in North Tama County.... Buckingham... Oh man... crank up this classic QCI-ders... stay thirsty...