I know I promised more in our series on The 3rd... but I just go this in my inbox... and was told to make this viral.
Oh yea... so we are starting to leak somethings... Yeah man... my entire book team are very good at what they do.
To your left is the first promotional thinger put out by my peeps. It's just perfect. I swear i didn't even do this one. My peeps are just that good. It's clean... colorful... brings the funk... random... and freaking awesome.
Hu hu hu hu hu huge #goodjoboutofyou Epic Book Team. They're earning their money.
Anyways... was told to give an update by my agent. So since I'm paying them... I might as do what they say. I mean. I've never sold or promoted books. They have. Alright. Update...
I have to share with you guys. This is an awesome experience. I mean. There's so much that goes into this... so much that I didn't even know I would discover about myself and this process. But it's brutal at the same time. It's me, a laptop... story boards.... sketches... maps... charts... notes from napkins, scratch paper... epic. You would think that I was the dude from Beautiful Mind the way my desk area looks at home... will have to get a picture of it posted soon.... only when my agent OKs it... can't out leak you own stuff before those kids on the internets do... right?
Wierd thing is the emotion that comes out on this. I mean... I'll be typing away... scribbling down stuff... then just bust out laughing.... then there will be something else... that'll get me all quiet... it's epic. And I know I say that everything is... but it just is. I mean... freaking awesome in the most serious way I can put it.
I've been talking to a lot of peeps about this project... close friends... like my tight friends... they think its hilarious... that I'm actually doing this. They've been giving me advice... ideas... and support... and asking if they will be in it? I'm like... oh hell yes you are... you know... unless you don't want to.
So yeah... the acknowledgement part of the book is gonna be huge. One of the things that keeps me up at night is that I might forget to give credit to these peeps... so I have a board for that as well... lots to keep track of.
Anyway. I'm off to a really good start. Content wise. I'm always worried if I'm explaining things right or if I sound completely dumb... but my Book Team tells me that's why they are there... they are really pushing me on this. And they can be real jerks... nah, just kidding... they are just pushing me to get r done... making sure I "put a full G$ into it" as one of my book peeps says. She's the one who is the slave driver... but good at what she does.
Oh and the pictures in this thing? Awesome... plus I've been diggin thru the archives... and there will be some orginal sketches... and of course... coloring pages. Of which I've been knocking those out as well. It's a ton of fun... grueling... but fun.
Alright... so far this week... the Very Best of the Buckinghams has been playing on my ghetto blater as I have been working on this... so how about another good one from... the Buckinghams?
Stay thirsty friends...